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46 Cards in this Set

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People only make enough for themselves - subsistenceMoney is NOT used, only trading “bartering

A type of economic system in which production of goods and services is determined by the DEMAND from CONSUMERS

Production of GOODS & SERVICES is done to make a PROFIT

Government PARTIALLY or COMPLETELY OWNS key parts of the economy (large industries, like energy or manufacturing), but PRIVATE BUSINESSES are also a major part of the economy
Economicsystem where the CENTRALGOVERNMENTmakes ALLdecisions about PRODUCTION ofgoods & services and SETSPRICES
maintain their traditional form of decision making over modern, centralized forms of government.

• Keeps decision-making local

• Emphasizes clan/kinship ties

• Often rejects of modern government

Tribal government

a government run or overseen by religious leaders.

• Religious leaders claim to act on behalf of God to run the government

• Religious leaders’ decisions outweigh those made by elected officials

• There’s no separation of church (religion) and state (government).

Theocracy government

ordinary citizens of a country hold all the power and control the government by using free and fair elections.

citizens decide on government issues directly by voting

The government’s power comes from the people

democracy government

a form of government where a single person rules and leadership follows family bloodlines.

monarchacy government

a form of government in which one person or political party rules with few limits on their power

Ruled by one person (or political party) Power is usually taken by force

Citizens have no rights

dictatorship government

simply a government without a king or queen(monarchy), in which the citizens have some voice in their government.

Republic government

governments completely control all aspects of citizens’ public and private lives.
Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors shared and passed on by a group


where innovations, ideas, materials and technology begin

Culture Hearth

usmallersociety adopts the culture of a majority group
society accepts or adopts an innovation

Average number of people living in an area

Population Density

Factors that encourage people to leave an area

push factor

Factor that encourage or bring people to an area

pull factor

people who leave their homeland due to political unrest


just counts birth and deaths not migration birth-rate and death rate are equal, zero growth

natural increase

A model based on change that occurred in the population of many countries as the industrialized

demographic transition

what are the stages of demoraphic transition

stage 1: Birth rate and death rate are high

stage 2: Death rates begin to fall but birth rate remains high

stage 3: Birth rates and death rates are low

an economic system in which economic decisions and the pricing of goods and services are guided solely by the aggregate interactions of a country's individual citizens and businesses.

supply and demand

market economy

a mix between socialism and capitalism. It is a hodgepodge of freedoms and regulations, constantly changing because of the lack of principles involved.

mixed economy

an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government.
command economy

uses natural resources directly

Ex: farming and mining

Primary economy

uses raw materials/natural resources to make something new

ex: processing wheat into flour and bread

secondary economy

Provides services to people and business

ex: bakery, car dealership, teacher, banker

Tertiary economy

what is the statistical study of humans population called


the number of infants that don't service their first year of life

Mortality rate

number of births each year for every 1000 people living in a place


number of deaths each year for every 1000 people

death rate

a language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native languages are different.

lingua franca

movement from one part to another


Monotheistic – one GodJews are the chosen people of God, must follow his laws. Jerusalem/Israel are holy lands.

Where – IsraelHoly Books - Torah, and Talmud


Jesus Christ is the son of GodDeath and resurrectionCame to redeem mankind from sin.

10 commandments, Sabbath Day, Communion, The cross,

origin is israel

prophet is jesus of Nazareth


There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of GodQuran is word of God. Muslims must perform the “Five Pillars of Faith”.

Holy Books – Quran and the Hadith

Prophet: Mohammed


PolytheisticReincarnation and Karma – cause and effectUltimate goal – oneness with “Brahman” (God, Reality)

Where – IndiaHoly Books – Vedas, Bhagavad-Gita

Who – Ancient priests of India


Life is suffering, caused by wanting things, caused by ignorance.Reincarnation and karma“8-fold Path” allows escape to Nirvana

Where – Northern IndiaHoly Books - Tripitaka

Who – Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha


emphasized the importance of eduction and learning

followers celebrate birthday as teenagers day

life after death

reverence for parents


when information about a new idea or innovation spreads throughout a society

Expansion Diffusion

This happens when people move to new places and take their culture with them

Relocation Diffusion

When cultural traits spread from places of greater size and influence to smaller places

Hierarchical diffusion

all the new technology has created a new world we live in. thes innovations are spreading culture traits


Following long term practices and oppsing many modern technologies and ideas


a form of a religion, especially Islam or Protestant Christianity, that upholds belief in the strict, literal interpretation of scripture.