as the epic hero Odysseus endures countless trials and obstacles which hinder his journey, while today I am battling my own “monsters” and overcoming obstacles while living in the 21st century. Throughout my life, I have encountered many obstacles that compelled me to give up, as it required much endurance to remain positive and continue through my journey. Likewise, Odysseus withstands an infinite amount of obstacles throughout his journey to return to Ithaca, and he does not concede to these hardships, even as he fights for the lives of his men along with his own. To be considered an epic hero, a number of personality traits are required that one must exhibit, and Odysseus unquestionably displays them all. A few of these traits include persistence, intellect, and resourcefulness, all of which I have exhibited in my life, even though Odysseus’ may seem more apparent, they are all traits I see in myself as well. However, neither Odysseus nor I would have been able to affirm any of these traits without the help of outside influences, no matter to what extent,…
accessories to the male hero’s narrative. Dido, queen of Carthage, from the Aeneid is the best example of such. After losing the Trojan war, Trojan prince Aeneas embarks on a journey to find a new home, in Italy. After a few mishaps, Aeneas and his men end up in Carthage, where Aeneas meets Dido. Dido recounts how her husband was murdered, and she had to flee from her home, and is now building an empire in Carthage. Through Venus’ interference, Dido falls intensely in love with Aeneas, and…
traditional values of focalizing a member of the aristocracy position whilst Oh Brother questions the political climate of the Great Depression. Foreground characters used in Homeric poetry are aristocrats, which means the “rule of the best,” which suggests that the Odyssey was created at the end of the Dark Age (c. 1200-750 BCE.) This explains why Odysseus is characterized shaped by Homeric conceptions of what is a heroic archetype such as being born into nobility, being wealthy, natural…
Women of the Odyssey Throughout the Odyssey women are viewed in a myriad of ways; however, a common thread is woven into the epic. Women are seen as subordinate to men. Goddesses obey the gods, and mortal women kneel before their male counterparts. Suffering places itself upon women who disobey men. Females who allow men to control them are regarded with higher esteem than those who transgress the beliefs of men. At a glance it may appear that women are inferior to men; however, with deeper…