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23 Cards in this Set

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Industry that directly use natural resources and raw materials and are found at or near sources of those materials.
What is a Primary Industry? (79)
Ex. agriculture, mining, farming, et.al., located in areas where natural resources are found.
Industries that take goods made in primary industries and change the goods into products that are useful to consumers. Ex. Manufacturing
What are Secondary Industries? (79)
bakeries that accompany dairies are located close together due to possibility of spoilage of raw milk. other types locate where resources are needed for manufacturing ( ex. cheap power sources, skilled laborers, or specialized transportation facilities, cheap labor, et.al.
Industries that provide services to primary and secondary industries, to communities, and to individual consumers.
What are Tertiary Industries?
Include stores, restaurants, banking, insurance, transportation, and government agencies.
Industry providing professionals having specialized skills or knowledge.
Examples are Information research, management, and administration.
What are Quaternary Industries? (79(
A school principal or county school superintendant are trained to coordinate all the departments, activities, and schools within a county
A measure of a country's economic development including the total value of goods and services produced inside and outside the country.
What is the GNP/ Gross National Product? (80)
Includes profits from International Companies.
The ability to read and write.
What is Literacy? (80)
high correlation between reading & writing and economic development of the country
Those things necessary to build and maintain industries and to move goods in and out of a country quickly and easily.
What is Infrastructure? (80)
The roads, bridges, transportation facilities, power plants, water supply, sewage treatment facilities, and government buildings.
Any electronically transmitted communication important to developing high-technology industries.
What are Telecommunications? (80)
Examples: Internet, Computers, Cellular Phones, et.al.
Countries that have a good educational system, widely available health care, and many manufacturing and service industries. Per capita GDP's above $20,000.
What are Developed Countries? (81)
About one-fourth of the world's people live in these countries. They possess modern technology, industry and international trade agreements.
Assistance given to developing countries through money or services as gifts or loans or to ease human suffering.
What is Foreign Aid? (81)
Some developed countries give aid only to countries with rich natural resources or a low rate of population growth.
Companies that build factories in many poor countries around the world. Businesses with activities in many countries often seeking raw materials, cheap labor. They provide jobs and transfer technology from the developed countries to developing countries.
What are Multinational Companies? (81)
Automobile industry that have factories in other countries that produce parts.
An economic principle under which prices are determined mostly through competition and people are free to choose what and when to sell and buy.
What is Free Enterprise economy? (81)
A Market Economy, where goods people want are produced in large amounts and sold at fair prices. The basis of Capitalism.
An economic system in which resources, industries, and businesses are owned by private individuals.
What is Capitalism? (81)
Also called a Market Economy.
An economy where consumers determine what is to be bought or sold by buying or not buying certain goods and services.
What is a Market Economy? (81)
The term Market refers to a system in which goods and services are exchanged freely.
The government determines wages, the kinds and amounts of goods produced, and the prices of goods.
What is a Command Economy?
Found in Communist or Socialistic governments or in Dictatorships. Government controls the industry and economic factors.
An economic and political system in which the government owns and controls almost all of the means of production.
What is Communism? (82)
China and the Soviet Union had these type governments formerly. North Korea, North Vietnam & Cuba are Communist today.
The number of births per 1,000 people in a given year.
What is the Birthrate? (83)
If the country's birthrate exceeds its deathrate, the population will increase.
The number of deaths per 1,000 people in a given year.
What is the Death Rate? (83)
If the number of deaths is more than the number of births, the country's population will decrease.
Someone who moves out of a country.
What is an Emigrant?
Think "E" as in escape to a better place.
Someone who moves "into" a country.
What is an Immigrant? (84)
Think "IM" as in Import into the country.
Includes only those goods & services produced inside the country, excluding profits from goods & services produced outside the country.
What is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)? (80)
Profits from Multinational countries are not included in this statistic.
domestic meaning "home" country.
A country having poor industry, little infrastructure, poor health care, frequent migration of people, large cities with few jobs, poor educational system
What is a Developing Country? (81)
These countries are without natural resources or the ones they have are being monopolized by corrupt government, there is a high correlation between literacy rate and the countries economy
The study that emphasizes statistics to look at human population distribution, population density, and trends in population.
What is the study of Demography? (82)
The study that predicts growth in population over a period of time and tries to determine those factors which stimulate or retard this growth.