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70 Cards in this Set

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What are bedouins?
Nomadic Arab herders of sheep and camel. Bedouins were organized into tribes with the leader of a tribe called a sheikh. p48
What is hijrah?
Migration of Muhammad and his followers in AD 622 from Mecca to Yathrib, marking the first year of the Muslim calendar. The word means flight or migration. p49
What is jihad?
Teaching of Islam to defend the faith. Literally means "the struggle to defend the faith". p49
What are mosques?
Muslim place of worship. Mosques have no furnishings, only mats or rugs on which to kneel, and they never contain images of people or animals. p50
Who was Muhammad?
A poor trader born in Mecca (AD 570) who founded the Islam religion. He reported the the angel Jibreel (Gabriel) told him that he was called to be a prophet of Allah (God). p46
What is Islam?
Religion based on Muhammad's teachings & ideas that began spreading to Arab tribes in AD 600s. The word "Islam" literally means "submission to [the will of] God". There are 5 basic acts of worship, the Five Pillars of Islam. p49
Who are Muslims?
Followers of the religion of Islam. Millions of people around the world are Muslims, with the largest communities in Asia, North Africa, and Eastern Europe. p50
What is the Qur'an (Koran)?
Holy book of Islam. It is the word of God as revealed to Muhammad. It includes rules and instructions for right living. p50
What is Islam?
Religion based on Muhammad's teachings & ideas that began spreading to Arab tribes in AD 600s. The word "Islam" literally means "submission to [the will of] God". There are 5 basic acts of worship, the Five Pillars of Islam. p49
Who was Muhammad?
A poor trader born in Mecca (AD 570) who founded the Islam religion. He reported the the angel Jibreel (Gabriel) told him that he was called to be a prophet of Allah (God). p46
In what way did the geographic location of Mecca help its early merchant rulers establish their base of power there?
Mecca was near waterways, and on a caravan route, which allowed merchants to engage in profitable trade.
How did belief in Muhammad's prophethood lead to the religion of Islam?
It led Muhammad to teach about a single God, Allah.
What role did settled and nomadic Arabs play in the spread of Islam throughout the Arabian peninsula?
Followers settled in Medina and their numbers grew. Nomadic tribes began to accept Muhammed's ideas and helped spread Islam.
Is Islam a monotheist or a polytheist religion?
Islam is a monotheist religion. Followers believe in one god called Allah.
What is a caliph?
A title meaning "successor to the prophet" used in government and religion in Islamic society. p51
What are imams?
Spiritual leaders, who according to some Shi'ah Muslims, should be direct descendants of Muhammad. p52
What is a sultan?
Ruler of the Turks who claimed to serve the Muslim caliph. p55
Who was Abu Bakr?
When Muhammad died in AD 632, his followers, chose Abu Bakr as his successor. He was given the title caliph. During his rule, Abu Bakr helped to bring the Arabic tribes together & expanded Islam's influence. p51
Who was 'Umar?
In AD 634, 'Umar succeeded Abu Bakr as caliph. 'Umar was a strong leader with a well-run government. Under 'Umar, Muslim expansion continued. p51
Who was Rabi'ah al-'Adawiyah?
A Sufi Muslim mystic. Sufi tried to live simple lives centered on God. They turned away from worldly possessions & success. The Sufi believed that faith in God was the only mark of a person's worth. p53
Who was Abu Bakr?
When Muhammad died in AD 632, his followers, chose Abu Bakr as his successor. He was given the title caliph. During his rule, Abu Bakr helped to bring the Arabic tribes together & expanded Islam's influence. p51
Who succeeded Muhammad when he died in AD 632?
When Muhammad died in AD 632, his followers, chose Abu Bakr as his successor. He was given the title caliph.
Who succeeded Abu Bakr?
In AD 634, 'Umar succeeded Abu Bakr as caliph.
Who were the Sufi?
Muslim mystics who tried to live simple lives. p53
Who were the Sunni?
Branch of Islam formed in AD 600s who believed agreement among Muslim people should settle religious and worldly matters. p52
Who were the Shi'ah?
Branch of Islam formed in the AD 600s that believed only imams should decide religious and and worldly matters. p52
Who were the Shi'ah?
Branch of Islam formed in the AD 600s that believed only imams should decide religious and and worldly matters. p52
Who were the Sunni?
Branch of Islam formed in AD 600s who believed agreement among Muslim people should settle religious and worldly matters. p52
Who was Tariq?
A North African Berber general who led a Muslim army to Spain conquering it quickly. They crossed at the great Rock of Gilbraltar between Africa & Europe, that became known as Jabal Tariq or Mount Tariq. p53
Who was Tariq?
A North African Berber general who led a Muslim army to Spain conquering it quickly. They crossed at the great Rock of Gilbraltar between Africa & Europe, that became known as Jabal Tariq or Mount Tariq. p53
Who were the Moors?
Muslims who made Spain their home in the AD 700s. p53
Who were the Moors?
Muslims who made Spain their home in the AD 700s. p53
What are three subgroups of Muslims?
Sunni, Shi'ah and Sufi
What are three subgroups of Muslims?
Sunni, Shi'ah and Sufi
To what areas did Arabs conquer and spread Islam during the years AD 637-1100s?
Arabs conquered and spread Islam to Iraq, parts of Syria, Persia and North Africa.
To what areas did Turks conquer and spread Islam during the years AD 900s-1250s?
Turks conquered and spread Islam to Baghdad, Syria, Mesopotamia, much of Asia Minor and northern India.
