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91 Cards in this Set

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assuming that men are more aggressive than women.
any behavior directed toward another person that is intended to harm
Overt/ physical agression
has to do with physically harming someone else
relational aggression
Any harm that is done through manipulating relationships. etc gossiping,
Research different culture and aggression (new Guinea)1999
10 year study in New Guinea,boys+girls encourage to be confident and non-aggressive. 5 acts of physical violence appeared 4 by women. gender difference dissapear when no taught aggression.
Research aggression(Los Angeles)1994 -
female Mexican gangs, men and women carried guns and enjoyed violence. when aggression encourage there is no gender difference.
Research aggression (Crick et al) 1997
Preschool study. boys higher on overt relationship girls higher on relational
Crime Data on Men
Men are the consistent offender. They represent 84% of violent crime.
Gender difference are larger when done with what type of research
self report
Spontaneous reaction are more likely to come from
men than woman
Young people think aggression is
powering over less powerfull and voilence is a way to gain and sty in control
____ percent of childrend are spanked at some point. which gender is spanke more
90 and boys
voilence epidemic
idea that there is full attack of voilence against women. men against women. men are aggressors but mostly against men.
generalist aggression
idea that a man who is violent against women is likely to be the aggressor against anyone.
definition of aggression
obstacles everyday that overlap between sexes. isn't a obstacle overlap because most men and women are not aggressive.
Society looks at women as __ if they don't show aggression
weak and non-competitive
society thinks its the ___ for men to be aggressive because the fall into society's trap like jail etc.
Pro-social behavior what is it for male and female
Male-helping in risky situations
female - emotional support for someone they know. etc. helping their girlfriend deal w/relationship breakup.
Pro-social research shows that its
considered a part of social support vs. helping. Women not seen in risky situations. Also Benevolent sexism - like women are not suppose to be in risky situations.
Providing unselfish help for someone in need of it without expecting anything in return.
Giving care to someone who is typically young or less competent. boys and girls are equally nurturing.
Emotional research on pro-social behavior
elementary boys hide sadness, girls hide disappointments. boys more likely to deny feelings
Empathy and its research(who is more empathetic)
Understanding what others are feeling. putting yourself in their shoes. research shows that females are more empathetic.
friendship emotional stereotype for male and female shows
female- have deeper closer relationship. Male- friendship based on activities they do.
Intimacy research
both men and women feels intimacy is important(comm, trust, self-disclosure, support). females more comfy being touch like hugging, and emotions are higher than men.
Verbal communication stereotype (m+f)
male- demanding voice, arrogant, etc female- talk a lot, speek politely, good grammar.
research Spender '89 talk and men
shows that men actually spoke more than men. 78%
Interruptions (afflictive and intrusive) and which sex is afflictive and intrusive.
Afflictive - shows intersest during convo, listening etc. Intrusive- interrupts convo and want to take control. Men= intrusive and female= afflictive.
Research study about intrusion and with college students
men more likely to be intrusive, more you talk=more powerful you are and female looks more powerful when they're intrusive
Tentative speech and hedges
Uncertain words when someone gives a answer like kind of, seems like, and dont you think. Women more likely to use these hedges speeches.
disclaimer and who use them
shows lack of confidence. etc phrases such as this may be a stupid, I may be wrong but... lest power indivduals use these.
communal orieantation
more relational, criticize others in a comfy way. leaving line of comm opes to include others.
Non verbal communication such as personal space, body posture, eye contact, facial expressions are
women personal space smaller, bigger space is more power, female bodies take less space/guys bodies look more relax and take up more space, guys dont gaze in eyes women gaze out of respect, men and women will gaze at women, women smile more than men because they're taught to.
decoding ability(which sex decodes better)
women decodes facial expressions better.
Empathic accuracy (william Ickes)
understanding each others feels. in empathy study women were better. when your the prime role there is a gender difference.
Cognitive Abilitieis
General intel(men and women is the same) Memeroy-the same, verbal(language)- women score higher.
