The second campaign for promotional outreach, “Aggies and Woody’s” is geared towards UC Davis students. By implementing these tactics, Woodstock’s can be focused on their primary target audience. First tactic, handing out free samples at the Silo and Memorial Union, is aimed to raise on-campus awareness. Regardless of if the student is a freshman or transfer and does not know about the pizzeria or they have been here for a while and lost the attraction to revisit, this will aid in getting Woodstock’s back on their radar. Through data analyzing, it is apparent that Woodstock’s slow hours are during 11 AM to 6 PM. This can be due to the fact that a lot of students are on campus at this time. In order to increase revenue, whilst also increasing outreach within the university, Woodstock’s can hold a pizza stand and sell slices during slow hours at the restaurant. The pizzeria can also sponsor basketball and football events on campus. Hundreds and thousands of students gather at these events and by Woodstock also being present during these times, they can increase revenue, as well as increase their awareness and outreach within the UC Davis community. In addition, the pizzeria can also have a food truck annually during Picnic Day, which is one of the most busy and active student events held by the university. There are thousands of students on campus and downtown and it would be very beneficial if Woodstock was involved in this event. Lastly, “Greek Life Gavin” and many of his…
Reflecting on the White paper, I was able to see the intent of Trudeau's government was positive movement toward a just society. He presented ideas that he truly felt would help move from the past, to an equal future, while giving back to the ‘Indians’ their independence. The delivery, wording, and western ideals applied toward approaching this equality and Indian independence however riddled with poor considerations and deliverance. Trudeau's Government speaks about considering the information…
Desert Biomes Denton4 Deserts are mostly found in the east but a few are also found in the western region of the Americas. They are very hot places with low moisture and barren waste lands. When you think desert what normally jumps into your head is sand cactus and clear skies with the sun beating down on you. The maximum temperature for a desert can climb up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature in winter only drops a few degrees and it receives a small amount of humidity. The average…
1969 was a year with a distinct economic, social, political, and intellectual atmosphere. After the end of World War II in 1945, the US experienced great economic prosperity lasting until the 1970s where sound employment could be obtained relatively easily for both skilled and unskilled work. The affluence this created also caused a baby boom where birth rates temporarily increased, and in 1969, many of those born in the baby boom now made up 8 million young adults going though college. This…
I believe that the last candidate interviewed should be the one that is hired. This decision is based upon my evaluation on several factors. First, the urgency of the position that needs to be filled. This position is an integral part of the organization and should be filled post haste. Second, the professional and business like quality of the candidate in question. The candidate in question presented a level of professionality that seemed fit for the position. However, her make-up seemed to be…
When most guys join the seduction community, they are on a mission to improve their dating skills with women. Unfortunately, there "side effects" to joining the community that most of the gurus don't tell you about in the fine print. While most guys join with the seduction community sincere desire to improve their social skills, the fact of the matter is there is a very strong correlation between joining the seduction community, and adopting weird behaviors. I'm going to talk about some of the…
I have always enjoyed writing and had a great passion for it. Over the years I have had many up’s and down’s with writing for hobby and for school. My writing goals have faltered at times but are currently standing strong. The experiences I have had with writing, including teachers or just not having ideas, have affected me and my writing but hopefully they’ve have been used to their fullest potential to encourage me. My typical writing process depends on what type of paper I am writing. If I am…
Some of the tricks that will be discussed work better with a particular kind of paint so keep that in mind as progress is made on your work of art. For tempera and acrylic, my favorite thing to do is the glob various colors of paint on a piece of paper, then either fold is in half or lay another piece on top of the sheet with paint on it. Smooth the paint away from the center or crease of the paper and then unfold or pull apart. This must be done quickly so that the paint doesn’t dry with the…
This is especially true when the teacher has to read multiple papers on the exact same topic that they assign to check whether or not the students know what they think the students should know about specific material covered in class. Writing papers of this kind is a painstakingly miserable task for both the student and the teacher, especially if assigned for a similar purpose multiple times. For the teacher who assigns a paper very frequently will regret assigning the paper when he sees the…
The illustration is a collage of planes, buildings and abstract faces that have been created from cut outs of newspapers or text books. Without reading the text within the illustration, the illustration itself is extremely confusing; however, when the text on the page is taken into consideration, the illustration becomes convoluted. The text includes matter that most people would find baffling, such as maths, Chinese writing and rhetorical questions that don’t make sense. The text within the…