I think Washburn values diversity because having diversity at a university presents all kinds of thinking and reasoning strategies from different types of students. Also, there are more ways to come up with results and solutions when there is a diverse setting containing students from different backgrounds. In my opinion, I think the most important part of the WU diversity statement is the first sentence that says, “The mission of our diversity initiative is to honor the Washburn University commitment to respect, embrace, enhance and celebrate diversity at all levels of the University and surrounding communities through faculty, staff, student and administrative efforts and community partnerships.” I think this sentence is important because it is stating what the mission of diversity is at Washburn. I support the WU diversity statement because the last sentence states, “Washburn defines diversity broadly to encompass gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation and identity, disability, age, religion and national origin” and this greatly reflects my views on diversity. I met with Nicole Becker for my diversity interview. Nicole comes from a different socioeconomic class and religion than I do. I chose to interview Nicole because she is someone I know really well here at Washburn. The first question I asked Nicole was to define diversity and she said, “Diversity in my opinion is someone that has variety, was brought up with different beliefs and…
If a man with the narcissist personality was to go to a bar and see a beautiful woman, he would most likely do the following. Use his charm and show her why she needs and want him, not the other way around. He would use his charm and cockiness to show off his assents. To the woman he seems to have everything and more that she wants in a man and he is the perfect package. After she falls into his trap she will soon see that the brilliant man that she was so into is not so charming after all. The…
To all- Several few ago we approached Kamps asking to supports us with Daimler Cleveland PDI scrap wood. Kamps after further looking into adding Cleveland PDI, they approached me with some cost explanation of current services. The cost explanation from Kamps brought into me the thoughts as we discussed that eventually they will approach us with cost per load instead of the rebate they provide currently, with this, we reached Salem and asked for quotes of transportation to Kamps using Salem’s…
It took 2 trials to finally sentence them to life in different prisons without the possibility parole. Lyle and Erik Menendez were found guilty of murdering their parents for 14 million dollars of inheritance money. On the night of August 20th, 1989, Jose and Kitty Menendez were bushwhacked in the family room at 10:00 PM by their two children. Mrs. Menendez was filling out an UCLA application for her son, Erik, as she and her husband munched on berries and cream. They were interrupted by Erik…
The Modula typeface has been around for the last 30 years. The font was made by Zuzana Licko. It was also one of the first typefaces made on the Macintosh computer system back in the 80’s. Not to mention that if was one of the first typeface headers that were used on the cover of Emigle magazine. The Modula was made by Zuzana Licko for the Macintosh as well as for the Emigle magazine. First, Zuzana Licko; the designer, was born in Bratislava Czechoslovakia (now modern day Bratislava Slovakia…
Hello Ms. Finkelman, I would like to express my sincere thanks that you have taken time out of your schedule to work with me on my Vocational Rehabilitation Case. I’m aware that you made an exception to your busy schedule to even see me on Monday, 26 October, at 10:30 am. That is why I wanted to ensure that I express my thoughts to you in a written correspondence that you might reference in my absence. Requesting vocational rehabilitation services to attain a doctoral degree is not the normal;…
Bibliography Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times. Web. 20 Dec. 2015. Putting restrictions on guns wouldn’t help anything in today 's society. Guns could still be bought illegally. On top of that criminologist have showed that there is almost just the same amount of death not involving guns as there is with. So there would be no difference restructuring guns. "BalancedPolitics.org - Gun Control (Pros & Cons, Arguments For and Against, Advantages & Disadvantages)." BalancedPolitics.org - Gun…
The assessment in which I completed was on Billy Ray Tuff. Bill Ray Tuff a 23 year old white male was recently caught under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Tuff was apprehended and found with a large sum of money and substance believed to be heroin on his person. During the trial, he plead not guilty even after video footage was shown to the presiding judge. Tuff was charged with a DUI, Reckless Driving, Resisting Arrest, Assault, Violation of Open Container Law, Distribution and…
. “You are going to help me!” Fezzik screams at the top of his lungs. He has been pounding on the door for what seems like hours. Fezzik knocks on the door with one hand and clutches his blood-pouring side with the other. “Please Miracle Max! If you help me I will pay you what I have and work off what I owe! Please! Please!” “No!” Max says once again. “I am not Miracle Max anymore! I am Max! Just Max!” Fezzik begins to sob. “Please Max! Please!” Fezzick begs as everything goes dark.…
Waking up alone, without any considerable optimism for the day ahead and lacking close relationships with the people in a new town, it is important to find a place where one can feel free from the struggles surrounding them. This is a daily longing for Fatou, a character from Zadie Smith’s short story “Embassy of Cambodia.” Throughout the story, Fatou frequently faces prejudices and racial inferiority, which later contribute to her feelings of worthlessness and isolation. Although she feels…