Gerald Graff Essay

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    In the text “Hidden Intellectualism”, Gerald Graff’s defined intellectualism as the knowledge that varied within different experiences not only academically but non-academically. In his definition Graff considered book-smarts and street-smarts as intellectual persons. Graff definition on intellectualism was based on his belief that people who develop another interests beside schools’ topics are also able to write and think critically, as an evidence he gave his personal experience on how his love for sport helped him to discusses other topics and become part of the community. Rose’s text support Graff’s saying by giving his mother’s brother example of how he developed his ability to think and become someone efficient for the company he used…

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  • Improved Essays

    Support and encouragement at home contribute to the success a child achieves in school without regard to his parents’ level of education. Parents want a better life for their children and education is a big factor in improving quality of life. In Disliking Books by Gerald Graff, PhD the author illustrated his aversion to books as a student and how finally he learned to love literature through his fascination with critics ' debates and controversy. Graff felt that his initial delay in reading…

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    Gerald Graff

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    The general argument made by Gerald Graff in his work “Clueless in Academe How Schooling Obscures the Mind” is an evaluation on students and their ability to write- and to state their elaborate points on themes, criticism, and reflection-in a scholarly way that maintains and correlates their level of education over to a work of writing. Furthermore, he elaborates by stating that in using a template the student will demonstrate an ability to write in a scholarly way. Graff also argues that…

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  • Improved Essays

    “Hidden Intellectualism”, apart of the book They Say I Say by both Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein. This chapter within the book suggests that education systems need to revamp the way they view street smarts and what is an actual “intellectual”. Within the passage Gerald Graff has several points to support this claim . One thing brought to attention within the text is that schools and colleges tend to believe that the only subjects viable for academic and intellectual life is Shakespeare and…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    “Hidden Intellectualism,” is a writing composed by a professor of english and education named Gerald Graff. In Graff's essay he discusses the misapprehension of the ideas of intellectualism amongst society. Graff mainly focuses on the way a minor views intellectualism as a negative trait. In Graff’s writing he states his own experience of hidden intellectualism after growing up in a anti-intellectual during the 1950’s. Graff argues that there is a form of hidden intellectualism other than an…

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  • Superior Essays

    workplaces? What makes young minds reach their optimal potential? Like a child, a person can learn from everything. However, teens need guidelines and support to develop their intellect. While the mainstream students strive to pursue as many degrees as possible, some voices stand out erectly and reveal important shortcomings in the education system. Gerald Graff, a professor of English and Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago is one of them. In “Hidden Intellectualism”, Graff…

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  • Improved Essays

    “Disliking Books” by professor of English and Education at the University of Illinois Gerald Graff outlines his belief that debate gives rise to critical thinking. First, he recounts his childhood aversion to books due to not being able to find their application and potentially being beaten up by his peers for indulging in them. Frustrated, Graff’s father attempts to force him to read many different books. Once he enters college, where similar boys are expected to get serious, he aimlessly…

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  • Improved Essays

    Graff then reveals the logical conclusion behind his adolescent story, “I see now that in the interminable analysis of sports teams, movies, and toughness…I was practicing being an intellectual before I knew that was what I wanted to be” (383). Through the analysis of street smart subjects, Graff discovers the basics of critical thinking. Thus, Graff is living proof that street smarts have intellectual depth. This in turn, reinforces the reader’s earlier insights and solidifies Graff’s argument…

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  • Improved Essays

    will be summarizing the article “Hidden Intellectualism” by Gerald Graff. He argues that not only are book smarts good to have but also street smarts. He touches on how he thinks schools systems have killed our interest and passion of being intellectuals? And what subjects are better to write about, sports, cars, fashion, Plato and Shakespeare? In the article the author states “Everyone knows some young person who is impressively “street smart” but does poorly in school” (Graff 380). He goes…

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  • Improved Essays

    can be applied in real life. Book smart creates the groundwork to becoming successful, but the way success is developed depends on street smarts. In his essay “Hidden Intellectualism,” Gerald Graff describes that students would be “more prone to take on intellectual identities if we encouraged them to do so at first on subjects that interest them rather than ones that interest us” (265). He implies that this form of intellectualism is covered in under the mask of typical discussions about…

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