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50 Cards in this Set

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Domesday Book
Result of complete census taken by Duke William and later helped English monarchs build an efficient system of taxes.
Henry II
He wanted to try clergy in royal courts, developed an early jury system, and broadened the system of royal justice.
Thomas Becket
The archbishop of Canterburry who dissagreed with Henry II's attempt to try clergy in royal courts. He was murdered in 1170 by four of Henry's knights and was declared a saint.
Louis IX
Embodied the ideal of the perfect midieval monarch. He persecuted non-christians and led wars against the muslims. His enormous personal prestige helped create a strong national feeling among his subjects.
Common Law
legal system based on custom and court rulings
Magna Carta
John was forced to sign this charter by a group of rebellious barons. In it he affirmed a long list of feudal rights.
Holy Roman Empire
led by the holy roman emperor. holy because they were crowned by the pope and roman because they saw themselves as heirs to the emperors of ancient rome.
Gregory VII
Pope who banned lay investiture. He wanted to make the church independant of secular rulers.
Henry IV
Holy Roman Emperor who dissagreed with Gregory's ban on lay investiture.
Innocent III
Pope who embodied the triumph of the church and claimed supremacy over all other rulers. He clashed with many powerful rulers but nearly always came out on top.
Lay Investiture
when the emperor or another lay person presents a bishop with a ring or a staff to signify his office
Council of Clermont
1095 Urban II incited bishops and nobled to take action against the turks
Muslim leader who captured Jerusalem from the Christians.
christian campaign to drive Muslims from Jerusalem
Marco Polo
Venetian explorer who spent many years in China learning about their civilization.
Ferdinand and Isabella
monarchs who finally drove the muslims out of spain and tried to unify the nation under christianity.
holy wars called for by Pope Urban II to free the holy land from the muslims
Thomas Aquinas
Wrote Summa Theologica and brought christian faith together with classical greek philosophy
Dante Alighieri
Itallian poet who wrote the Divine Comedy
Goeffery Chaucer
wrote the canterbury tales
method developed by christian scholars that used reason to support christian beliefs
Flying buttresses
stone supports that stood outside of gothic style buildings
the everyday languages of ordinary people
song of roland
most popular chanson de geste which paraises the courage of one of Charlemagne's knights
Jan Hus
Man who led call for reforms in Bohemia. His followers were the hussites. He was tried for heresy and burned at the stake in 1415
Joan of Arc
17-year-old peasant girl who led the French army to many victories before she was captured by the english and burned at the stake.
John Wycliffe
Oxford professor who attacked Church corruption. He insisted that the bible, not the church, was the source of all Christian truth.
100 Years War
Series of conflicts between England and France that lasted from 1337-1453 over power and economic rivalry.
Babylonian Captivity
The time period when the papal court remained under French domination for about 70 years
rising prices
Francesco Petrarch
Florentine who was an warly Renaissance humanist. He assembled a library of Greek and Roman manuscripts and wrote Sonnets to Laura.
Leonardo da Vinvi
Artist who painted the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. He was also many other things including an inventor
imtellectual movement at the heart of the Italian renaissance that focused on worldly subjects rather than on religious issues
author of The Book of the Courtier
Goeffery Chaucer
wrote the canterbury tales
method developed by christian scholars that used reason to support christian beliefs
Flying buttresses
stone supports that stood outside of gothic style buildings
the everyday languages of ordinary people
song of roland
most popular chanson de geste which paraises the courage of one of Charlemagne's knights
Jan Hus
Man who led call for reforms in Bohemia. His followers were the hussites. He was tried for heresy and burned at the stake in 1415
Joan of Arc
17-year-old peasant girl who led the French army to many victories before she was captured by the english and burned at the stake.
John Wycliffe
Oxford professor who attacked Church corruption. He insisted that the bible, not the church, was the source of all Christian truth.
100 Years War
Series of conflicts between England and France that lasted from 1337-1453 over power and economic rivalry.
Babylonian Captivity
The time period when the papal court remained under French domination for about 70 years
rising prices
Francesco Petrarch
Florentine who was an warly Renaissance humanist. He assembled a library of Greek and Roman manuscripts and wrote Sonnets to Laura.
Leonardo da Vinvi
Artist who painted the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. He was also many other things including an inventor
imtellectual movement at the heart of the Italian renaissance that focused on worldly subjects rather than on religious issues
author of The Book of the Courtier