Incivility is everywhere. It is commonly visible in everyday conversations, in debates, and online. With online incivility, anonymity is often targeted as the reason why there is online incivility. Both online incivility and anonymity encompass arguments that are for and against keeping them or banning them. Those who advocate for anonymity, such as Cornell Clayton, believe that anonymity provides a voice for the minority group against the majority majority and to protect individuals’ privacy. The argument against anonymity claim that anonymity either trigger a discussion not worth expanding on or it fuels comments that have no contribution to the discussion. Although there are negative aspects in anonymity, this poses a question if anonymity…
Anonymous speech can be honest, but it can also be hate-filled, inaccurate, and offensive. One of the places to find the most offensive online comments is in the comment section of news articles. In these sections commenters can post offensive content anonymously or under a pseudonym. This anonymity allows the commenter to protect themselves. Their identity is not linked to the offensive content, and the commenter is protected from any social or public backlash. These comments are attached to…
People should not be allowed to be anonymous while they are online. It is unsafe and unfair for all other people who are using the internet. Anonymity online can be very dangerous for users who are unaware that people can push their agendas and commit criminal acts without fear of being identified. If people are allowed to be online without identifying themselves, then they will be able to do and say anything without being held responsible. Criminals will be able to commit cyber crimes without…
to span the smallest area possible. Suddenly, there it is in text- attacking your character and reputation- all in 160 characters. Tapped and posted like it is no big deal. There are three opposing forces in this situation- the victim, the oppressor, and the dark force taking the form of online anonymity. With the era of the Internet of Things, anonymity is used for practical issues ranging from banking and healthcare to…
Anonymity The prospect of near-complete anonymity in financial transactions has been a much-lauded feature of the Bitcoin. This praise typically originates from those who support anti-government, and libertarian views of the financial system and Internet commerce. Those with more moderate views see that utility exists in a financial system that provides a level of anonymity for those operating within it, but it is understood that the funding of undesirable behaviors must be limited and some…
Usage of Anonymity The purpose of using anonymity is to be unknown and this notion has been around even before the Internet was born. [5] The most functional usage of anonymity in society is to help conceal the speaker’s personal identity when he or she speaks out the truth or evidence against big organizations including a corrupt government. Speaking out these truths openly could endanger one 's life, therefore, anonymity has been used as a safe way to expose the immoral conduct of others…
Anonymity as a Necessary Evil The Internet is filled with people that cannot be normally identified. They are essentially disembodied voices that speak when not spoken to and provide opinion even when they do not have a valid one to present, Anonymity is a necessary evil as it allows people to freely express opinion without retaliation, allows people to share information, and for the preservation of personal freedom. The United States guarantees a right to the freedom of speech. This means…
In research, integrity plays a major role in all phases of research. Researchers must strictly adhere to all of the guidelines that have been set forth. Privacy in research refers to the rights research participants have knowing that they don’t have to worry about their rights being intruded upon or their information whether physical, behavioral, or intellectual is violated. Research participants decide what information to share and what information to keep private (Jones, 2012). Anonymity…
Anonymity is something that affects everyone on social media, weather they are aware of it or not. Anonymity can be used as an outlet for people to vent out their frustration in a safe place and say whatever they want without being judged, but anonymity can also be used to threaten or harass other people without any consequences. People act differently online than they would in real life because they have some form of anonymity that changes the way they People think that they can get away…
writing a letter to your best friend you are going to write the letter keeping that particular person in mind. On the other hand, if you were writing the same letter to your mom it would be written differently because your attitude has changed due to the change in your target audience. Being able to reach that target audience can be tough because you have to relate information to them in a way where they agree with your points. A writer named Julie Zhuo wrote an article for the New York Times…