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50 Cards in this Set

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The Bible is made up of what two parts?
Old Testament & New Testament
The Old Testament is made up of _______ literature.
The New Testament is made up of _______ literature
The new testament was written approximately when?
50-100 A.D.
What is known to the Protestants as the old testaments is known to the Jews as what?
Tanakh or TNK for short
What does the TNK stand for in Tanakh?
1. T- Torah (law)
2. N - Neviim (prophets)
3. K- Kethiuratim (the writing psalms)
The Jewish Bible is primarily in what language?
What language did Jesus speak?
The Old Testament has Jewish ______ writing. Protestant formers took those other ____ out.
Greek, books
official recognized Scripture
The Christian bible is made up of what two sections?
Old Testament & New Testament
The Christian Old Testament is made up of what two types of literature?
Hebrew Scriptures & Greek/Jewish Literature
Christian Bible - The Hebrew Scriptures were written approx. _________. The Greek/Jewish literature was written approximately ______.
1000-300 B.C., > or = to 250 B.C.
Another name for the Greek/Jewish Literature in the Christian Old Testament is ________, which means second canon (second part of Old Testament). It is a _______ expression.
deuterecanonical, Catholic
Protestants call the Deuterecanonical (second canon of OT) what?
The earliest extant copies of the Christian New Testament were from when?
400s A.D.
In the 400s, the formation of the New Testament was _____. Eventually, they were ______ out.
fluid, weeded
Augustine of Hippo (in modern day _______) died when?
Libya, 430
Augustine of Hippo is also known as _________.
St. Augustine
St. Augustine is viewed with great reverence by both ________ & ________.
Catholics, Protestants
St. Augustine was probably the most famous _______ in the ancient world.
St. Augustine lives with a woman out of ______ and they have a ____. He first called Christianity crazy, but then has a ____ experience. He is called the last of the church _______. This was about the time of the fall of ___ and the end of the ancient church fathers.
wedlock, son, conversion, fathers, Rome
One of _______'s lists have exactly the 27 books of the New Testament. Concepts like the ___ cam be traced to some of his ideas.
Athanasius, trinity
At that time, bishops wrote letters to their _______, wrote _____, and occasionally made lists of the _____ read in church.
congregations, treatises, books
Universal church - still haven't gotten to the point of distinguishing Catholics from Protestants.. This at this time was talking about Christians.
The Catholic Church - in the Vatican
The Modern Catholic Bible has how many books?
1100 years from St. Augustine, the ________ Rebellion happens.
In 1517 ________ was part of the Protestant Rebellion. Protestant just meant protesting _____. They were protesting the authority of the ________.
Martin Luther, people, Catholic Church
The 1500s was also the time of King ______ (1532). The Anglicans (a.k.a. _______) came out of this time period. They were also known as the English Church. Eventually, the ______ came out of this.
Henry VIII, Episcopalians, Methodists
The Methodists basically took out the ______.
Hebrew Scriptures are the ____ Bible.
When you put together Hebrew and Greek/Jewish literature, that is the Bible that ______ would have known
The Catholic old testament was originally in what language? It was then translated to ______, approximately 250 B.C., which is known as _______.
Hebrew, Greek, Septuagint
The scriptures that we have are the original _________?
Old Testament
The collective name for the books that didn't make it into the New Testament are?
Gnostic Gospels, Apocryphal New Testament
a book revered by people as a special revelation of God or as inspired by God
basis of the Greek Bible, first translation of the Scriptures, contained both the earlier Hebrew writings and the later Greek writings. It would later become the first Christian _______.
Septuagint, Old Testament
Old Biblical Writings, known to Jews as ______ and Protestants as the ______. Written between 1000 and 300 B.C. The language is _______.
Tanakh, Old Testament, Hebrew
The later writings are known by Catholics and Eastern Orthodox as _______ and by Protestants as the ________. Written between 300 BCE and 60 CE. They are written in what languages?
Deuterocanonical, Apocrypha, Hebrew, but mostly Greek
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy are known to the Jews as what>
Torah (Law)
Joshua, Judges, 1,2 Samuel, 1,2 Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Hoel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi were known to the Jews as what?
Nevi'im (Prophets)
Christians end the Old Testament with what book?
Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, 1,2 Chronicles are known to the Jews as what>
Kethuvim (Writings)
Tobit, Judith, Additions to Esther, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus (Sirach), Baruch Susanna, Bel and the Dragon, Prayer of Azariah, Prayer of Manasseh, 1,2 Esdras, 1,2 Maccabees, 3,4 Maccabees, Letter of Jeremiah are known as what?
Deuterocanonical to Catholics and Apocrypha to Protestants (Protestants does not include Prayer of Manasseh, 3,4 Maccabees, Letter of Jeremiah)
Septuagint, with both earlier Hebrew writings and later Greek writings, comprises the original Christian ________?
Old Testament
The Christian New Testament was written between 50 and 100 CE in what language?
A umber of writings circulated in the first centuries CE which were taken as authoritative by some groups but were never accepted by the majority of Christians are known as _______.
There are some writings such as the Epistle of Barnabas, etc. that were mentioned by early Christians but never part of the ________
New Testament
The difference between the King James Bible and other Bibles is that while other Bibles were translated from Greek, the King James Bible was translated from ________?