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63 Cards in this Set

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Which civilization was this?
the Phoenicians
The scientific method of determining the age of very old objects is called this.
carbon dating
or radio-carbon dating
or carbon 14 dating
Which of the following is a
primary source of history?
your textbook
Hammurabi's Code
Howard Carter
Hammurabi's Code
The center of ancient Mesopotamia
was in modern day ___.
The center of ancient Judea
was in modern day ___.
The ancient Egyptian writing
system was called ___.
The ancient Mesopotamian
writing system was called ___.
Which ancient civilization built
temple-pyramids called ziggurats?
Mesopotamia (Sumerian)
Which ancient civilization
wrote on papyrus?
Which ancient civilization built
pyramids as tombs for their kings?
The great pyramid of the Giza
plateau was built for the pharaoh ___.
Khufu (Cheops)
The civilization that developed along
the Tigris and Euphrates rivers was ___.
The civilization that produced
the first writing system to use
symbols to represent simple
sounds were the ___.
Their religion, known today as Judaism,
continues as a world religion and influenced
the development of Christianity and Islam.
Who were they?
Hebrews or
The geographic feature that protected
ancient Egypt from being invaded
from the West was ___.
the Sahara Desert
Which of these was NOT a
city of ancient Mesopotamia?
Uruk Harappa
Ur Babyon
When the government of a city
or state is ruled by the religious
authority (priest-king) it is called
a ____.
The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
flow into the ____ _____.
Persian Gulf
King Nebuchadnezzar built the
____ / it was one of the seven
wonders of the ancient world
Hanging Gardens
of Babylon
It arced from the eastern shore of
the Mediterranean all the way to
the Persian Gulf / this area was
the first cradle of civilization
Fertile Crescent
The Akkadian king who built the
world's first "empire" was ___.
(2340 BC)
The oldest know set of written
laws are known as _____.
Hammurabi's Code
The first civilization to use coins
were the ___.
The first to develop a lasting
monotheistic religion were
the ___.
Hebrews or
Letter D shows the location of ___.
the Yellow River
(Huang He)
The K shows the location of ___.
the Gobi Desert
The Chinese philosophy of ___
taught that government should
pass strict laws and enforce
them with harsh punishments.
Emperor Qin ruled under Legalism
He had Confucian scholars buried alive
The name of the cradle of
civilization that translates
as "the land between the rivers"
law which included the phrase,
"an eye for an eye"
Hammurabi's Code
On which continent was
Mesopotamia located?
On which continent was
ancient Egypt located?
Why is the Huang He is also
called the Yellow River?
it contains yellow silt
called leoss
Which mountains separate
India from China?
This Chinese dynasty lasted for
around 900 years. It was the
longest single dynasty in history.
Zhou Dynasty
This concept was the justification
for dynastic rule in China. Without
it, a ruler would lose power.
Mandate of Heaven
Which Chinese philosophy is
based on the general concept
of being in harmony with nature?
Daoism or
Which of these was
NOT one of the first three
dynasties of China?
Enkidu was a character
in the epic of Gilgamesh
Which ancient civilization has
a history of rule associated
with the "Dynastic Cycle"
This was the idea that the
Emperor was favored by
Heaven to rule over China.
Mandate of Heaven
The ancient Chinese believed
they could communicate with
dead ancestors by using
_____ Bones.
Oracle or Dragon
The wisdom of Confucius was
written in a collection called
the ______.
He was the "First Teacher" of
China / also called "Master Kung"
What was the most important
trade product of early China?
the Confucian concept which expresses deep respect for the male head of the family
filial piety
ancient teaching that became the guiding philosophy of Chinese society / it stressed responsibility, respect, and the five relationships
The ___ is the main god of Hinduism. It is an eternal and infinite spiritual principle or "ultimate reality."
this Hindu god is known as the Preserver of the Universe
this Hindu god is known as the Creator of the Universe
this Hindu god is known as the Destroyer of the Universe
the people of India that were outside the Caste System because they were not considered human
or Outcasts
this river was and is the most important spiritual river in the world to Hindus
Ganges River
The ___ was built to protect against invaders from the north
Great Wall
This was built to protect the ___ ___ trade route.
Silk Road
Where was Siddhartha when he became "enlightened?"
under a fig tree
What was Siddhartha before he became the Buddha?
a Hindu prince
Name one of the two well-planned cities of the Indus Valley prior to the Aryan invasions
The religion that was spread to the East by Asoka was ____.
Hindus use the term ____ to sum up the deeds done in a lifetime.
The values of honesty, education, and acting out of concern for the people of China were first taught by ___.
This symbol represents the traditional Chinese concept of ___ and ___.
Yin Yang
He was buried with an army of clay figures near Beijing.
Emperor Qin
The Aryans went through the ___ ___ before invading the Indus Valley.
Khyber Pass
Don't forget to study......
your maps!!!!!