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53 Cards in this Set

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أجواء ajwaa’
plural جو weather means atmosphere
the old man can tell the weathers by the aj (itch) he gets in waa’ what area of his body.
spiritual concerns over all else are ruuhaanii ruing this country!
طقس طقوس Taqs TuQuus
means rite ritual in addition to weather
the way one Taqs talks while doing a religious rite ritual is cleaner because it is not right TuQuus to cuss while doing them.
outstanding distinguished
he is outstanding distinguished in fashion. If there is a faDiil (fad
و لو wa lau
although even if if only
جزئي juz’ii
partial minor trivial unimportant
شهد يشهد الشهادة shahida yashhad al-shadaada
in some contexts means testify confirm give evidence and it can be used in the figurative sense
العاصمة المصرية القاهرة، واحدة من العواصم العربية والإسلامية التاريخية التي تشهد
غنى ginaa ginaan
wealth affluence richness
asking whether the people ginaa get enough
مدفع ج مدافع
midfa' madaafi'
gun cannon
when you get hit by a cannon in your mid middle you're like fa' blank you are madaafi madder في in that context.
العالم الإسلامي يعيش هذه الأيام بركات شهر رمضان
the Islamic World is living these days through the blessings of the month of Ramadan
بكل ما تحمله هذه المناسبة من أجواء روحانية
with everything that this occasion includes in the way of a spiritual atmosphere
أجواء روحانية ajwaa’ ruuhaaniyah
spiritual atmosphere
أجواء ajwaa’ plural جو weather means atmosphere the old man can tell the weathers by the aj (itch) he gets in waa’ what area of his body. روحاني ruuhaanii spiritual spiritual concerns over all else are ruuhaanii ruing this country!
الطقوس الحياتية لهذا الشهر
aT-TuQuus al-Hayaatiyah
daily rituals of this month
see: طقس طقوس Taqs TuQuus means rite ritual in addition to weather the way one Taqs talks while doing a religious rite ritual is cleaner because it is not right TuQuus to cuss while doing them.
هذا الشهر الفضيل ash-shahr af-fadiil
the distinguished month said of Ramadan
See: فضيل faDiil outstanding distinguished he is outstanding distinguished in fashion. If there is a faDiil (fad
فتختلف و لو جزئياً من بلد إلى آخر
they only differ partially from one country to another
see: جزئيا juz’iyaan partly partially. See: جزئي juz’ii partial minor trivial unimportant.
طقوساً تعبر عن غنى تراث هذا الشعب
rituals that expresses the richness of the of the heritage of its people
العاصمة المصرية القاهرة، واحدة من العواصم العربية والإسلامية التاريخية
The city of Cairo is one of the historical Arab-Islamic capitals
التي تشهد طقوساً تعبر عن غنى تراث هذا الشعب
which fem witnesses rituals that express the richness of the heritage of its people
غنى تراث هذا الشعب
the richness of the heritage of this people
مدافع madaafi'
plural gun cannon
مدفع ج مدافع midfa' madaafi' gun cannon when you get hit by a cannon in your mid middle you're like fa' blank you are madaafi madder في in that context.
خلا يخلو من khalaa yakhluu min
to be empty free from
if the gross old dude khalaa call out that he just used the bathroom everyone will say yakhluu yuck loo and no other mi men will go in there.
مائدة ات موائد maa'ida maa'idaat mawaa'id
my mom would get maa'ida mad if maa'idaat maddy at me if I spit mawaa'id my wad of gum out at the table.
مائدات maa'idaat
from مائدة ات موائد maa'ida maa'idaat mawaa'id table my mom would get maa'ida mad if maa'idaat maddy at me if I spit mawaa'id my wad of gum out at the table.
from مائدة ات موائد maa'ida maa'idaat mawaa'id table my mom would get maa'ida mad if maa'idaat maddy at me if I spit mawaa'id my wad of gum out at the table.
مارون مارين maruun maariin
another plural for مار.
محتاج ون ل muHtaaj
needy in need of
the needy think the muHtaaj the more touch i give your clothes the more likely you are to give me food
متطوع ون mutaTawwi' un
sometimes your muta mother is the one who makes you Tawwi' tow the line and volunteer for the military.
صائم ون
saa'im uun
faster person who is fasting
some of the guys I met in Jordan were like I saa'im say I'm fasting but I am not.
لحظة انطلاق مدفع الإفطار
the moment of the firing of the iftaar cannon
أحد أشهر طقوس شهر رمضان المبارك
one of the most famous rituals of the blessed month of Ramadan
لحظة انطلاق مدفع الإفطار أحد أشهر طقوس شهر رمضان المبارك
the momement of the firing of the iftaar cannon is one of the most famous rituals of the blessed month of Ramadan
لحظة ينتظرها الكبار والصغار على حد سواء
that is a moment waited for by young and old alike
و لأنه شهر الكرم لا تخلو معظم شوارع القاهرة من موائد الرحمن
Because it is the month of magnanimity most of Cairo’s streets are filled with Ramadan Breakfast Tables
يتردد عليها المئات من المارين لحظة الإفطار
hundreds of passersby are waiting for the moment of Iftar
إلى جانب الكثيرين من المحتاجين
as well as many of the needy
موائد يزينها الشباب متطوعون بالآلاف لخدمة الصائمين
tables are decorated by young people who volunteer by the thousands to serve those who are fasting
مشهد مشاهد
mashhad mashahid
scene shrine place of interest
you could get mashhad mashed head at those popular shrines and places of worship. I didn't get mashaahid mash I hid.
صناعة Sinaa'ah
industry manufacture can be used like something that makes something
Sinaa'ah guys that work in manufacturing that lose their jobs make a Sinaa'ah scene out of it محال صناعة الحلوى الرمضانية stores that make Ramadan sweets.
محل محال
mahall maHaall
place location store
mahhal my hall at my home is my place location other than my store which is target and is where mahaal my حال is best.
glorified exalted
God is like I am the glorified exalted and what is mu'aZZam more I damn the nonbelievers.
فانوس faanuws
there is a faanuws fan news letter for green lantern fans.
مشاهد لا تراها إلا في شهر رمضان
scenes that you don't see except in the month of Ramadan
محال صناعة الحلوى الرمضانية
stores that make Ramadan sweets
تعمل ليل نهار
stores that are open day and night
أسواق متخصصة
specialty shops
أما فانوس رمضان فهو الزينة الرئيسة للشوارع والميادين والمحال والبيوت هنا
as for the lantern it is the main ramadan decoration in the in the streets and squares and stores and houses here
و تضيء أنواره ليل المدينة التي لا تنام طوال الشهر المعظم
its lights light the night of the city which doesn't sleep throughout the exalted month
لا كاد لا يكاد
hardly barely
the old time actress yelled to the man who was being fresh but hardly barely touched her and said maa kaad what a cad laa yakaad no you cad.
أخطأ يخطئ في aKHTa'a yuKHti'u fii
to err miss sin fail to hit in about
معلم معالم ma'lam ma'aalim
mark signpost features characteristics
Mary was like I know the mark signpost features charachteristics of ma'lam my lamb like hes ma'aalim with a limb that doesn't walk so well.
لا تكاد العين تخطئ معالم شهر رمضان المبارك في شوارع القاهرة
The eye can hardly miss the features of the blessed month of Ramadan in Cairo’s streets
طقوس عديدة منها فانوس رمضان الذي لا يخلو منه أي بيت هنا
a number of rituals among them the Lanterns of Ramadan which hardly any house here is without
جزئيا juz’iyaan
partly partially
See: جزئي juz’ii partial minor trivial unimportant.