the spread of disease is to use hand sanitizers, or to wash your hands. Many say that hand sanitizers kill the pathogens, or “microorganisms that causes disease that accumulate on your hands” (Krystine). Also, people say that hand washing is the best way to prevent pathogens from spreading, which is true. In the past, before people were educated on the risk factors of not being sanitary, sickness spread. Surgeons, nurses, and doctors did not wash their hands between patients. Because of this unsanitary method, many people were getting sick and also dying. Joseph Lister is known as the Father of Surgery. With his new discovery of the aseptic technique, world now knows that hand washing is the most effective way to control the spread of pathogens…
that proper hand washing technique can prevent the spread of those diseases. “Every year, lives are lost because of the spread of infections in hospitals. Health care workers can take steps to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. These steps are part of infection control” (Medline Plus). People fall sick or even lose their life because of infectious diseases that are passed by germs from one to another. When it comes to health care providers they have to be really careful because they can…
to cause diseases. The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the microbes found on my hands, learn about the importance of spreading microbes and diseases, and investigate the effectiveness of hand washing and hand sanitizer on killing or reducing microbial growth. The fact that we use aseptic techniques and hand washing is because of this germ theory and we need to use these techniques to reduce contamination and spread of microbes and diseases, especially…
for signs of infection. Check for: • More redness, swelling, or pain. • Pus or a bad smell. • Cloudy drainage. • Tape the tube to your skin 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) below the place where the tube enters your body. This keeps the tape from pulling on any stitches (sutures) that you have. • Follow instructions from your health care provider about how to take care of your drain and change your dressing. Change your dressing every day, or more often as needed to keep the dressing dry. Make sure…
years, but just one case of polio causes a full investigation. While reading this section, I could relate to the standpoint of the villagers and from the standpoint of Dr. Pankaj. I felt this way because I too would get upset if more measures and infrastructure were not being set in place to prevent the further spread of polio, but from the viewpoint of Dr. Pankaj I feel that eradicating and vaccinating every child would be better for the community. This challenge is something that I could face,…
Smells Like Heaven: Bath and Body Works Everyone has that one store that they can’t resist. My store is definitely, Bath and Body Works. I have a giant basket filled with different lotions, perfumes, body washes, hand soaps, hand sanitizers, air fresheners, and car fresheners. The obsession has gotten to a point where the scents are sorted to the time of year and time of day. Midnight Pomegranate is the perfect perfume for a cool, fall night. The Winter Candy Apple lotion is great for Christmas…
strengths was that I was thoughtful about people’s preferences about some aspects within the group. I taped the slides closed to make sure nobody accidentally opened them for more of a smell or contamination. Furthermore, I brought gloves in a case anybody had any objections to touching the slides. I asked if anybody did not want to put on the lotion, in case of any grievances with activity. I even provided two different types of washing soap to allow my participants to have a choice in which…
Clostridium difficile, is an example of a gram-positive bacterium and is a risk to those who have immunocompromised conditions or overuse antibiotics. The most common symptoms associated with C. diff include watery diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite, nausea, and abdominal pain. (2) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, work hard to not only raise awareness about HAIs, but thoroughly studies every aspect of them in order to implicate policies and procedures to reduce their…
Strength Within “I washed my hands, put on a new Band-Aid , but now I was being pulled all the way down. I opened the medicine cabinet quietly. Took out the aloe-scented hand sanitizer. I took a gulp, then another. Felt dizzy. You can’t do this. This stuff’s pure alcohol.”,which was located on page 210. When someone has a mental illness they will try to find the strength to resist it. John Green and Robert Longley both wrote two different pieces ,but also they compare in many different…
to Virginia Department of Health (Hand Hygiene, 2013) , hand hygiene is defined as a method of removing microorganisms from the hands so the germs cannot be transmitted to anyone else. The two most common types of hand hygiene are hand washing antimicrobial soap and alcohol-based hand rubs. Proper hand hygiene helps reduce the spread of infections especially to those individuals who come in contact with people on a daily basis. Hand hygiene is very imperative to those working in healthcare…