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91 Cards in this Set

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54. What region of Europe became known as the “powder keg” because it produced the most diplomatic crisis prior to WWI?
The Balkans
In what century did most Latin American countries receive their independence?
Who was the leader of the slave indepence movement on the island of St. Dominque?
Toussain L’Overture
People of this country saw the independence of Haiti as a symbol of freedom and hope.
What was the impact of the Haitian independence movement on Latin America?
Creole Elites viewed it with horror as an example of general social upheaval
Who was responsible for the independence movement in northern Latin America?
Simon Bolivar
Who began the independence movement in Mexico in 1810?
6. Father Miguel de Hidalgo
Jose de san Martin was responsible for independence movements in:
Buenos Aires
By what date had all of Spanish South America gained its independence?
How was Brazilian independence achieved?
By crowned Prince Pedro declaring independence
In what way was the government of independent Brazil different than those of other newly created Latin American nations?
10. Brazil became a monarchy
Which states made up Gran Columbia?
11. Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador
By 1850, were attempts at consolidation and union in Latin America successful?
Who were caudillos?
13. Independent leaders who dominated by force and sometimes seized the government itself.
By what doctrine did the U.S. express its attitude toward Latin American independence?
14. Monroe Doctrine
List the factors accounting for economic stagnation in Latin American from 1820 to 1850.
(1) Mining sector was slow to recover after the wards of independence. (2) Transportation & port facilities were under-developed. (3) Lacked capital for investment or had too much capital tied up in land. (4) Unskilled Labor Force
What does "Manifest Destiny" refer to?
16. The belief that America was destined to rule the continent from Coast to Coast
What crop made up over 40% of Brazil's exports for 1840?
What was the status of women in post-indepencdence in Latin America?
Women gained little ground and virtually no change.
By 1888, did skin color and former slave status create barriers to social advancement in Latin America?
19. Yes
How would you descrive the economy of Latin America from 1880 to 1920?
Experienced a spurt of economic growth
Following Juarez's death in 1876, who succeeded as president of Mexico?
Porfirio Diaz
The Spanish-American War that broke out in 1898 centered on:
Cuba and Puerto Rico
In the late 1700s what power become the main threat to the Ottomans' survival?
23. Russia
Who successfully eliminated the Janissary corps as a military and political influence?
Mahmud II
List the weaknesses of the Ottoman Empire by the 18th century.
Weak Leaders, Weak/Obsolete Military, Competition within factions of the elite, Deteriorating conditions for artisans as a result of competition with the West.
Britain supported the Ottoman Empire in order to prevent other European powers from gaining access to which sea?
Which European power seized territories of the Ottoman Empire in the early decades of the 18th century?
What Islamic group ruled Egypt in 1798?
28. Mamluks
The dynastic name taken by the Manchu dynasty was:
Did the Arabs of the Ottoman Empire support the 1908 coup afterwards?
30. Initially they did, however to their dismay the Arabs discovered that the Young Turks not only meant to continue their subjugation but were determined to enforce state control to a degree unthinkable to the later Ottoman sultans.
Which country's invasion of Egypt in 1798 signalled the beginning of Europe's penetration of the Islamic heartland?
31. France
Why did European financiers lend money to the successors of Muhammed Ali?
To access cheap cotton
How would you descrive the Manchu government (political positions)?
33. Held high number of political positions
What was the Chinese population by 1850?
410-415 million
What was the impact of the British opium trade on China?
Opened China to trade and diplomacy with the West. Within years, China's formed balance of trade was reversed and silver flowed out of the country.
In what area did the Manchus attempt to take strong measures of reforms?
36. Infrastructure, industry, military
What was the outcome of the Opium War?
British Won
Which country did British merchants turn to after unfavorable terms of trade in China?
In what year was the last emperor of China deposed in favor of a republican form of government?
Which rulers (family) of China stubbornly resisted far reaching reforms that could have saved the regime?
What war in the mid 19th century demonstrated Russia's widening gap with the west?
41. Crimean War
What accounted for the West's victory over Russia in the Crimean War?
42. not because of their great tactics or inspired principles but because of their great industrial advantage
What tsar began the process of reform in the 19th century?
