of the group to the Lord’s Resistance Army, or LRA. Kony began to quickly start a trend of self-defense that would come to distinguish the rebel group by stealing supplies and abducting children to fill his ranks in his children army. In 1996, the Ugandan government was unable to stop the LRA, thus the people of the village left to enter the government run camps. Unfortunately, these camps were supposedly created for the safety of the people, however the camps were widespread with disease and violence. At the height of the conflict, 1.7 million people lived in these camps across the region. (The Power of Legacy: Personal…). The conditions were horrendous with the effect of no way of making a living. The conditions created a generation of Acholi people that were embedded into a criminalistic society. After years of terrorization of the LRA, they entered in peace negotiations in 2006. The talks were hosted in Juba, Sudan (now South Sudan) and named the Juba Peace Talks. In the mean time, the LRA was setting up camps in northeastern Congo, gathering its strength and stockpiling food. They were attacking villages and abducting children in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) during the Peace Talks by the order of Joseph Kony. When the Final Peace Agreement was ready to be signed, Joseph Kony was nowhere to be found, repeating postponing the signing date or just didn’t feel like coming. It is believed that he did so, so that he and his army could rest and regroup. The…
The Senufo people are located in Cote d Ivoire, Ghana. The Senufo people are considered a people heavily involved with the “spiritual realm”. Religion is quite different when it comes to the people of Senufo, they do not associate themselves as one of the three prominent religions of the world; Islam, Christianity, or Judaism. There is a belief that a women spirit; called the “ancient mother” is heavily involved with the poro society 2. The poro society (a male dominated community) was also a…
wartime violence in Acholiland during a civil war in northern Uganda (Finnström 2009). The rumor claimed that the central government of Uganda was trying to wipe out the Acholi in a slow genocide by purposely spreading onto them fatal diseases such as HIV and Ebola (Finnström 2009). This led to an alienation from the rest of Uganda felt by the Acholi people, but even more so for a group within the Acholi community: Acholi women (Finnström 2009). Due to the organization of Acholi society being of…
resistance army. At first, joseph Kony couldn’t gain the support of the people although he did promise to overthrew the government and rule the country. Resentment slowly grew on joseph Kony and started kidnapping young children in his army as a mean of recruitment. Abduction was not the only answer to punish and claim how powerful the group was, but also massacres, robberies and raping women of all ages justified by joseph as way of defying the government in Uganda. Over the course of history,…
The rebel group left parents; childless and at the same time made children became orphans. The rebels brutally killed people who refused to join his group. Occasionally, during the attacks, LRA soldiers cut off the people's lips, their ears, others had their limbs cut off and other atrocities were carried out onto the Acholi people. For example, Stella a 10-year-old girl leg was cut off in order to teach her how to walk properly. (IRIN) Villagers of Acholi land lived in constant fear and this…
When he was younger, he was treated poorly by the Ugandan Government because he is part of the ethnic group called the Acholi. He started to gain followers when he rebelled against the government for treating the Acholi people badly, but then he started attacking civilians. He even started attacking fellow Acholi people(“Q&A”). His group got more and more violent when they, “abducted and killed thousands of civilians in northern Uganda and mutilated many others by cutting off their lips, ears,…
Throughout history, there have been many different warlords and rebels, some good and some bad, fighting to gain control of their country and/or resources. Even though this may be a hard task to accomplish, many leaders reach their goals through unethical means, such as using violence and oppression against those that have conflicting views. These acts of violence by rebel leaders and warlords often lead to thousands of deaths, many of those are people that could not defend themselves but were…
understandings of ebola are therefore based on cultural understandings. There is vast Cultural diversity between developed and developing countries. Popular culture, medical culture and scientific culture are dominating factors in first world countries, and have resulted in mass secularization, therefore redefining cultures and social understandings of ebola, which have become largely uninfluenced by religious or spiritual beliefs and practices. This however is not the case in third world…
Which leads into his next major act, the persecution of ethnic and political groups within Uganda. Following Idi Amin’s assumption of power in 1971, he immediately began persecuting many ethnic and political groups within Uganda. One of his first act as supreme leader of Uganda was to purge the military of any Obote supporters or sympathizers because he drew his power from the military. When Amin began to purge the military of Obote supporters he chose to target specific ethnic groups. He chose…
The movie War Dance, addresses an immensely important problem of violence and bloodshed in Northern Uganda. The war was started in the 19802’s due to an anti-government movement. The Lord’s Resistance Army is led by Joseph Kony, who wants to govern Uganda based on strict biblical laws. The war has a very violent nature and has displaced 2 million individuals, murdered 10,000, and abducted 20,000 children. In order to keep the civilians safe, the government has created a multitude of “protection…