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46 Cards in this Set

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Define Demography
The study of populations
Define Culture
The beliefs and actions that define a group of peoples way of life
What is population density?
One relatively small share of the earths surface- areas where the soil is fertile enough, water is plentiful enough and the climate is mild enough to grow crops
How have people adapted to their environment?
It depends on the environment, for example if the weather is cold than they will wear heavy clothing, it allows people to survive in areas that might appear hostile to human life.
What is the most accurate way to calculate population density?
Divide the total population of region by the region land area
List two factors that have contributed in population growth
Modern technology and food production
List three possible effects of population growth that will bring new problems
Some demographers predict increases in famine, disease, and natural resource depletion
List two possible effects of population growth that will benefit future generations
Level of technology, and creativity will also increase
When is a country said to have reached zero population growth?
When the combined birthrate and immigration rate equals the combined death rate and emigration rate
Where does the majority of the population in Europe and North American live?
What is the growth ratio between urban areas and rural areas in many countries throughout the world?
What is Material Culture?
Things that people make such as food, clothing, architecture, art, crafts and technology
What is Non-Material Culture?
The religion, language, spiritual beliefs, and patterns of behavior
What is the cornerstone of culture? Why? & what does it reflect about the culture?
Cornerstone of culture is language, without language people would not be able to communicate, language reflects a cultures identity
List the three main causes of fighting between countries
religious differences, lack of political power & economic opportunity
What is Culture hearth?
A place where important ideas begin and from which they spread to surrounding cultures
What part does religion play in development of a culture?
religion helps people answer basic questions about the meaning and purpose of life, it supports values that a group of people consider important
In all cultures, what is the most important unit of social organization?
List the three main causes of fighting between countries
religious differences, lack of political power & economic opportunity
In order of status, how are people ranked into social classes?
It may be based on money, occupation, education, ancestry, or any other factor culture values highly
Which groups are most often restricted from improving their social class?
Social mobility is usually restricted
What is cultural convergence
the skills, arts, ideas, habits and institutions of one culture come in contact with those of another culture
What is culture diffusion?
the process by which a cultural element is transmitted across some distance from one group or individual to another
What is cultural divergence?
the restriction of a culture from outside cultural influences
What are the main ideas reflected by governments?
governments usually reflect beliefs about authority, independence, and human rights
What are the main ideas reflected by economic systems?
the use of resources and distribution of wealth
What are the four characteristics that define a country?
1. clearly defined territory
2. population
3. sovereignty
4. a goverment
Define territory
the land, water, and natural resources within its boundaries
How does a county define its borders?
Natural divisions
How do populations in countries worldwide differ?
the size and makeup of their populations
Define sovereignty?
a nations freedom from outside control
Define government
the institution which a society makes and enforces its public policies and provides for its common needs
What are common needs provided by the government?
Keeping order within society, protecting society from outside threats, and providing some services to its people
What is a unitary system?
When one central runs a nation
What is federation?
when some powers are given to the national government and other powers are reserved for more local governments
What is confederation?
smallerpolitical units keep their sovereignty and give central government only very limited powers, typical in such fields as defense and foreign commerce
What is an authoritarian government?
when the leaders held all, or nearly all, political power
What is dictatorship?
when the power is concentrated in a small group or even a single person
What is totalitarianism?
the most extreme form of dictatorship. the government tries to control every part of society-politics, the economy, and peoples personal lives
What is a monarchy?
most common kind of government
what is a democracy?
any country in which the people choose their leaders and have the power to set government policy
What are the three questions that should be answered by an economic system?
what and how many good and services will be produced?
how will these products be produced?
how will the products and wealth gained from their sale be distributed?
What is traditional economy?
knows as the subsistence economies, little surplus is produces, there is relatively little need for markets where people can buy excess goods
What is a market economy?
an ecosystem that gives great freedom to individuals and groups, or free enterprise system
what is a command economy?
when an economic system is controlled by a single, central government
name one example of a system that uses mixed economy