43. Tsar Alexander II
Which two nations defied the common pattern of growing Western domination in the 19th century?
44. Prussia and Austria?
In what year were Russianserfs emancipated?
45. 1861
In addition to their personal freedom, what else were serfs given when emancipated?
They received most of the land.
What was the Duma?
National Parliament created in Russia in the aftermath of the Revolution of 1905; progressively stripped of power during the reign of Tsar Nicholas II; failed to forestall further revolution
What was the first step toward industrialization in Russia?
Constitution of new railways
The defeat in what war led to revolution in Russia in 1905?
49. Russo- Japanese War
Name an important innovation in Marxism Lenin introduced.
The idea that a prolitarian revolution could take place without going through a middle-class phase.
Which Shogunate combined a central bureaucracy with semi-feudal alliances with regional daimyos and the samurai?
Who was responsible for the forced opening of Japan in 1853?
Matthew Perry
What was one similarity between Japanese and Russian industrialization?
Scarce capital and unfamiliarity of new technology
What region of Europe became known as the “powder keg” because it produced the most diplomatic crisis prior to WWI?
The Balkans
What did sea warfare largely consist of in WWI?
Western observers, before 1914, largely felt that Western leadership was bringing Enlightenment to inferior peoples of the rest of the world.
List the events leading to the outbreak of WWI
Nationalism in Europe, imperialism, the Arms Race, and the Alliance System.
How would you describe the state of WWI by 1916?
Deadly stalemate occurred on the Western Front
List four features of 20th century world history.  
What nation profited most by warfare in Asia between 1914 and 1919?
During WWI, which side did the Ottoman Empire join?
The Triple Alliance
What was the Balfour Declaration?
It was a letter from the British Parliament that said the Jews would have a home established in Palestine.
In what year was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk signed? 
Which nation withdrew from the war in 1917?
In 1918 which nation sued for peace on the western front?
In Germany, who installed a civilian government to shoulder the blame of defeat?
The German military generals.
The series of treaties that ended WWI were negotiated at:
What happened to the Ottoman Empire as a result of participating in WWI?
it collapsed
Describe the efficacy of the League of Nations after WWI
Not too effective, more of a discussion group
In what city did the Russian Revolution begin in 1917?
Who was the leader of the short-lived government after the March Revolution?
Alexander Kerensky
Russia withdrew from WWI in
Revolution in Russia in the 20th century served as a model for revolution in
Poland and Hungary.
What were soviets?
Councilmen in Russia that believed in the USSR
What group succeeded the initial revolutionary government of Russia?
Lenin’s power in 1917 was based on the control of the
List the reasons for the failure of the initial revolutionary government: 
The Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers Deputies, Army Order #1, and Russia’s lack of liberalism
What was Lenin’s solution to Russian participation in WWI?
He signed a humiliating peace treaty, giving Germany large amounts of land, and got Russia out of WWI.
After Lenin seized power in Russia did he have complete support of the people? Explain. 
No, there was an internal civil war, and people lost some of the liberal ideals they had with Kerensky.
Who was the first head of the Red Army?
Leon Trotsky
An attempt by Lenin to improve the Russian economy in 1921 was called:
NEP (New Economics Policy)
How did Stalin’s view of communism differ from that of Lenin’s? 
Stalin represented a strongly nationalist version of communism.
List the groups that did not participate in internal civil war against the Communist government.
Czarist generals, religious peasants, orthodox church, minority nationalities
What response did the Russian revolution provoke elsewhere in Europe?
Britain, France, US, and Japan all invaded Russia.
What was the Comintern?
The Communist International and it was dedicated to an International Soviet Regime.
Who were the kulaks?
Wealthy farmers that destroyed crops and livestock to avoid collectivization
Who strongly enforced the five year plans to quickly boost the economy?
Joseph Stalin
Following implementation of Stalin’s agricultural policies, was agricultural production successful?
Renowned a major weakness in the soviet economy demanding a higher % of the workforce that was common under industrializations.
What was collectivization?
It was during Stalin’s agricultural five year plan and it was when the government took independent farms, and combined them to create large farms. USSR took peasant land.
Which Eastern European nation developed an advanced industrialization program and an extensive urban culture following WWI?