2.2. Theistic Evolution and the “Anthropic Thermodynamic” Principle For Russell, the broadened notion of contingency based on creatio ex nihilo makes metaphysical room for theology to speak of the creative presence of God in the beginning of the fine-tuned universe and in the development of the self-organizing universe through the 2nd law of thermodynamics within the context of contemporary quantum cosmology. Those categories of contingency based on creatio ex nihilo and creatio continua also enable theology to speak of God’s objectively creative presence in the course of biological evolution and the emergence of consciousness. While God sustains regularities after creating their first instantiations (FINLONs) ex nihilo in both unmediated…
Essay Structure For the statement to be evaluated: William Paley’s Watchmaker Argument St. Thomas Aquinas’ Fifth Way The Anthropic Principle (including Richard Swinburne’s Anthropic Coincidences) Graham Priests Version Against the statement to be evaluated: Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution David Hume’s Criticisms Richard Dawkins Introduction For my E.P.Q, I decided to base it on a question which has enamored the world for the entirety of its existence. “Does God exist?”. I will be…
calibrated parameters, which is the “fine-tuned part”. Do you really think that everything on this earth happened by chance? Of course not, there is cosmological term called “anthropic principle” that states the belief that all of the factors that were put together to be able to sustain the type of life form that exists is basically impossible to have happened by chance. For example, If the initial explosion of the big bang had been stronger or weaker by as little as 1 part in 10 to the 60th…
earth is warm enough to keep water a liquid to sustain all life, but cool enough that life is not destroyed. In addition to the flawlessness of God’s creation is the earth’s atmosphere. There would not be enough oxygen for human life if there were only a few percent less, and only a few percent more would mean all plant life would cease to exist. Dr. Newman ties up all ends by discussing different viewpoints and speculations of how this magnificent universe came to be. Ignoring all…
senses to argue the existence of God. The argument is based on an interpretation of teleology in which purpose or telos appear to exist in nature. The teleological argument suggests that, given this premise, the existence of a designer can be assumed, typically presented as God. Because the design argument needs and looks for the evidence to prove the existence of God, by saying ‘God exists’ it’s a synthetic statement. Furthermore for empiricists, the existence of God is said to be factually…
Because God always existed in reality and understanding, created the universe and things in the universe, God is also the Intelligent Designer (will use Creator as a shorter term). If something exists, it has an intended purpose because it was created by God, who neither requires or needs a purpose to exist nor to have a purpose for things to exist. All things that exist or will exist in the universe were created by God for a puipose. Whether a specific or undefined purpose is irrelevant to…
When it comes to understanding the universe, everyone has a different perspective or belief. Since the universe is such a massive complex object, does that mean there needs to be some sort of creator to put this universe into existence? Paley and Michael Behe share similar views whereas; Descartes point of view is entirely different. Paley believes that the universe has been produced by a creator that is why it functions the way it does today. Behe believes something very similar to Paley; He…
the appropriate information. “Organization can make the It is very common around the world that many providers always make a mistake when they prescribe drugs. I believe this is occurring again and again due to the design of the system that they are using. Using the principles of usability would prevent such errors in the future. “Usability is one of the most important factor hindering widespread adoption of EMRs”. ( Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2009) The key principles…
The Six Principles of Persuasion. “Persuasion is the act or process of presenting arguments to move, motivate, or change the audience” [1] There are six known principles of persuasion, as follows: 1 – Principle of Reciprocity: is the idea of giving back, being kind, and the same time expecting to cause an effect that will reciprocate the same action back. An example is when a waitress smile a lot, act pleasantly when helping customer, mostly likely she would get a better tip, as a…
Nowadays, Benevolence is not a word used often, or maybe even at all. But there are still examples of what it means to be benevolent every day around us through different people and acts of kindness every day. And yes, even if most people can not spell it, it is still very important to use on a daily basis. However, even if one is benevolent that does not mean it is okay to act in a ‘better than thou’ or in any way all high and mighty in any way. Acting in such a manner is the complete opposite…