A few weeks ago, a study confirmed that dogs are smarter than cats based on the brain sizes of both animals. It is the turn today of cat lovers to rejoice because another study claims that cat owners are more intelligent than dog owners. Short List cited the research conducted by Denise Guastello, an associate professor of psychology at Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin for The Mckeown Clinic. The study had 600 college students are participants. University degree The basis of Guastello in making the claim that cat owners are more intelligent than dog owners is her finding that cat people have higher chances of having college degrees compared to dog owners and scoring higher on intelligence tests. Because educated people tend to spend…
Dogs Vs. Cats Believe it or not, your cat may not love you! But don’t worry, your dog still loves you. There are many reasons why dogs are better than cats. I’ve always been a dog person and have always wanted to prove that dogs are the better pet. Today, this essay is going to be doing exactly that. So get your bones and your chewed up shoes people, here we go. The first reason why dogs are better than cats is that they love you much more than cats do. According to…
Gabrielle kennedy Cats versus dogs The comparing and contrasting elements about dogs and cats. Here is a background about dogs and cats. Some of the most popular breeds of cats are the Persian and the Siamese. In the United States, there are about 86.4 million cats, normally people in the United States have one or two cats. This covers thirty three percent of the United States. On the other hand the most popular dogs breeds are the Labrador, the German Shepherd, and the golden retriever. In…
Cats vs. Dogs There always seems to be two sides of things. Eventually, people are made to choose which side to be on. One of the most common debates is if a cat is better than a dog or vice versa. The dog is known to be a man’s best friend while cats are leaned toward the female. Neither gender specifically prefers one animal over the other, but there are multiple discussions about which of the two loving animals are better to have as a pet. Cats are better to have as pets rather than dogs…
wet, fire is hot, and there will be a timeless debate of cats Vs dogs.But ultimately decided to go for a cat, then this article is for you. Taking care of a kitty can be intimidating, indeed! This is even more so if it’s a newborn. In the beginning, most of them are completely unlike dogs; they may act selfish and distant, and generally feel like they only look out for #1. But, as a cat owner myself, I can attest to the fact that, once they get to know you, cats can be some of the most…
peaceful sleeping? A dog or a cat? Of course, a dog is man’s best friend and is the most preferred pet of choice in America according to most recent polls. But how could anyone not love a dog? They are fun loving, come in all shapes, sizes, and love to please their owners. Not to mention certain dogs can be trained to be in K9 units and hunting partners. This does not automatically mean cats come in second place, some just have a preference to what pet they like to own. Does one have to be…
3 Dogs versus Cats At one point of our lives, we all have considered getting a pet; the most popular household pets are cats and dogs. Now some prefer cats and some prefer dogs, others, exotic looking beauties and some like them all! No matter what you’re into, everyone has something that really attracts them to a certain type of animal. Not everyone will agree, because this is nothing more than opinion. So, for those of you who are interested in choosing between a dog and a cat here…
Cat or Dog Cats and Dog are the most common house pet known to mankind. Dogs are more loyal than cats, but they also require more attention. Although cats are fairly independent and less demanding pets, they are also cheaper than dogs. Which would you rather have as your family pet? The life expectancy of a cat is about twelve to twenty-five years and can live somewhere small or even somewhere ginormous. Cats are not reliable body guards, they are just as scared as you are when it comes to…
Even though dogs and cats are both popular pets, they have vastly different characteristics that require owners to deal with them in different ways. For example, cats and dogs have tails. Even though they have tails, they use them in different ways. Cats use their tails for balance. They also use their tails to communicate with other living things. Dogs use their tails to show emotion. If dogs are scared they will tuck their tails under their legs. When dogs are happy they will wag their tails…
allergic to dogs ( I know, how disappointing ) that I would resent and stay as far away from them as possible. But I assure you its quite the opposite, if I see a dog I will quite literally make an A-LINE for it. 44% of households in the US have a dog as a pet compared to the 35% who have cats. Personally I just think dogs are the preferred species, be honest with yourself what do cats actually do despite bring you dead mice and sleep all day? As soon as your bring your new pooch into your…