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130 Cards in this Set

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What does the word "Islam" mean?

"submission" - straight path to God

What is a "Muslim"?

"one who submits to God"

- God is the center of life

What word root doee0HQ1g37y dGmuU8zUs t7=1&4212=1%2he word "Islam" come from?

meaning "peace"

What are the two largest sects of Islam?

Suni and Shi'a

What are the percentage of Muslims in each sect?

Suni - 85%

Shi'a - 10%

- The rest are smaller sects

What is the ending to Jesus' story in the Qur'an that is different than the Biblical story?

Muslims believe God lifted Jesus to heaven (he wasn't crucified)

How do Muslims think of Jesus?

Jesus is not as divine in the Qur'an as in the Bible - not son of God but is born of a virgin

What is the common patriarch in all three religions, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism?

Abraham - called by God

What city grew around the Kaaba?

Mecca - prosperous in trade

How do Christians view Islam?

Only tradition that has threatened Christianity

Where do most people believe Muslims are from?

Middle East - found in many places (a lot are even in the U.S.)

What do all 3 religions share in common (Christianity, Judaism, Islam)?

Belief in one God

How do Muslims refer to the Christians and Jews?

"holy people of the book" or "fellow people of the book"

Who is Ishmael?

son of Abraham and Hagar

What is different between the Qur'an and the Bible?

Bible follows story of Isaac

Qur'an follows story of Ishmael

How many times a day do Muslims pray?

5 times a day

What was the reason the prophet Muhammad forbid picture to be made of him?

So people wouldn't worship his image

What was the name of the angel that appeared to Muhammad? What does he say?

Gabriel - he commands him to proclaim

What does Muhammad do after seeing Gabriel?

He comes back trembling and consults his wife and her mother and they say it was genuine and he should follow his word

What does the word "Qur'an" mean?

"recitation" - meant to be read aloud

What are the five pillars of Islam?

1. Prayer

2. Pilgrimage

3. Charity

4. Fasting

5. Pilgrimage

Where do Muslims face to pray?

Face Mecca and pray 5x a day

What month do Muslims fast?


What language do Muslims speak when praying? Why?

Speak Arabic b/c that's how God spoke to Muhammad

What does Medina mean?

"city of the prophet"

What was the name of the city of Medina before the name was changed?


How did the Muslims gain this land? Who did they defeat?

They defeated the Meccan army although the Meccan army was larger

Muhammad offered freedom instead of war - caused many Meccan's to convert to Islam

What was the name of the city that was the center of Islamic culture while Europe was mired in the Dark Ages?

Baghdad - capital of their vast empire

What did the Abassids bring to the Muslim people?

Knowledge - math & science

What is Muhammad believed to have been born from?

A star - his father died before he was born

What did the angels do to Muhammad's heart?

Removed a black spot - believed to be him getting his sin removed

Who did Muhammad marry and how many kids did he have?

Married an older woman and had 6 kids (only 4 girls stayed alive)

How do we know of Muhammad's teachings? Why didn't Muhammad write his teachings down himself?

Muhammad was illiterate, therefore others wrote down what he said

At what age did Muhammad die?


Who are the Umayyads?

Meccan family that converted to Islam and presided over Muslim territory

What is the name of the 4 holy festivals of Islam?


What is the type of number system used by the world today?

Arabic - 1, 2, 3 etc..

What was the true purpose of the Crusades?

Attempt to colonize Middle East of Western Christians

What is the name of the third holiest city to Muslims after Mecca and Medina?


What is the hajj?

Journey to Mecca/God

- complete at least once (if physically and financially able)

- God's house

- Begins the 12th month of Islamic calendar

What people give the Strait of Gibraltar it's original name?

African Americans named it after their king

What does the name "Istanbul" mean?

"Islam in abundance"

- capital of Islam after Ottoman Turks won over Christian rule

What are the three rights of the Qur'an given to women?

1. Right to own property

2. Right to receive their inheritance

3. Right to choose who they marry

*4. Women can vote

What is the name of the head covering worn by many Muslim women?

