The Tomorrow series written by John Marsden is an amazing and eye-opening series, it highlights the extreme situations of war and what it can do to an indiviual and a group of people. The Tomorrow series follows a group of teenagers, in the first book they go away for a camping trip to a place called “Hell” only to return to find their easy and normal farm lifestyle ripped apart. “We believed we were safe. That was the big fantasy.” Australia was invaded by an enemy country – over the course of the seven books the group of teenagers encounter many physical and emotional trails. Including death, attacks, love and leadership. The reason the series was so enjoyable to read was the fact it was narrated from one of the main girls in the group…
Love is shown through the relationship that exists between Homer and Fi. In the text the teenagers are playing in the water and Homer gets distracted by looking at Fi. In the beginning Homer is immature, a loud mouth, disrespectful, a troublemaker, wild, crazy and many others When Homer meets Fi and falls in love with her, John Marsden shows a change in Homer to one of thoughtfulness, maturity, bravery and he shows emotion and compassion in Homer. This is how love is shown between Homer and…
Australias history has become a hot topic due to the rising acknowledgement of the graphic history of the nation. The Rabbits a picture book written by John Marsden depicts the colonisation of a nation and the wrong doings of the settler towards the natives. But is this truly the only side to the colonisation of the nation we call home now? The allegory depicts such events as the stolen generation and the several massacres carried out by the settlers in the early years of the nation. Without…
Although it is a word that can define people in a number of different ways including being used as a derogatory comments towards somebody else in a way of showing irrational hatred, crazy is a word used to describe an individual whose behaviour has manifested into something that is wild or aggressive. Hamlet, a novel, is an adaptation of the popular William Shakespeare play The Tragedy of Hamlet written by John Marsden. The story tells of a young prince who is struggling to come to terms with…
Tomorrow When the War Began: Ellie and Homer The novel, Tomorrow When the War Began, by John Marsden, uses characters that reflect the independence and strength of Australian youth. They have strengths, intelligence and abilities that allow them to take control of their situation and survive. Ellie and Homer show this best. John Marsden has created a typically Australian novel because he has set the book in a stereotypically Australian environment, a small country town surrounded by the bush.…
The novel Tomorrow, when the war began. by John Marsden is about a group of 7 young adults, these 7 people go on a camping trip to a place they had never been before, a place they could only imagine was horrible due to the fact of, The Hermit. These young adults go on a trip over commemoration weekend, when they were gone an unknown army started to attack wirra wee because there using it to access the rest of the country, these soon to be adults start to fight back, and gain control of their…
Tomorrow when the war began novel analysis Symbolism, imagery, allegory: Hell The words that are commonly associated with the word and place Hell are; fiery, evil, frightening. The words that don’t conjure with the word Hell are; warm, fuzzy feelings. John Marsden sets hell as more of a heavenly place then a fiery, evil, frightening place. Ellie describes Hell as “quiet, shady, cool and damp” this is describing a place more like Eden rather than a place people would avoid at all costs. Hell is…
During the 200 years evolution of Australian cultures and society, it had transformed from the initial convict settlement to the modern nation built on diversity. However, the fast pace of urban life gradually exposes people to the deeply rooted issues of industrialisation, racial segregation and rationality that has been embedded in the cultural experience of Australia. These adverse cultural experiences which had also been depicted in “The Rabbits” by Shaun Tan and John Marsden, act as the…
17/03/2018 Farahnaz Asad Ullah 9ENG:4 Reflection - [ ] During class, we have been studying the novel “So Much to Tell You” by John Marsden. My chosen theme is ‘Hiding your true self’; we cannot show our whole self because there are parts of our behaviours, personalities that wouldn’t bold well with maintaining appearances for social gathering and connections. Therefore hiding your true self is easy than…
Critical Analysis: Northern Summer Window The piece that I chose is Northern Summer Window, the piece is oil paint on canvas, 24 5/16 in. x 20 1/4 in. and was finished in 1936. Marsden Hartley was in American artist - born in 1877 and died in 1943 at the age of 66. Northern Summer Window is a gorgeous piece – the use of pinks, blues and reds. Through the small picture – I can see the small details in the image, texture of the curtains and flowers. While this piece is simply wonderful, the use…