When the reader first analyzes the poem, it naturally comes of as harsh or scary. The first thought that comes to mind is that the drunken father is abusing the child. Although after further analysis of the poem it seems as though that is not the case. The poem doesn’t sound as though it was the happiest memory of the child’s life, but it wasn’t a memory he feared either. In the poem “My Papa’s Waltz” written by Theodore Roethke, the speaker’s experience seems to be a positive one based on the rhythm and word choice. The tone throughout the poem does not suggest hate or hostility, but instead has a rhyme scheme that has an even beat to it suggesting a positive tone. In the fourth stanza, line 13 and 15 then 14 and 16 rhyme. This offset rhyme…
Data was then collected under an excel sheet, where we transferred our group results individually and also calculated the groups average. The data was entered on an excel sheet into tables and also presented as graphs. The tables represented the percentage of times the participant chose each tone to the corresponding chimera sound. The graphs were a visual representation of the information presented in the tables. There were four tables, two were for tone 2 and two were for tone 4. One table was…
The tone of a piece depends on multiple aspects such as meter (or rhythm), dynamics, tempo, and consonance or dissonance. Louder dynamics indicate higher energy and can suggest elements such as anger and surprise. Slower tempos are used in pieces to establish moods such as sadness, languor, or relaxation. Similarly to how changes in such changes in musical structure can alter the perceived tone of a piece, changes in prosody alter meanings in speech, as well as the intelligibility of a speech…
qualities or behaviors that are less than agreeable with your expectations. You are a partner not a boss. Not everything has to be done to one’s desire. Intentions are very important when giving, your opinion. A person needs to think before pointing out everything that is wrong in their eyes. The general response to this is returned. That sounds bad, but it is not necessarily horrible. It is the delivery of the words and not the words themselves that can be an issue. The best response is by…
that after the first pilgrimage, more are likely to follow. The student received two points from part A and six points from part B for a total of eight points. Sample 2: The student was asked to define core-periphery, distance-decay and child migration in part A. One point for each definition could have been awarded to the student. Sample 2 student did not accurately describe core-periphery and did not get the point for part A number 1; the student described an economic situation in a central…
girls have the looks that boys want, do the boys have the looks these girls want? Who knows, back to looking at my water spot, is it dry yet? Glancing over at the rest of the crowd, I now see everyone’s appearance is based on what we see in magazines and films, our looks have become everything, I see most of the boys and girls have put in an effort to look good, I even look at my brother and notice he has put hair gel in, last night he was arguing about having a shower never mind thinking about…
It is about recognizing those annoyances and deciding how “you” want to handle them. This _____________________ seems to do this thing that annoy me every day. - Yes there might be more than 1 and yet it has to begin somewhere. 1. 2. 3. Will annoyance number 1 make a major difference in my life next year? If the answer is yes, what differences will it make? Will annoyance number 2 make a major difference in my life next year? If the answer is yes, what differences will it make? Will…
drew 2 circles and then 9 more. He then added them together by counting them all to get 11 pennies, which is the answer. When solving the problem, he adds them by counting from 1 to 11, and he seems to have drawn 2 circles and then 9 more, following the time sequence. However, I never saw him count 2, 9, and then all of them, I only saw him count 1 to 11. Placement within Carpenter’s framework: Student A falls within the ‘direct modeling’ framework. Student A had a one to one correspondence…
This lesson was completed on April 4th, 2017. The lesson plan for this activity is attached. In this lesson I orally said a number between 20-29 aloud. Ally was to repeat the number back, write the number, and say the number again. I often asked Ally to repeat the number she constructed more than once to reiterate the number. When writing the numbers Ally would often say “How do you make 28?” I would say, “you need a 2 and an 8”. For almost all numbers I would have to cue Ally in writing the…
In the piano part, Chou introduces the notes from the rest of the Modal Complex related by symmetry, i.e. remaining notes of the aggregate (E-C#-C-Bb-Ab-Gb). However, he leaves out the notes C, D, and F; F is not to be introduced until the second movement; C and D become important members of the pentatonic set G-A-C-D-F played by the alto flute in measures 5-6. One may wonder how does this pentatonic set fit into Chou’s variable modes system, for no single hexachordal set contains these pitches…