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15 Cards in this Set

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who succeeded where others had failed, came from Prussia's junker class made up of conservative landowning nobles.

Otto von Bismarck

the highest official of monarch


realistic politics based on the needs of the state



add a territory to an existing state or country





explain the economic changes promote unity

- the late 1830s, Prussia created an economic union called Zollverein. Dismantled tariff barriers btween many German states.

- Germany remained politically fragmented. 1848 liberals meeting in the Frankfurt Assembly again demanded German political unity

- offered the throne of united German states to Frederick William IV of prussia who rejected the throne

Explain the Bismarck Unites Germany

Came from Prussia's Junker class which was made up of conservative landworking nobles.

- he became chancellor and used his policy of "blood and iron" to unite the German states under Prussian rule.

Explain the master of realpolitik

Bismarck's sucess was due to his strong will.

- master of real politic

- power > principles

- he was not a germn nationalist.

- loyalty was to the Hohenzollerens, the ruling dynasty of Prussia, who represented a powerful and traditional monarchy.

- wanted to brin more power to them.

explain in detail Prussia declares war with Denmark and Austria.

First move was to form an alliance with Austria in 1864. Seized te provinces of Schleswig and Holstein form Denmarck. 1866 Bismarck created an excuse to attack Austria. After 7 weeks Prussian won, and annexed and took control of north German states. Bismarck dissolved the Austrian - led German confederation and created a new confederation dominated by Prussia Austria and 4 others remained independent.

Explain in detail France declares war on Prussia

France vs. Prussia

france - prusian war of 1870

bismarck rewrote a telegram saying it was from the french, furious Napoleon declared war.

- Prussian force destroyed the french and Napoleon surendered within a few weeks.

explain in detail the German Empire

Persuaded William I to be emperor January 1871 - German nationalists celebrated the second empire.

- constitutional drafted by bismarck set up to house legislature.

Explain in detail making economic progress

growth was due to ampie iron and coal resources

a disciplined and educated professionals helped create a productive and efficient society.

a ruthless politician

Camillo Cavour

a longtime nationalist and an ally of Mazzini

Gluseppe Garibaldi