Wildlife Trafficking: the Elephant in the Room, But Without the Elephants Many people think it is cool and unique to have an exotic pet and stand out among their peers. But for every animal that is transported from its native country for sale, 90% will not survive the journey (“Inside”). That means that only 10% of animals are likely to last just the trip, which does not include the dozens of animals that are canceled orders, abandoned, or starving because of inadequate care and lack of a healthy environment (“Inside”). Wildlife trafficking is the transportation of animals and/or their body parts. It is an issue that has been kept in the dark for the last decade. Companies have buried just how exactly they get their animals and with little to no…
What is wildlife removal and what is considered wildlife? The following is an interview with our local, licensed Wildlife Control Operator. He is a licensed Wildlife Control Operator located in eastern North Carolina but we are finding that the further we humans encroach on the forest and wetlands the more these services are needed throughout the United States of America. Wildlife removal is the business of removing nuisance wildlife in and around residential or commercial structures. Wildlife…
Wildlife trafficking has been a major problem in every country nowadays; helpless animals were taken from their habitats, which was being bought and sold. Unfortunately, Latin America is now being another epicenter of exotic animals’ illegal trade. According to Huffington Post, wildlife trafficking transit chains in Latin America are complex, secret and as diverse like just any common issues that targets animal species. The poachers will illegally bring the poor creatures to a secret place…
the human U.S. population hunts, compared to the nearly 71.8 million people who enjoy watching wildlife is a big percentage. Based on this information the citizens need to think upon whether we should have wildlife management and hunting rules, or whether we should not. The citizens need to take into consideration when making their decisions, that the decision needs to be made based on what is in the best welfare for the animals, and who is using the land where the wildlife is. This decision…
the demand for ivory. However, it is not just the elephant population that is declining. In the article “World Wildlife ‘falls by 58% in 40 years’” the author, Rebecca Morelle, believes the animal population has decreased gradually over the last 40 years. Morelle cites five different perspectives, ranging from professionals in wildlife to well known organizations, in regard to the decline of wildlife. Through the use of reasoning, emotional appeals and credible sources, Morelle effectively…
situations like these will make the audience feel some amount of empathy,we still tend to forget about them and instead put our minor issues first. Now organizations like the World Wildlife Fund and Water for Life, both use an auditory and visual approaches to create a bigger impact on the audience. The purpose of this analysis is…
Wildlife officers are certified law enforcement officers that are primarily responsible for the enforcement of all wildlife laws and can also enforce state laws also. You have to have at least one year in college and all of the different types of law enforcement degrees. And as you can probably figure out you need your hunter's license there is also on the job training required such as activities in shooting practice in a designated shooting range, practice in operating the technology in the…
degrees. A Wildlife officer enforces game, fish, and boating laws. They can issue warnings or citations. They also can determine how to dispose of illegal things being used while fishing , hunting or boating. Depending on the area they are located they may have to go by vehicle , boat , plane , horse or foot. Wildlife officers can serve a warrant or even make an arrest. If that happens they have to collect evidence to prove in court. Wildlife officers are also involved in a lot of undercover…
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is a national wildlife refuge in northeastern Alaska and is the largest National Wildlife Refuge in the United States. Created by Congress in 1980 with the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA), this area is at the center of both economic and environmental controversy as it holds potential for the production of both oil and natural gas. The ANILCA’s most controversial piece was the decision to defer drilling and petroleum exploration…
injuries or damage. That is why removing wild animals from your compound should be done carefully. For some people, this may not be that hard. They may know a few tricks that would get rid of the animal. In some instances though, you may require professional help. This is the time you have to call in wildlife removal services. These are people that have the training to deal with situations like these. They would know how to go about the whole thing.…