First of all, in every nation have a different kind of criminal law and everyone have to understand and follow the rules of the country they are in. However, the criminal law in the U.S. involves prosecutors by the government of a person for an act that has been classified as a crime. According to the American values saying that “we have a government of law, not of men (and women).” On other words that there are no system in the U.S. based on the decisions of a king or dictator. On the other hand, the U.S. even the most powerful leaders have to make decisions within limits imposed by law. Also the U.S. government can only punish people who violate defined law, and their guilt has to be determined through the procedures established by law. Furthermore, in the foundations of criminal law there is a civil law which is laws regulating the relationships between or among individuals, usually involving property, contracts, or business disputes. And the substantive criminal law which defense acts that the government can punish and defense the punishment for those crimes. Also the procedural criminal law which is law defining the procedures that criminal justice officials must follow in enforcement adjudication, and correction.…
US Immigration law can be confusing because it includes many different ways foreigners can enter the country. The laws encompass people that visit the US, want to work in the US, want to get a Green Card, and becoming a US Citizen. The immigration system is also set up to cover people seeking asylum, refugees, and Diversity Visa Lottery Program. Visiting the US for short periods falls under the non-immigrant visa status as long as they do not intend to work in the US. Some countries, are…
The US constitution is an example of natural law. The Constitution invokes the laws of nature and nature’s God giving people unalienable rights accorded by God. There is no doubt that the delegates who adopted the Constitution believed that it was based on natural law (Golove, 2010). That is, God created the universe and incorporated a body of law into human nature to which all people are subject. As a natural law, the US Constitution focuses on protecting the unalienable rights given to people.…
Fair use is a limitation and exception to the exclusive right granted by copyright law to the author of a creative work. In United States copyright law, fair use is a doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders. under article 1 section 3 of the Constitution fair use is covered and copyright law is covered in section 108, the fair use law goes in effect when you are using a piece of someone else's piece of work for educational…
alike but they also have different laws and rights and military decisions. Like how in Finland you can have small quantities of drugs. And in the U.S you can’t, Or how the U.S military has been around so long that some have not even been recorded. And maybe even how Finland was the first place to let women vote and run for president. But for us never allowed that till way later. In Finland following laws is very important. Like illegal drinking laws, In Finland, You have to be 18 to…
in the US, the Orlando nightclub shooting leaving 50 killed and 53 injured on June 12 2016 also adds to the doubt raised on how effective is the present US gun laws. The gunman Marteen, who was an FBI suspect, was able to legally purchase a handgun and assault rifle days before the massacre. This is an example which shows the ease with which a person can get hold of firearm in the US. This is not a singled out incident, the San Bernardino shooting incident leaving 14 dead and 22 wounded in…
How has US Patent Law influenced Innovation? Technology has sculpted and carved the legacy of the United States. Early agricultural gadgets, stemmed American Agriculture. Cities and capitals of commerce were forged by the advancement of industrial factories. Computerization and expansion of invention has, “given rise to a nation of services” (Thompson). Fears of a future “World Without Work” have spurned from an exponential development of these technologies, but concerns have arisen that a…
This essay will explain one of the U.S. environmental law. Summarizing major provisions as well as the economic impact of the law. The effect of global warming will be explained as well as weather the U.S. should adopt additional policies to curb greenhouse gas emissions. The Clean Water Act This paper will discuss the Clean Water Act. The law also known as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, was initially passed in 1948. It was expanded in 1972, becoming the Clean…
Why Compulsory Education Laws Should Be Changed. Should compulsory education laws in the U.S. be abolished? Education in the U.S. is a controversial subject. Many argue that the system is broken. Others argue for abolishing the compulsory education laws. However, compulsory education laws in the U.S. should not be abolished, but should be changed. According to “If a child is under 17 years old he must go to school every day. Under the Education Act of 1989, parents or…
This gives these other airlines an advantage over Ryanair as they will benefit from the number of passengers who require connected flights. In an attempt to outdo competitors Ryanair implemented a new marketing strategy. They came up with Ryanair’s lowest fare guarantee, which outlines that if a passenger finds a cheaper fare from another airline, Ryanair will pay them double the difference between Ryanair’s quoted price and the competitors price. Ryanair implements low operating costs which…