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16 Cards in this Set

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What was the industrial revolution?

Greatly increased output of machine made goods.

What was socialism?

Factories are owned by, for people

What is capitalism?

Privately owned, the government plans the economy.

What is laissez faire?

Natural laws

Who was Adam Smith?

The wealth of nations author

Free markets- buy sell whatever

What's an advantage of stocks?

Less risks for debts.

What is crop rotation?

Reusing soil but by switching crops each year.

Better soil

What is needed for industries?

Land, labor, entrepreneurs and capital

What are enclosures?What did they lead to?

Larger fields with gates and fences. They lead to experimentation and some urbanization

What are factories?

Buildings that contain machinery for manufacturing.

What was the it that people were not allowed to do during the industrial revolution in Britain?

They were not allowed to leave Britain if they had repaired, created, or did anything with any of the Machines.

Who was the person that left England secretly and made America a textile mill?

Samuel Slater

Why were entrepreneurs important?

They used the factors if production to start factories and industries.

What did the upper class think of the middle class?

The looked down at them.

What was the first type of industry?


What were three effects of agricultural revolutions?

- population growth

-demand for goods

-farmers moved to cities