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39 Cards in this Set

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1. Feudalism
What is feudalism?
Why was feudalism needed in the middle ages?
It’s a political system in which land is granted by the lord to his vassals
- needed to protect their land because there wasn’t a strong government to do it for them
2. Fief
what is a fief?
The name of the land given from a lord to his vassal
3. Vassal
what is a vassal?
In feudalism, the person the land is given to is called the vassal (knight, noble class)
4. Chivalry
-what is chivalry?
-What were the rules of chivalry?
-What did chivalry do for society?
-Was a code of honor among knights
-It said that knights had to protect anyone weaker (women and children)
-It protected the noble class and made society less violent as a whole
5. Primogeniture

what is primogeniture?
The policy of all land and money going to the first born son
6. Excommunicate
What is excommunicate?
What happens to someone who is excommunicated?
-To be removed from membership from the church, you cant get married or be buried on sacred ground
-This make someone an outcast
7. Regular clergy*

who is in the regular clergy?

Why is it called regular clergy?

Why do monks live separately from the secular world?
-Monks (nuns)

-Called regular because they followed strict rules

-They remove themselves from the outside world to avoid temptation and be closer to God
8. Secular clergy *
who is in the secular clergy?
Why are they called secular clergy?
-Priests, bishops, archbishops, cardinals, pope
-They dealt with the real world- everyday people
9. Crusades
What were the crusades?

Which crusade succeeded?

How were the crusades good for Europe?
Were a series of battles over the holy land of Palestine
-Only the first crusade succeeded
-They were good for strengthening the kings – they helped Europeans improve their weapons and knowledge, the crusades helped cause the renaissance
10. Plague

What is another name for the plague?
What animals carried the plague?
-Aka-the Black Death
-Carried by rats and fleas
11. Heretic *

What is a heretic?
What happened to heretics during the Middle ages?
-Someone who denies or rejects the views or rules of the church
-During the inquisitions heretics were found and forced to confess. If they did not they were killed
12. What was the role of the church in the Middle Ages?
It was a big feudal landowner.
The church helped people and was a source of stability b/c the government was weak
The pope was the strongest leader in Europe
13. How did the Crusades change Europe?
Trade increased- people from Europe wanted spices and silks
They were good for Europe because they strengthened the kings, they helped Europeans improve their weapons and knowledge, the crusades helped cause the renaissance
14. Give two reasons a man might join the Crusades.
To gain land or the title (land grants in the holy land)
To earn a ticket to heaven/ save their souls
15. How did Chivalry affect each class during the Middle Ages? Why were the effects of Chivalry somewhat limited?
Lords/nobles- woman and children in this class are ones who are protected by chivalry lords went through knights training and also followed the code.
Knights- it was their code/ rule. They lived by it.
Peasants- rule did not apply to them, but it did make life less violent
16. Why did a manor need to be self-sufficient?
They need to have everything they needed right there because their government was too weak to protect them from war or to organize trade. Vikings
17. Why was the feudal system needed in Medieval Europe?
It was needed to protect the land because the government could not.
The plagues, the Vikings, and other invaders all weakened the leaders. `
-When was the renaissance?
-What caused the renaissance?
-What does the word renaissance?
What happened during the renaissance?
-After the middle ages (dark ages)
-Caused by the crusades- feudalism ended, more money and learning in Europe

-Church was still important but not as strong
-The word means “rebirth”
-It was when art, literature and the sciences were studied in Europe
What did humanist believe?
Name three important ideas in humanism?
- Believe that Humans were created by God and therefore what humans made was important
-A return to the ideas of the Roman and Greeks
- on grammar, history, rhetoric (speech)
-Religion was more individual- people have a relationship with God
-Focused on how things worked- human body, machines
What is Petrarch famous for?
-Wrote about Laura
Leonardo da Vinci
What is Leonardo da vinci famous for?
Artist, inventor, sculptor, engineer
The renaissance man- smart, tough, artistic
-Most famous for Mona Lisa last supper, flying machines
What was Michelangelo famous for?
-Sculptor, painter
-David, Sistine Chapel
What was Raphael famous for?
-Madonna’s (mother and child)
What was Rembrandt famous for?

-Realistic portraits and expressions
What was dante famous for?
-Wrote “The Inferno” and “Divine Comedy” about a trip through hell and the afterlife
What Chaucer famous for?
One of the first English poets to establish English
-Wrote “Canterbury Tales”
What was Cervantes famous for?
-Don Quixote
What was Shakespeare famous for?
Playwright and poet
-Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Midsummer’s Night Dream, Julius Caesar
What did Gutenberg invent?
-The printing press
Who started the reformation?
Why did martin Luther protest the catholic church?
How did the protestant church form?
-Started by Martin Luther
-He protested the church because it was corrupt- mainly against indulgences
-The Roman Catholic church did not change so his followers started a new religion
Anglican Church/Church of England
Who started the church of England and why?
Protestant church
-Started by Henry Vlll because he wanted a divorce (needed a son) and the Catholic Church wouldn’t let him
Martin Luther
What was Martin Luther job?
Why did Martin Luther challenge the church?
What happened to Martin Luther?
-He was a monk
-He challenged the Catholic Church because he wanted them to be more focused on the Bible teaching instead of money and power
-He was excommunicated
John Calvin
Who was john calvin?
-Started a protestant church
Henry VIII
Who was henry the VII?
Started the Anglican Church/ Church of England because he wanted a divorce
What are indulgences?
-The practice of buying forgiveness from the church
1. Explain 3 main beliefs of Humanism. How can each be seen in art?
A return to the ideas of the Roman and Greeks – sculptures of human body like David
Focus on grammar, history, rhetoric (speech)- Dante, Shakesspeare- plays were history; Julius Caesar

Religion was more individual- people have a relationship with God= Piesta, Sistine Chapel, Last supper
-Religious scenes

Believe that God created Humans and therefore what humans made was important

Focused on how things worked- human body, machines – Da Vinci- flying machines, diagrams of the body, Rembrandt’s portraits
2. Name three causes of the Reformation.
Corruption in the church- indulgences
The printing press spread Luther’s ideas
Humanism made people think that humans could have individual ties with God
The plagues- weakened faith in church
3. What role did the printing press play in the Renaissance and the reformation?
Spread the ideas of the Reformation
Allowed more people to lean how to read
4. List three results of the reformation.
Creation of Protestants churches – Calvinism, Lutheranism, Church of England
Catholic church started the counter reformation- ended indulgences
War between Protestants and Catholics
Jews were victims of more anti-Semitism and prejudice
Increased learning even more
Weakened the Catholic Church