Higab - required modesty of women and men in Qu'ran

- Some cultures choose not to wear it (cultural differences)

What does jihad truly mean?

"sacred/holy/inner struggle" - some believe it constitutes a 6th pillar

What was Nigeria referred to as?

"bread basket of Europe"

Why couldn't Muslims grow anymore later on in history?

Rise of Western Europe and the Industrial Evolution

Who were the Muslims biggest threats?


What covers the hajj?

K'aba - "king"

- black cloth covering it - new one made every year by hand

What does the throwing of 7 pebbles at a granite stone symbolize?

Rejection of sin and the devil

Who brought Islam to Spain?


What is the Reconquista?

Brought Islam to an end in Spain and much of Europe

When can a Muslim man marry more than one wife?

If he treats them all the same (doesn't favor one over another)

What happened to African Americans that were taken as slaves?

They lost their heritage and religion - someone helped them re-discover their heritage

What did Malcom Little change his name to? Why?

Malcom X because he considered "Little" to be his slave name

Where did Malcom X learn of Orthodox Islam?

From his mother

What happened to Malcom X when he returned from his journey to the hajj?

He had a lightened side of Islam (now considered global Islam)

Why wasn't trade popular in the Empire of Ghana?

Harsh conditions and lack of traveling methods

In Ghana, when did trade flourish?

When camels were introduced to nomad travelers

Why were camels beneficial to travel?

Only needed water every 10 days and rarely needed rest

Another name for the region farmed by the Soninke people


Where did Ghana's wealth come from the in the 700's?

Taxing goods that traders brought through their territory

What were the 2 most important trade items in Ghana?

Gold and salt

Where did gold come from?

Forest region south of Savannah - but are was absent of salt

Where did salt come from?

Deposits in the Sahara

- so plentiful that the Saharan village of Taghaza built their houses out of salt

What did the Arab and Berber traders carry through the Sahara?

Salt, cloth, weapons and manufactured goods

Where did merchants meet to trade?

Trading cities where they exchanged good under the watch of a tax collector

What did royal officials do in addition to taxing trade?

Made sure that all traders weighed goods fairly and did business according to law

What did the royal guards do?

Protected from bandits

What happened in 800 to Ghana?

it became an empire

What did the king store in his royal palace?

gold nuggets and slabs of salt (collected as taxes) - king was only one who had right to own gold but gold dust was openly circulated in the market

How was the price of gold kept from falling?

king being only person allowed to keep gold nuggets

What did Ghana's african ruler act as?

religious leader, chief judge, military commander

What could the African Ghana ruler lead?

bureaucracy and large army

How did Islam spread throughout Northern Africa?

by conquest

How did Islam spread throughout south of the Sahara?

through trade

What happened as a result of merchants and teachers settling in states south of Sahara and spreading their faith?

Ghana's ruler concerted to Islam - soon led to Muslim advisers help the king run his kingdom

When the rulers of Ghana converted to Islam, did their people convert too?

Many people stuck with their Animistic beliefs and practices and observed along with Islam

What did Islam's growth encourage?

Spread of literacy

What happened as a result of war with the Muslim Amorvaids of North Africa?

Gold&Salt trade was disrupted and Ghana never regained its power

What did Mali emerge from?

Mande-speaking people that were built on gold

When was Mali built?

After gold mines shifted to the East - new capital established in Niani

What else happened as a result of the building of Mali?

trade routes shifted to the east and new area became ruled by Sundiata

What is Niani?

new capital and trade center of Mali

- re-established the gold&salt trade and promotes agriculture

Who was Mansa Musa and what did he do?

Muslim who built mosques and attended prayer

- took over after turmoil and takes a trip to Mecca

- great military leader

- creates provinces and appoints governors

After Mansa Musa's trip to mecca what did he build?

Gao and Timbuktu - 2 most important cities in mali

- towns attract judges, doctors etc.

How much did the empire of Ghana grow during the ruling of Mansa Musa?

2x the size

What happened once Ibn Battuta left?

Empire began to crumble - due to more gold that was found even farther east and successors tat didn't govern as well

Who is Es-Saheli?

