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37 Cards in this Set

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branch of philosphy concerned with the ideas of beauty, pleasure, enjoyment form, and affect
power in an object or experience that makes a person feel something in response
tones that sound simulatneously
way of life of a people, transmitted from one generation to the next
free rhythm
rhythm without a recurring accent pattern
named standard unit of the repertory. refers to types of music and describes a musical style
music that accompanies melody
heterophonic texture
two or more voices or instruments elaborating the same melody in slightly different ways
homophonic texture
dominant melody with an accompanying harmony
distance in pitch between two tones
major scale
familiar do-re-mi scale of euro-american music.
white keys on piano c to c is a major scale
principal tune in piece of music. has succession of tones in particular rhythm for a period of time
metrical rhythm
rhythm with recurring accent pattern
monophonic texture
single melody
musical analysis
procedure in which patterns in music are revealed by breaking the music into its component parts and determining how the parts operate together to make the whole
musical form
structure of musical piece or performance: how it is put together and how it works
musical phrase
small series of musical tones understood as a meaningful group or unit
musical style
way musical sound is organized depending on music culture's aesthetics
two tones, second of which is exactly twice the frequency of hte first
frequency of a tone, depending on the vibrations of its sound waves in cycles per second
polyphonic texture
combination of two or more distincy melodies
time-relation among a succession of sounds
ordered, stepwise arrangement of all the principal tones in the octave within a piece of music
relationship of melodies and harmony
quality that gives voices and instruments their characteristic sound; why trumpet soudns different from violin even when playing the same pitch
musical sound with a definite pitch
call and response
mmusical form in which one part seems to be linked as a response to the previous part. the response part appears to be an answer or comment on the first or call part
enemy way ceremony
elaborate curing ritual among Navajos featuring many songs and war drama
high voice from head rather than chest
end blown wind instrument like recorder except two holes in the back are closed with thumbs
Native American Church
religious movement in Mexican and spread to the US. Its music, rituals, and beliefs combine Christian and Native Elements
synonymous with slide
sounding all the frequencies between two pitches of an interval in sequence, upward or downward, as in the sound produced by a slide-whistle
last brief section of a song. indian term similar to a western coda
apparent speed of piece of music. how slow or fast it appears to be going
basic tone, or note, or a melody of a section of a piece; most important pitch; usually the pitch that occurs most oten; often the last tone of a melody, the pitch that the melody seems to be gravitating toward
syllables that do not make up words; "nonsense" syllables that may nonetheless have meaning in that they signify or symbolize something