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19 Cards in this Set

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The Prophet and Tecumseh
Lalawethika, aka. The Prophet, aka. Tenskwatawa. He condemned intertribal battles, he stressed harmony and respect for elders, and he urged Indians to return to the old ways and abandon white customs. Tecumseh, Prophet's older brother was turning Prophet's religious movement into a political one. He sought to unify Northern and Southern Indians by traveling widely, and by preaching indian resistance.
Battle of New Orleans
The Battle of New Orleans was the last campaign of the War of 1812. Andrew Jackson emerged as a national hero, and Americans memorialized the battle in song and paintings.
Postwar nationalist program
Madison's post-war Nationalist program was a way of unifying the country. He proposed a national bank, a good form of transportation, new roads and canals, and other advances. Congress accepted many of the propositions, a new bank or the US was chartered, the tariff of 1816 was created. It levied taxes on imported woolens and cottons and on iron, leather, hats, paper, and sugar, in effect raising their prices in the US.
Missouri Compromise
Missouri entered as a slave state, then making the country 12 slave states, and 12 non-slave states. The 36degrees30 line. Dividing slavery and non-slavery. Head Speaker was House of Representatives Speaker, Henry Clay.
Excise tax on whiskey
Hamilton proposed a tax on whiskey in the United States. It was accepted. All of the proceeds helped the government rebuild. The decision to fund state debts meant that the national government required additional income. The farmers protested against the tax. The uprising was known as the Whiskey Rebellion.
Monroe Doctrine
Presented by John Quincy Adams, not Monroe, his message called for non-colonization of the Western Hemisphere by European nations, a principle that addressed American anxiety not only about Latin America but also about Russian expansion beyond Alaska and its settlements in California. Non-intervention by European in the Western Hemisphere, and the US would not interfere with European affairs.
Louisiana Purchase
On April 30th, 1803, Monroe and Livingston signed a treaty buying the vast territory, whose exact borders were not yet napped and whose land was unchartered. The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the nation and opened the way for continental expansion.
Embargo Act
The Embargo Act forbade all exports from the United States to any country, an action that Jefferson percieved as a short-term measure to avoid war. Very unpopular and unsuccessful.
McCulloch v. Maryland
In McCulloch v. Maryland(1819), the Court struck down a Maryland law taxing a branch of the federally chartered Second Bank of the United States. Maryland had imposed the tax in an effort to destroy the bank's Baltimore branch. The issue was thus one of STATE versus FEDERAL jurisdiction.
Alien and Sedition Acts
In 1798, Federalist controlled Congress adopted a set of four laws known as the Alien and Sedition Acts, intended to supress dissent and to prevent furthur growth of the Democratic-Republican faction. The acts targeted immigrants.
Alien Acts
The two Alien Acts provided for the detention of enemy aliens in time of war and gave the president authority to deport any alien he deemed dangerous to the nations security. The acts were not during Adams' administration.
Sedition Act
The Sedition Act sought to control both citizens and aliens. It outlawed conspiracies to prevent the enforcement of federal laws. The act also tried to control speech. There were ten convictions, most of them Democratic-Republican newspaper editors.
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
Jefferson and Madison each drafted a set of resolutions. Both sets pronounced the Alien and Sedition Acts unconstitutional and asked other states to join in a concerted protest against them. Propoganda began in these two resolutions. The theory of union proposed inspired Southern advocates. Key significance, How far could the state go in opposing the national government? How could a conflict between the two be resolved?
Washington's farewell address
In his farewell address, Washington outlined two principles that guided American foreign policy until the 1940's, To maintain commercial, but not political ties to other nations and to enter no permanent alliances. He encouraged unilateralism, independant action in foreign affairs.
Lewis and Clark Expedition
In 1803, Jefferson sent an expedition headed by Meriweather Lewis and Wiliam Clark to the Pacific coast via the Missouri and Columbia Rivers. The Journey began May of 1804. They returned September 23, 1806.
Marbury v. Madison
In Marbury v. Madison 1803, the Supreme Court denied itself the power to issue writs of mandamus but established its far greater power to judge the constitutionality of laws passed by Congress. James Madison, Jefferson's new secretary of state, declined to certify Marbury's appointment so that the president could instead appoint a Democratic-Republican. Marbury sued, requesting a writ of mandamus(a court order forcing the president to appoint him)
Bill of rights
The first ten amendments to the constitution. The peoples basic rights.
Bank of the United States
A national currency, a working Treasury, lend money to the government. 2nd National Bank was part of Madison's National Plan.
Assumption of State Debts
Political implications. Some states had paid their debts, but others hadn't. Hamilton's financial plan supported the idea, Madison did not.