In what ways did the geography of the Arabian peninsula contribute to the spread of Islam?
It borders many bodies of water, but is also connected by land to parts of Asia and Africa.
What is an astrolabe?
Instrument used to calculate latitude by looking at the stars. It was a Greek invention adopted and improved by the Muslims. p59
What is a minaret?
Tower attached to the outside of a mosque (Muslim building for worship), from where a crier could call Muslims to worship. p61
Who was al-Razi?
He was a great doctor of the Islam world. was the first doctor to describe smallpox and measles and compiled a huge medical encyclopedia. p58
Who was Ibn Sina?
A great Islamic thinker, scholar and doctor. Also know as Avicenna. He wrote a medical book in the early 1000s used in Europe until 1650. p58
What was the "Thousand and One Nights"?
A popular collection of Muslim folktales that center around the story of Scheherazade who supposedly told nightly stories to her husband to save herself from execution. p61
Who was al-Idrisi?
A Muslim geographers who sent people to other countries to gather geographical information for him. He combined combined this information with existing maps to make new, more accurate maps. p59
Who was al-Razi?
He was a great doctor of the Islam world. was the first doctor to describe smallpox and measles and compiled a huge medical encyclopedia. p58
Who was Ibn Sina?
A great Islamic thinker, scholar and doctor. Also know as Avicenna. He wrote a medical book in the early 1000s used in Europe until 1650. p58
What was the "Thousand and One Nights"?
A popular collection of Muslim folktales that center around the story of Scheherazade who supposedly told nightly stories to her husband to save herself from execution. p61
Who was al-Idrisi?
A Muslim geographers who sent people to other countries to gather geographical information for him. He combined combined this information with existing maps to make new, more accurate maps. p59
What role did trade play in the Muslim Empire?
It played a very important role and made the empire wealthy.
How did the Qur'an (Koran) influence Muslim culture?
It guided both religious and daily life.
What were three main areas of scientific and mathematical achievements?
achievement in medicine, geography, and Arabic numerals
What were some achievements of the Muslim culture in the area of manufactures? (Name as many as you can)
silk, cotton, and wool; metal products from gold and silver; steel swords; jewelry; perfumes & spices; pottery & glassware; and fine leather
What were some achievements of the Muslim culture in the area of science and medicine? (Name as many as you can)
pharmaceutical drugs; techniques of dissection to study anatomy; surgical instruction & processes; diagnosis of diseases, new ideas concerning hygiene, started world's 1st pharmacy, founded public hospital, compiled medical books
What were some achievements of the Muslim culture in the area of science and medicine? (Name as many as you can)
pharmaceutical drugs; techniques of dissection to study anatomy; surgical instruction & processes; diagnosis of diseases, new ideas concerning hygiene, started world's 1st pharmacy, founded public hospital, compiled medical books
What were some achievements of the Muslim culture in the area of mathematics? (Name as many as you can)
developed Arabic numerals, used decimals in Arab arithmetic book, wrote about al-jabr which became algebra, spread mathematical ideas to Europe
What were some achievements of the Muslim culture in the area of mathematics? (Name as many as you can)
developed Arabic numerals, used decimals in Arab arithmetic book, wrote about al-jabr which became algebra, spread mathematical ideas to Europe
What were some achievements of the Muslim culture in the area of manufactures? (Name as many as you can)
silk, cotton, and wool; metal products from gold and silver; steel swords; jewelry; perfumes & spices; pottery & glassware; and fine leather
What were some achievements of the Muslim culture in the area of geography? (Name as many as you can)
developed more accurate way to measure distances on earth, made better maps, improved the astrolabe
What were some achievements of the Muslim culture in the area of geography? (Name as many as you can)
developed more accurate way to measure distances on earth, made better maps, improved the astrolabe
What are some stories from The Thousand and One Nights collection?
Sinbad and the Sailor,
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Why did some Arab traders and others who lived in the Arabian Peninsula follow the lifestyles of nomadic herders?
Except for coastal areas, most of the Arabian Peninsula is desert. People became nomadic herders because they could not grow crops.
Why did some Arab traders and others who lived in the Arabian Peninsula follow the lifestyles of nomadic herders?
Except for coastal areas, most of the Arabian Peninsula is desert. People became nomadic herders because they could not grow crops.
Why do Muslims call Muhammad "the prophet of Islam?
He had a religious vision and believed Allah spoke to him through the angel Jibreel (Gabriel). His teachings founded the Islam religion.
Why do Muslims call Muhammad "the prophet of Islam?
He had a religious vision and believed Allah spoke to him through the angel Jibreel (Gabriel). His teachings founded the Islam religion.
What role does the Qur'an (Koran) play in the lives of faithful Muslims?
Muslims believe it is the word of God (Allah) and follow its rules and instructions.
Which areas were included in the Muslim Empire by AD 750?
parts of Syria, Persia and North Africa, Spain, Mesopotamia, much of Asia Minor, and northern India
What was the result when the Berbers crossed into Spain?
The Muslim army conquered Spain and the Moors (Muslims living in Spain) began ruling.
What factors caused Islam to divide into two main branches?
They could not agree on who should be caliph and 'Uhlman was murdered for favoring his own clan.
What role did trade play in Muslim culture?
Historically Arabs, including Muhammad has been traders. Trade helped spread the Islam religion and brought wealth into the empire.
What navigational aids did the Muslims develop?
maps, measuring system, and an improved astrolabe
Why did Muslims produce the type of art that they did?
Islamic religious art cannot show human form, so it emphasized geometric and floral patterns.