Poet architect

What was the cause of Mansa Musa's loss of wealth?

Generosity and charitableness

Where did the Mayan empire stretch from?

Southern Mexico into Northern Central America

Where did the Olmec build civilizations?

Gulf Coast

What did the Mayan writing looking like?

Hieroglyphic system consisting of more than 800 characters - called glyphs

What did Mayans usually write on?

Codex (bark-leather bound book)

What is the Popol Vuh?

one of the few Mayan stories (Mayan creation story) - not many original books of Mayan culture exist

What influenced most aspects of Mayan life?

Religion - believed in many Gods

- each day was a living god whose behavior could be predicted with the help of a calendar

- worshiped gods in various ways

What would Mayan people do for their Gods?

- Made offering of flowers, food incense

- Pierced and cut their bodies and offered their blood

- Gave human sacrifices

- Threw offering into a deep sinkhole

- sacrifices never reached extremes of other Mesoamerican people

How did Maya decline?

it's a mystery - many theories that overlap

What did the Tenochtitlan create?

Hundreds of temples and religious structures dedicated to approx. 1000 gods that the Aztecs worshipped

Where did the Aztecs adopt many of their gods and religious practices?

from other Mesoamerican people

What did Aztec religious practices center around?

elaborate public ceremonies designed to communicate with the gods and win their favor

What happens at Aztec religious ceremonies?

Priests make offerings to the gods and presented ritual dramas, songs and dances featuring masked perfomers

What did the most important Aztec rituals involve?

the sun god Huitzilopchitli

Why did Aztecs go to war?

To capture more prisoners for sacrifice - not to conquer new lands

What caused number of provinces to rise up against the empire's oppression? What did the begin?

Montezuma calling for more tribute and sacrifice - this caused rise up against empire's oppression bringing on a period of unrest and rebellion

How did Montezuma deal with the provinces rebellion?

Reducing the demand for tributes by cutting the number of officials in the aztec government

What was the worst omen?

Arrival of the Spanish

Who were the Aztecs?

poor, nomadic people from harsh deserts

- found work as soldiers for hire

What did the god of sun and warfare tell the Aztecs to do?

Find a place of their own - small island in Lake Texcoco called Tenochtitlan

- joined two other city-state Texcoco and Tlacopan to form the Triple Alliance

How many provinces was the Aztec empire divided into?


What was the power of Aztec military leader?

Gov official and priest (Noble)

What were the jobs of commoners?

Merchants, artisans, soldiers, farmers who owned land

- merchants often were spies for the emperor

What did the triple alliance conquer?

Most of Central Mexico from ocean to ocean with population of 5 to 15 million

What did the conquered people do when this happened?

Ruled themselves but had to pay tribute. Tributes included gold, jade, cotton, maize, cocoa beans etc.

What happened to the conquered people when they failed to pay tribute?

- temples burned

- villages slaughtered/captured

- prisoners were sacrificed brutally

What is Tenochtitlan?

a planned city

- one of the biggest cities of its time

How were provinces connected?

- Raised roads over water and marshland

- Streets and canals

What was the economic heart of Tenochtitlan?

Tlateloco (local agriculture sold)

What was the basis of the Inca Empire?


Where was the Inca empire first established?

Andes plateau

What did the Inca offer to the people whos land they conquered?

Loyalty before they conquered them - most groups accepted the settlement because it allowed them to keep most of their current cultures

How did the Inca government work?

- territory was divided into units to keep control

- single official language: Quechua

What was the capital of Inca?


What was the Inca social system based on ?

Ayllu - extended family group undertaking tasks to big for single single families

Did Incans have a writing system?

No but had a system of numbers that were made up of different colors of string

What did religion do in Inca?

reinforced the power of the state

- worshipped fewer gods than the aztecs

- focused on nature spirits

What was the primary Incan God?


What was the most important Incan shrine?

Temple of the Sun in Cuzco

During whos reign did the Incan Empire reach the height of its glory?

Huayana Capac

What were the two civilizations preceding the Aztecs?

Olmecs and Zapotecs