Have you ever felt the urge to discover a deeper sense of identity? I learnt that discoveries can create a sense of emotion, confrontation and provocation in which you might, rediscover something or gain new perceptions of yourself and others. The prose fiction novel, ‘Swallow the Air’, follows the main character of May Gibson who through searching to discover a sense of identity and through self-discovery, she has renewed perceptions of herself and others. The poem called, ‘What Is Identity?’, by Mandy Lee, includes similar themes of self-discovery. To start off, in the first chapter, ‘Swallow the Air’, the main character, May Gibson, discovered that her mother was heavily depressed and eventually lost the will to live and killed herself.…
All discoveries involve the revealing of previous unknowns and the reconsidering of previously held beliefs. They are all encompassing ranging from the spiritual to the physical. They can be sudden and unexpected or be the result of deliberate planning. Often discoveries cause a person to reconsider their beliefs. The prose fiction novel Swallow the Air by Tara June Winch and the poem we are going by Oodgeroo Noonuccal share this concept. In “Swallow the Air” the protagonist May Gibson travels…
the earth and destroying lots of natural resources that we need. Pollution is known to cause human illness around the world. Pollution is causing bad damage to the earth for many reasons. It has been a big problem ever since it started. There are many types of pollution problems such as air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, light pollution, thermal pollution, and radioactive pollution. Air pollution is…
that also. Making my way back to the gate, I find a nice quiet seat by the window to fully relish my coffee and the paper. As I take a sip, I glance down at the paper reading the front page headline. “Plane crash in Indonesia, Kills all 500 aboard.” I say out loud, “Wow! Isn’t this a great article to read at the airport.” Before I continue to read, I take another sip of coffee and look out the window to the other planes at their respective gates thinking in my mind, “What really causes an…
new technology has been developed and now we can see within a car, front and rear view cameras, internet connection, air bags, seat warmers, and so on. 3.- The effect of the emissions on the environment and government…
Answer 1: Earlier in the beginning of the millennium, the Root Air came into existence with a mysterious voice mail massage. The massage was from Ted Shetzen, the chief functional officer of Sky service Airlines Inc. Roots Air’s profit making plan was to filch away a little part of Air Canada’s extreme gainful consumers or the flyers of business class. The strategy was to tantalizing the customers with celebrity pitches and by making promise to provide food of excellent quality, luxurious…
that pollution is contaminating the world including, Air Pollution, Soil Pollution, and Water Pollution. Within those three, there are many issues that are arising that need to have immediate action taking place. Water pollution is killing many animals, which is leading to endangered species. Soil contamination is damaging crops, which is causing soil erosion. Lastly, air pollution is causing air quality to be at an all-time low, it is also causing biological effects of UV exposure, and Volatile…
problem that is harming everyone around the world. Al gore explains that from melting of polar caps to destroying the ecosystem could happen only because of human action. As Dolgon & Baker mentions, “the primary human-made cause of global warming is CO2 in the atmosphere leading to acidic rain” (Dolgon & Baker 205), the reader could agree that acidic rain does happen and humans are the reason for it. In today’s society almost everyone has a car, take United States for instance, when I came to…
has caused increase of dangerous air pollutant and climate change which has led to serious health illness, the increase in population is directly proportional to the increase in human sources of pollution. In the early model of Earth’s atmosphere, oxygen was a minor component of the Earth’s atmosphere and so many theories were made up for why this was so. However, as life evolved, oxygen became abundant. Today, oxygen and nitrogen makes up the largest volume of gases in the Earth’s atmosphere…
Fairbanks Northstar Borough the top air quality issues are particulate matter and indoor air pollution. Indoor air pollution may be many times more toxic and affect the old and young who may be at greatest risk of adverse health effects. My talents may, in fact, contribute to decreasing the levels of these hazards. The Fairbanks area is well known for a meteorological condition known as temperature inversion. This inversion of temperature, keeping warmer, unhealthy air near the…