Today I’m going to tell you about Old Yeller And the true story about Old yeller that goes back a long time ago and I’m going to be telling you some cool facts about the characters and Some Cool facts about the dog and I will end in a Good conclusion of this Book report First I’m going to tell you where old yeller came from Old yeller came from Ohio as a homeless dog Old yeller is a large yellow dog well that’s why they call him old yeller so old yeller was found walking around an old Broken down shack where a ranger or a sheriff came by to get him and take him in for care so he can stay warm and Feed him every night so than on the sheriff called the dog old yeller because the dog was big and yellow, old yellers favorite food was chicken…
Old Yeller There is a yellow dog named Old Yeller. The character known as Papa, farms, and his family only makes a little bit of money. They need some more money so Papa left for Kanas and left this his son, Travis, in charge. Travis is 14 years old and has to take care of the house until Papa comes back in the fall. Before Papa left Travis talked to him about getting a horse but Papa suggested a dog, but Travis wanted a horse. Papa and Travis shook hands on getting a horse. Travis thought…
Old Yeller By: RAIN VAUGHN I really enjoyed the book Old Yeller by: Fred Gibson. It takes place in the Hill Country of Texas in the late 1860’s. It concerns the maturing of a young boy who must fight against his own worries as well as against the dangerous Texas frontier. The story can be considered on many levels, but it is first and foremost an exciting adventure of a boy and his dog. There was some…
The book Old Yeller by Fred Gipson made in 1956 has a main character named Travis. He is a boy living in the 1860s with a brother, mom, and a dad that is on a trip for a long period of time. The book starts and the dad is going to be going to Kansas for the long journey. So the dad left, and travis had thought about how he would be a man of the house. When his dad left he had met a stray dog that was a dingy yellow. They named him Old Yeller. Travis at first, hated Old yeller. But soon Old…
"Have patience",exclaims dad every day we work on the farm. Some days on the farm are easy like just feeding cows. Other days are long and hard like pulling a calf at midnight or having to fix something when you need it the most. But every day on the farm is fun and relaxing. I don't like fixing something in the middle of summer on the one hundred and ten degree days. We got a call from the fence builder and the red angus and gelbvieh cross cows at the Frazer Farm did not have any water. So dad…
cowboy. Then Reba Sandy Twister huffed and puffed and spit out a giant wind-blowing storm. It was if a giant ship came bulldozing in to a small lake. It danced and hopped in the sky like a circus. Reba Sandy Twister killed it. She was so big that she could win anything. She She walked along the sunset thinking about how she could change the world next. When Reba Sandy Twister came to Mr. Sly Snakes home she saw there was a great puff of smoke coming from the village. The fire was a raging…
Analytical Response Old Yeller I thoroughly enjoyed reading Old Yeller by Fred Gipson. It takes place in the Hill Country of Texas in the late 1860’s. It concerns the maturing of a young boy who must fight against his own worries as well as against the dangerous Texas frontier. The story can be considered on many levels, but it is first and foremost an exciting adventure for a boy and his dog. (Chapters 1-3) Before Papa left he told everyone goodbye. He told Travis that he was in…
The story of Old Yeller has been a timely classic for decades, touching the hearts of every reader who picks up the book. It is a classic tale of the relationship between a boy and his dog, sharing the challenges and difficulties they had to endure and the tragic death of the dog when it gets infected by a disease spreading across the town called hydrophobia. Although Old Yeller was a meat stealing thief that showed up uninvited to the family’s farm, they all learned to the love the big yellow…
Travis is by far the youngest member of the Younger family at about ten or eleven years old. At the beginning of the story, Travis cleverly gets what he wants. He needed fifty cents for school and his mama, Ruth, told him no because they supposably didn’t have it. His father soon awakes from his sleep and ends up giving the fifty cents to Travis. Travis even states that he could get the fifty cents from his grandmother which clearly stated that he was spoiled. Although he’s a pro at…
In Old Yeller by Fred Gipson, Old Yeller is a true hero to little Arliss, Travis, Mama and Lisbeth. Throughout the book Yeller proves that he is one of the best and a true loving friend. In chapter 5 Old Yeller makes his first act of bravery. When Little Arliss’ loud scream bellowed all the way to the cabin because he could get a grip on on a baby bear. Yeller was the only one fast enough to save him from the she bear charging at Little Arliss because he was holding on to the baby…