King Leopold's Conquering and Exploitation of the Congo Adam Hochschild vividly tells the story of how King Leopold conquered and exploited the Congo in the novel King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa. The book is written in third person telling the story from the time Henry Morton Stanley was born to time of Congo claiming their independence. Hochschild discusses the horrific things that happened in Congo at the hands of King Leopold and how Henry Morton Stanley played a role in King Leopold being able to conquer the Congo in the first place. Henry Morton Stanley was born as John Rowlands in Denbigh, Wales on January 28, 1841. He never knew his father and he was abandoned by his mother and relatives and ended up working as a butcher's delivery boy. Stanley ended up in New Orleans where he changed his name…
In the case of the CFS this argument is valid, to a point. The legal system enacted in the CFS not only took away the rights of the Congolese it also subjected them to cruel and inhumane conditions. As an example of the legalized cruelty, forced labour was considered as a form of currency to pay taxes. A body of white officials operated as bureaucrats, who also handed their own orders down the chain of command. As a matter of fact King Leopold II himself condoned the use of violence or terror. …
When it comes to historical events, the happiest are remembered and celebrated while the worst are often forgotten and ignored. The events that have shaped society have not been the pleasant ones but they are the painful, horrendous, and bloody disasters. One such disaster was the exploitation of the Congo by King Leopold II of Belgium in the late 1800s and 1900s. In colonial Africa, the people of the Congo were subjected to personal greed, terror, and a few acts of heroism from specific…
Arlie R. Hochschild introduced the term in The Managed Heart, published in 1983. Her book is probably the most quoted work with regards to service work and emotional labour. Since then her work has been used widely in fields from psychology, organizational behaviour, law, nursing, business and public administration to the social sciences in general and sociology in particular. This introduction is to briefly review Hochschild’s ideas. Growing up as the child of diplomats, Hochschild often had…
emotional labour which was introduced by Hochschild (1983). The concept of emotional labour has many aspects to it such as surface acting, deep acting, intensity of emotional display, the duration of emotional display, range of emotional display, automatic emotion regulation and many more. Their effects on an employee’s work satisfaction, their self-esteem and psychological well-being (Zapf 2002) are also well documented. How an employee deals with these factors has an influence on the outcomes…
Naturalism unlike realism adopts more a philosophical position and holds man responsible for his actions and negates divine interventions. Naturalism considers human beings to be determined by their heredity and environment. The individual is at the mercy of determining social and economic forces. Each human being is determined by heredity and environment and "subject to the social and economic forces in the family, the class, and the milieu into which that person is born" (Abrams 153).…
order to construct a positive atmosphere in which social interaction occurs. In some cases, the process of social interaction and the emotional style of delivering a particular service are becoming more important than the service itself, therefore some businesses create and maintain competitive advantage based on service provision (Huczynski and Buchanan, 2013). Emotional labour was first defined by Hochschild (1983 in Huczynski and Buchanan, 2013, p.747) as the “management of employees’…
The article examined in the paper is “Linking Emotional Dissonance and Service Climate to Well-Being at Work: A Cross-Level Analysis.” As described in the title, this article examines the use of emotional dissonance and service climate as independent variables in predicting well-being at work. The research was performed because employee well-being continues to be a topic of social interest as the service sector is the largest in total jobs in the United States and Europe (Bureau of Labour…
described above is only applicable to a small percentage of Tea Party members, for most of them don’t fall into the minority of discriminatory extremists. It’s easy to slap a stereotypical label on a group of people that you dislike—that way, you may distance yourself from them and judge them without having to acknowledge them as individuals. This is called an empathy wall, as coined by sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild in her book, Strangers in their Own Land (2016), in which she…
she discusses capitalism and how people struggle to find a balance between family and work. She shows how great of an impact capitalism actually has on humans. Hochschild promotes the concept that people often separate the idea of spending time doing something with the impression of believing in doing that same thing, creating a difference in how people perceive accomplishing tasks. She…