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69 Cards in this Set

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The Spanish Armada started with 130 ships and 20,000 soldiers and sailors, how many ships and

soldiers did they return with?


In the Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, the queen of France (Catherine de Medici) ordered the

killing of whom?

French Huguenots

What action of Cardinal Richelieu showed that he was more interested in strengthening the

French monarchy than in supporting other Catholic monarchs?

Entering the 30 years war on the side of the Protestants

Who is history’s best example of an absolute monarch?

Louis XIV

Queen Elizabeth I had what kind relationship with Parliament when she called it into session ten

times during her 45-year reign?

A good relationship

How did Oliver Cromwell as Lord Protector of England clamp down on social life in England?

Closing theaters and limiting other forms of entertainment

What part of Europe did The Thirty Years’ War, the War of Austrian Succession and the Seven

Years’ War occur?

Central Europe

When Charles became Holy Roman Emperor as Charles V what territories did he reign over?

Italy, Austria, and various German states

What factors led King Philip to make the decision to invade England?

Stop the seadogs and return England to the Catholic Church

Why did Charles V give up his thrones in 1556?

He was frustrated by failures in Europe

What did Henry IV have to do to claim the throne of France?

Convert to Catholicism

What was Louis XIV’s greatest ambition?

Build up the military and expand french territory

What caused the War of the Spanish Succession?

Louis XIV’s desire to have the Spanish Throne for his son

Who became known as the Sun King?

Louis XIV

What caused the English Civil War?

Charles I’s decision to arrest Puritan leaders in parliament for treason

Which writer described life in nature as “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short”?

Thomas Hobbes

What was the ascension of William and Mary to the throne of England known as?

The Glorious Revolution

Who was the first czar of Russia?

Ivan IV

What was Peter I’s goal for Russia?

Transform Russia into a modern statex

What reason did absolute monarchs argue that their power must not be challenged?

They ruled by divine right

What major feat was accomplished in the Edict of Nantes?

People were no longer forced to follow the Monarch’s religion

What was a major event that helped start the Thirty Years’ War?

Throwing the Holy Roman Empire’s representatives out of a window

Who was the first astronomer to understand that the planets orbited the sun in an ellipse


Who believed that the purpose of government was to protect people’s natural rights

John Locke

In The Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu argued that the best form of government included a

separation of what


Even though some European monarchs embraced Enlightenment ideals did they have any

intention of giving up their own power


Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense argued that the American colonies deserved to be



The American victory at the Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the War for

Independence because it convinced who to contribute to the American war effort


Who was often called the father of modern chemistry, was the first chemist to define elements

while also describing matter as a cluster of tiny particles

Robert Boyle

What English writer’s ideas later inspired revolutionaries in Europe and the Americas and

became a foundation for modern democracy

John Locke

Who believed that all people in society were equal and should be recognized as such under the



In the 1770s, the colonists were much more attached to who in their identities: Britain or the

colony in which they lived

The colony in which they lived

The colonists resisted what two acts by boycotting English goods

Stamp and Townshend (also known as the Intolerable Acts)

The Declaration of Independence drew ideas from what document from 1689, which

protected citizens’ right to a trial, the right to elect members of Parliament, and the right to an independent judicial system

English Bill of Rights

In a federal system of government, government powers are divided how

Between state and national

Until the Scientific Revolution, who were the traditional authorities

The Church and ancient scholars

Which astronomer in the scientific revolution taught theories that brought him into direct conflict with the Church


Who argued that people had a right to overthrow a government that does not protect their natural rights


How did Hobbes and Rousseau differ

Rousseau believed people were naturally good, Hobbes did not

Why did the American colonists objected to the Stamp Act

They objected to taxes levied by the British parliament without representation

What led scientists to study the natural world more closely in the mid-1500s


Who published a book supporting the heliocentric theory right before his death


What new approach allowed scholars to gain new scientific knowledge

The scientific method

Why did the French and Indian War lead to increased taxes on Britain’s American colonies

Because removing the French benefited the colonists, Britain decided to make the colonies pay part of the cost.

What slogan was used to express the outrage of colonial leaders in response to the Stamp Act

No Taxation without Representation

Why did delegates meet at a Constitutional Convention in 1787

To Revise the Articles of Confederation

Why did the Legislative Assembly declare war against Austria?

Fear of Austrian invasion after removing the King and Queen.

Why did King Louis XVI call a meeting of the Estates General to be held in spring 1789?

to get approval for new taxes on the Third Estate

How did Europeans outside of France react to the execution of Louis XVI?

With horror

Which legislative body ended the monarchy and proclaimed France a republic?

National Assembly

Why did many peasants come to oppose the Revolution?

they opposed the Revolution’s anticlerical moves and the draft

Why did the French people welcome Napoleon?

he promised order after the chaos of the Revolution.

Why did Napoleon sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States?

The successful revolt of Saint Domingue led Napoleon to abandon his dream of an empire in

the Americas.

What caused Napoleon to pull his troops from Spain?

the guerrilla war raged by Spanish people

Why did Portugal refuse to comply with the Continental System?

it depended on its trade with Great Britain

What leader most helped to defuse the liberal ideals of the French Revolution?


What is the legacy of the French Revolution?

it has inspired people to fight for their rights in other parts of the world

What caused the French Revolution?

the influence of Enlightenment ideas

What were the effects of the Reign of Terror?

Lost a lot of support for the revolution, kept people in line through fear, massive death tolls.

What was the purpose of the Continental System?

Restrict trade with Great Britain

What European campaign was a disaster for Napoleon

The Russian Campaign

What were the effects of the Congress of Vienna?

Strengthened Nations surrounding France

To whom did the rights outlined in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen


The common man/peasantry

From first to last, what sequence did these legislative bodies govern France after the start of the

Revolution: National Convention, Directory, National Assembly, Legislative Assembly

National Assembly, Legislative Assembly, National Convention, Directory

Throughout the Napoleonic wars, who was France’s Greatest Enemy

Great Britain

The workers of the Third Estate were known as what, meaning “without knee breeches”

Sans Culottes

What was used for most executions during the Reign of Terror

The Guillotine

The First Estate was made up of what group

The Clergy

What radical club adopted policies supported by the lower middle class and the poor

The Jacobin Club