Authentic leader, when I think about it, it triggered my lifestyle phrase “Keep It Real.” Everything relates to a leader being true to themselves regardless where they are and surrounded people. It is a quality that exists within a true leader. On the other hand, it’s a type of person with good character that show great leadership during job as well as off-clock. Authentic leaders always concern for others in work environment. They are always respected by others for their great contributions in an organization. Within a company, they always aware of their strengths, emotions and limitations. They constantly put the company’s goals ahead of their own self-interest and pursuit the results base on company’s interest, but not for their own ego.…
have learned about organizational leadership. There are different techniques and styles to lead. In order to handle a situation to the best of one’s ability there are steps to take prior to choosing a style. To take the steps one must know his or hers strengths and style in addition to the subordinate‘s strengths, commitment level prior to making decisions in how to approach the situation. Leadership Styles Instruments Leadership instrument goes over the 2 different styles. Task or…
One recurring trait among authentic leaders is transparency—being open and genuine with others (Regan, Laschinger, & Wong, 2016; Fusco, O’Riordan, & Palmer, 2016). I have formally led the same team at work for two years. Before being their manager, I was on equal ground with several coworkers for more than five years. Since I was promoted instead of them, I knew feelings would be hurt. Instead of ignoring their feelings, I encouraged open communication with everyone. I explained it was difficult…
For me Herb Brook was a strong authentic leader. He was a coach with a vision, a vision that led a group of college kids to beat the dominant Soviet Union team in ice hockey and go on to win the gold in the 1980 Winter Olympics. Even though he was motivated by a personal desire to see the United States team win the hockey gold medal under his tutelage, he proved himself to be the right leader for them. From the beginning, we saw that he was very sure of himself and was not afraid to go against…
trait or characteristic that resides within the leader but a transactional event that occurs between the leader and his or her followers. Leadership is more of a role than a position. Northouse states that leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of…
It takes a lot for an average person to swallow their pride and admit when they are wrong, but it garners outstanding respect for those who take responsibility. In the book Extreme Ownership, the authors, Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, express the crucial need for leaders to take ownership in a situation. Extreme Ownership was written with the purpose to recommend and provide detailed examples of successful leadership traits. The book is written from the perspective of two Navy SEALs, who use…
Adam Taki Taki 1 Mrs. Compton Literature 7 period 5 11 December 2016 The Call of the Wild Essay When one thinks of the definition of an honorable leader, he or she might think of a leader as being a president or a CEO of a company or organization. A leader might have power and influence, but honorable leaders are the ones that inspire, convince and connect to others. According to John c Maxwell ?a leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.? The Call of the Wild, is a…
Community: a unified body of individuals. In a community, people come together to achieve great things and work together to bring each other to success. The theme of “If you work together, you can succeed” is conveyed in The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind through William’s education, the famine, and the process of building the windmill. William’s problems with education were solved by the community around him; his father, his teacher, and the people at TED. William’s teacher, Mr. Tembo, him…
plan. I also did not put much effort into encouraging the heart of my team members. I am good at recognizing individual contributions and celebrating the small victories but I can do a better job. From this point on, I will focus on finding creative ways that not only celebrate accomplishments but also personalize recognition for a job well done. I tend to ignore the personal relationship aspect of leadership and seldom get close enough to people, or open up to people, in ways that invite…
high tendency to over think problems sometimes. It could be a very simple problem I will over think. I just have to remind myself not all problems are complex and need multiple steps to solve. After doing a little research I have found that the personality that the test put me with fits me. here are some of the strengths that I was able to find with a simple web search: dedication, strong-willed, direct and honest that is just a couple of them (ESTJ Strengths). this quote that I found sum me…