Data was then collected under an excel sheet, where we transferred our group results individually and also calculated the groups average. The data was entered on an excel sheet into tables and also presented as graphs. The tables represented the percentage of times the participant chose each tone to the corresponding chimera sound. The graphs were a visual representation of the information presented in the tables. There were four tables, two were for tone 2 and two were for tone 4. One table was tone 2 presented as the envelope, and the second was tone 2 presented as the fine structure. The other tables were tone 4 presented as the envelope and tone 4 presented as the fine structure. Consequently, these results varied from each participant in our group of seven members. Once we averaged the data, we had four tables that represented the average selection percentages of our group, and four graphs that expressed the visual representation of the…
The tone of a piece depends on multiple aspects such as meter (or rhythm), dynamics, tempo, and consonance or dissonance. Louder dynamics indicate higher energy and can suggest elements such as anger and surprise. Slower tempos are used in pieces to establish moods such as sadness, languor, or relaxation. Similarly to how changes in such changes in musical structure can alter the perceived tone of a piece, changes in prosody alter meanings in speech, as well as the intelligibility of a speech…
Tone is an attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience. Generally, authors have some perspective or attitude when they are writing something regarding to the article or a book. Besides, tone expressed through word choice like adjectives, adverbs, figures of speech which will used in a passage. According to the Sun daily, the tone of the article are appreciative and concern. Appreciative represent to the author showing the pleasure and thankful which convey in the writing. According to…
When the reader first analyzes the poem, it naturally comes of as harsh or scary. The first thought that comes to mind is that the drunken father is abusing the child. Although after further analysis of the poem it seems as though that is not the case. The poem doesn’t sound as though it was the happiest memory of the child’s life, but it wasn’t a memory he feared either. In the poem “My Papa’s Waltz” written by Theodore Roethke, the speaker’s experience seems to be a positive one based on the…
oxford dictionary, tone is defined as: “a modulation of the voice expressing a particular feeling or mood.”This is because the tone of your voice is very important because people don’t just listen with their ears; they listen with their entire body. For example when you use a rich and friendly tone of voice, it vibrates all the cells in a human body. It’s a pleasant vibration and hence, you will elicit a positive response from the individual. However, if you use a ferocious tone then you will…
The Odyssey is a certainly interesting book of short stories, in which there is many, many different tones. The first 3 parts of The Odyssey have interesting tones, and they help the reader understand the concept of the stories. In The Odyssey Part 1, Sailing From Troy, the tone is world-weary, and the word “weathered,” from the quote “Years of adventure weathered under Zeus,” shows how tired and exhausted they are from their long journey. The word “years” also supports this theme, because if…
Many of us hear from a young age that beauty is generally a superficial aspect, one that is also seen through one’s personality, or even actions. “The Necklace” is a short story by Marjorie Laurie in which a young lady, Mathilde, loses a necklace she borrowed from a friend and her husband, Loisel, helps her retrieve it. The theme taken from this story is that true beauty goes past the skin. Marjorie Laurie uses literary elements, such as tone and mood, symbolism and irony, and characterization,…
Shirley Jackson’s short story “ The Lottery” uses specific word choice and specific details to convey a threatening tone. One word that Jackson uses to express a threatening tone is “reluctantly”(lines 33). The word reluctantly presents a threatening tone because as used in the story,”the children came reluctantly, have to be called four or five times.” When children go to their own parents reluctantly it usually means that something atrocious will happen. It means this because whenever people…
The translation of the poem, “Beowulf”, which is by Burton Raffel, consists of many tones. Tone incorporates the feelings or attitude of the Arthur toward a subject. Tone can be facetious, ferocious, humorous, or maybe even despairing. For instance, someone stating the words, “Whether I win or lose, I keep fighting”, executes bravery. On the other hand, someone stating, “If I lose, I tend to give up”, executes intimidation. As usual, there is tone in every line you state. “My hands alone shall…
How does the author use diction to achieve this passage’s tone? This quote has significant meaning because of how Okonkwo’s life was “dominant by the fear of failure and weakness” (13). Dismay is able to solidify the tone of this quote due to his family's fear of Okonkwo and his fear of himself. The word “temper” is able to reveal an abstract side toward Okonkwo as throughout the book, Okonkwo had a whirlpool of emotions and his temper always got the better of him. Overall, this quote sounds…