Hillary Stahl ELE 221 September 7th, 2014 Journal Article Analyzing Teachers' Dispositions towards Diversity: Using Adult Development Theory The authors of this article explain the effect dispositions of teachers on cultural diversity and how it strongly impacts student learning and development. (Collinson, 1999, Combs, Newman, and Wass, 1974) In the article they ask why some teachers demonstrate cultural sensitivity while others were stuck in the stereotypes, denying diversity issues in the classroom. The authors research looked at various approaches and strategies to find out where a persons dispositions stem from. Such as using the Likert-scale questionnaire, observations, interviews, and rubrics . The authors main focus of the article is…
qualitative research methods are used in leadership in school administration to analyze the opinions and perceptions of educators. Quantitative research methods clarify understanding through experimentation or survey to measure the relationships between variables (Creswell, 2014). Quantitative educational research methods document effectiveness of standards based practices in educational administration. Quantitative research methods are good for determining the relationships between theory,…
(2011) completed a second-order meta-analysis and validation study that reviewed the impact of technology on learning. This study encompassed 25 meta-analyses and 1,055 primary studies, which included 109,700 participants. The researchers compared traditional classrooms without technology to classrooms that are technology enhanced. The synthesis revealed a small to reasonable effect size favoring the utilization of technology. The analysis exposed that computer technology that aides in…
Self-review or internal evaluation enables early childhood services to evaluate and improve practice. It is undertaken to identify and address areas of improvement, understand the whats, whys and hows of the processes involved in practice and to advance goals in a learning community (Education Review Office [ERO], 2016a). With the help of self-review, it is possible to transform practices for the benefit of children’s learning and development. The early childhood curriculum, Te Whaariki,…
study on the female stipend programme in Bangladesh is also shows lower performance of programme participant girls. However, there is no study to explore effects of the PESP on improvement in quality education. Understanding effects of the PESP on classroom teaching and learning process is an uncharted area in Bangladesh. It is a commonsense knowledge that the programme is crowding the classroom but how the whole PESP implementation process affect the school management and operation process and…
Given man’s cognitive development and technological advances, there is one common theme in our history – killing. Marylyn Manson’s article Columbine: Whose Fault Is It? - sets the blame on our killing one another, squarely on all of us as a whole. In an effort to cast a spotlight on the human essence of killing, his analysis spans millennia where he postulates that we are inherently wired for killing and that killing is further fostered throughout the course of our lives. He implies that nature…
For Mahmood’s informants, al-ḥayā’ is mandatory to achieving piety and is perfected through bodily acts including wearing the veil and adopting an inward disposition i.e. silent and submissive. What is first important to understand is that in Egyptian society liberal and traditional values are equally compelling and contradictory. As Mahmood points out, virtues like modesty and obedience have lessened in value in modern times. Mahmood elucidates on this point through a story about Abir and Jamel…
hopefully show LGBTQ youth that professional school counselors are not just implementing strategies, but also advocating for them and teaching them empowerment…
Reflection and analysis on the project "working together" through Reggio approach Introduction The Reggio Emilia approach is one of the most advanced, innovative, distinctive, coherent, and high quality infant-toddler and preschool approaches in the world. This approach is founded on a evolving set of perspectives such as progressive education, constructivist psychologies, and postwar left-reform politics. It believes that as educators, we should listen to children's needs and there is a…
Although, a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the definition of the word dharam or dharma is not within the scope of this work, a brief exploration of the meaning of this word, in conjunction with the meaning of Islam and the Arabic word for religion, dīn, is fitting and…