This case study is about a doctor named Bernadine Healy. She was a fifty-seven year old mother of two who became the president of Red Cross, yet resigned. Healy held the credentials of someone so qualified for such a position. A Harvard medical school graduate, Dean of Ohio State university, and the first female director of National issues of health made her the best candidate. Her story is about a position that was not cracked up to be what was expected. Healy initially accepted the role of being the President of Red Cross for personal reason. She took this positon after many qualified individuals. "She succeeded a lady named Elizabeth Dole, who was the first female president since Clara Barton (Page 1, Paragraph 2)." Her husband ran in the nineties and she took a year off in order to help him pursue his dreams. Later, she chose that she wanted to fulfill that role and started to prepare in…
The Outcomes of Some Actions or events that occur in a person’s life can dramatically shape their outlook on life, whether positively or negatively. To illustrate, on the television show , Revenge, the plot surrounds a young woman seeking revenge on those who wronged her father; which caused her to have an extremely troubled childhood. This narrative is not only for Hollywood, it can happen with everyday people. In Tim O’Brien’s, “The Things they Carried,” he has two short stories that detail…
“No doubt exists that all women are crazy; it’s only a question of degree,” W. C. Fields once said. Well what’s the highest degree? Are women really crazy, or do they just change? In the chapter “Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong” in the book The Things They Carried, author Tim O’Brien lets us answer these questions ourselves. The chapter is a sweet one, we think in the beginning. It’s about a young soldier flying his sweetheart out to the war in Vietnam for a visit, since he can’t visit her. She…
Clara Barton founded the most recognized relief agency in the United States in 1881 known as the American Red Cross. The non-profit organization has faced numerous issued concerning ethics plus mismanagement during our country’s most recent disasters. The September 11th attacks led to the ousting of their acting president Bernadine Healy. The ARC received $543 million in donations to the victims as well as their families. Donors had pledged with the intent of their money going directly to the…
Bernadine Healy’s argument in the essay Legalize Marijuana? Obama Has the Right to Say No is based on the government having the right to regulate usage of marijuana. Healy claims individuals want marijuana legalized because they see marijuana as a recreational purpose which blinds them from seeing that they are deviating from social situations. Healy’s criticism of individuals who are for the legalization of marijuana only see a reason for legalization because of recreational use. In fact…
In the case of the American Red Cross as mentioned in both questions, I believe that corporate greed and issues of non-caring presidents, leaders and those in high ranking positions was the primary reason for the lack of confidence we have with ARC then and now (Thorne, 2011). The practice of paying leaders for job done poorly continues to exist in American with many companies and ARC is not exempt. This issue with this case is that it was done not only for Bernadine Healy given 1.9 million in…
student must be more than just a typical student so shouldn’t they be educated as such? I am not saying that pre-medicine is the most difficult major (however, I believe it is) because I cannot prove that, nor have I experienced the rigor of other tough majors. What I am saying is that pre-medical students are unconventional students that undergo a different experience than most other college students, and they should be treated as such. This is especially the case in states like South Dakota…