William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin William Thomson was born in Ireland on June 26, 1824 and was the fourth child born. His mother had three more children, then passed away when Thomson was at a young age. James Thomson, William’s father, was a professor as Glasgow University. William Thomson soon entered the Natural Philosophy department as Glasgow at the age of ten to further his studies. He received his education from Cambridge University where he earned a bachelor’s degree. Thomson lived a life of curiosity that led his to his discoveries. Before his death he had a total of seventy inventions and over 650 papers published. Although Thomson’s ideas and inventions aided several fields of studies, his major contributions changed the physics world in major ways. If I mentioned the name William Thomson to the average person, many would not know who I was talking about, but if I said 1st Baron Kelvin, many would reference the Kelvin scale because it is so well known. The Kelvin scale is the absolute temperature scale that is used world-wide today. He noted that once an object reaches absolute zero (which is the lowest temperature an object can reach) the particles stop moving completely. So instead of using negative numbers like the Celsius scale and Fahrenheit scale, Thomson decided…
Mistress Shore is one of the most important characters in Shakespeare 's play Richard III, even though she doesn’t show up at all in the play. Without Mistress Shore, much of the play up unto this point would not develop the way it is with her, in fact without her as a plot device, there would be no Richard III because she is what allows for the jailing and death of Hastings, as well as the incrimination of the queen later on in the play and even the development of Richard as a character he is. …
The first surgeon to use surgical skin antisepsis was Joseph Lister. He experimented in the 1800s with using carbolic acid on various types of surgical wounds. Lister had discovered that by using carbolic acid on the patient’s skin and on his hands; the rates of surgical site infections (SSIs) and death in his patients were reduced (Spruce, 2016). HE was also the first physician to publish an article related to antiseptic techniques; the article was titled On the Antiseptic Principle in the…
The experiment assisted in finding the best method to ship a gas in order to maximize profits for the company and decrease the cost of transportation. In order to be successful in the experiment, there were two principles that needed to be discussed and used. The first of these principles was Charles’s Law. This law explains that at constant pressure, the volume of a given mass is directly proportional to the temperature (in Kelvin). The equation used to explain is principle is V1/T1 =…
Strategic decisions made on both sides presented Fighter Command with the victory and ensured that they did not come close to defeat. Germany suffered from ‘fog of war ‘and was clearly not prepared for the battle ahead; arrogantly predicting to overcome the RAF in a matter of days with a false sense of superiority after success in France; and misjudging RAF aircraft force. The Luftwaffe started the battle with 2830 aircraft, made up of fighters, bombers and stuka dive bombers. The RAF comprised…
Sir Philip Sidney, though not as influential in his daily life, was an effective poet, and an attentive scholar. He was born on the 30th of November in 1554, and died on the 17th of October in 1586 from a wound sustained in a minor skirmish (Biography.com). During his short life, Sidney served as an ambassador to the Queen of England, wrote several poems which were influential to great writers, including William Shakespeare himself, and even received a knighthood in 1583, three years before his…
6: Standard of Conduct 6.1 All members of the peerage and temporary members of the House must sign the Charter of the House of Lords within two weeks of being given keys. Members that have not signed the Charter by the end of this period shall be removed from the House of Lords. 6.2 All peers of the House of Lords are required to display their royal or highest noble title, at minimum, by their Coat of Arms (COA) or by some form of lettering (Text) recognized by the College of Heraldry at all…
Jonathon Dill Mr. Spohler Chemistry RD 15 April 2016 A major breakthrough for the surgical world was the use of antiseptics. Antiseptics stands for substances that prevent the growth of disease-causing microorganisms. If they were not used during surgery in the 1800’s then the patient most likely would have died. Joseph Lister was one of the fathers of using antiseptics. From the beginning of his life to the end he was fascinated in all organisms body systems. He studied all about what…
bandages in it, rinsed wounds with it, disinfected surgical tools with it, had surgeons wash their hands with it, and for a short time he even sprayed it directly into the air of operating rooms. By using these techniques at Glasgow University, he was able to reduce death rates due to infection after surgery by as much as 30%. Though his methods did cause some damage, mostly in the form of irritation, Lister was able to refine his practice over the years to minimize the harmful effects carbonic…
Have you or someone you know ever had surgery? Something as simple as a broken arm or something more complex, like open-heart surgery? If so, your life has been directly impacted by the life of Andreas Vesalius. Andreas Vesalius was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1514. His grandfather and great-grandfather were both physicians and his father was a pharmacist. He found a love for anatomy at an early age, and started his medical studies at age sixteen. He studied under, then assisted, Jacob Sylvius,…