Cognitive VErbal/Mathematics
gender differences
women better @expressing themselves verbally. Push for science and maths to be equal. girls typically do well then shift.
Standerdize testing
typically under predict women testing abilities in classroom.
Spatial realism
Idea that women cant read maps, 3d objects. women who play more video games have higher spatial ability tests.
Ch.6 what is Vulva, vagina
vulva is external female organs. Vagina is canal that leads to uterus.
Mos Pubis
Pad and fatty housing covering the pubic bone(covered with course hair).
Labia majus
Outer lips, typically fold, covering the vaginal opening
Clit and Vaginal liche
clit is Highly sensitive has 2x as many nerve endings as penis. vaginal lichen removes mentrual fluid. its place where penis enters and baby come out.
masters and Johnson study (60s)
study of what happens during sex
e swelling of bodily tissues caused by increased vascular blood flow and a localized increase in blood pressure.

Typical causes of vasocongestion in humans includes menstruation, sexual arousal, REM sleep, strong emotions, and illnesses and allergic reactions.
vaginal lube
makes sperm swim faster to egg, neutralize acidity of vagina, without it sperm would die, prevents pain during sex.
Plateau phase
Clitoris shorten/pull back under clitoral hood. becomes extremely sensitive
Orgasmic Phase
3rd or 4th of phases by masters and johnson. Uterus and Outer part of Vagina contracts strongly. 3-15 contracts apart. Last for a minute
Resolution phase
Sexual organs return to their normal/unstimulated size. 30 mins or more
study on pain relief,spine, and ORGASM.
implant electricity in spine it redces pain, found place on spine if you place electro and it became orgasmic.
orgasmic study m+f
women dont reach as quick, both men and women have same reactions, men and women have difference, woman can have multiple, men squirt cum women or some dont.
female study on orgasm
makes pregnancy more likely when guy pull it to the uterus.
2 kinds of ORGASMS (2 kinds)
Cultural- does not happen any different from vaginal stimulation. 75% women only have cultural.
Multiple orgasm - more than 2 in a short period of time w/o return to normal state. no refracting period. 14% of women report multiple orgasms.
male and multiple orgasm study
13 men reported ability, aka dry orgasm where they hold there pc muscle when they experience orgasm w/dry cumming and still able to arouse and keep going.
adult men able to have 6 orgasms.
someon who tries unsuccessfuly to have a baby for at least 1 year. 1 out of 6 couples in the USA are infertile.
Causes of infertility
failure to produce eggs, problems with endascloris, polygenic ovary syndrome(high level of testosterone), affect ovalam, Endometrial diseases.
Solutions for infertility
take sperm and eggs put it into a plate-then implant directly in uterous(cost 12k), surrogate mother (pay a woman and they have your baby)
Chidfree by choice
Europe pop falling since '98. predict 90 mil fewer people in Euro. Americans born from '56-'73(25%will not have kids)people think their selfish or they're resented by infertile women.
why wont women have kids
dont want to nurture, financially unstable, economic, better life, flexible lifestyle, loss of time, energy, and identity.
when your period stops for a full year. ages 44-45. smoker's occur 2 years quicker. fewer eggs produce in cell due to few estrogen.
premenopause symptoms
3-9 years before menupause, you get mentrual irregularity, heat flash(suden feeling of heat spreads over body last 4-10 mins) sweat lining, loss of estrogen, decline in vaginal lube=painful sex, more infection, headache, joint and muscle pain.
Psychological menopause reactions
depression, irritability increas, mood swings. Negative attitude towards menopause. less valued by society because inability to produce child. INDIA IT MEANS FREEDOM.
Ch.8 Relationship
(Motherhood) stereotypes
pleasant emotions come to mind when asked about motherhood. mothers are caring, nurturing, and self-sacrificing.
good vs. bad on motherhood
Idea that you could be scared is taboo, baby should be ultimate achievement, devoted to your family w/o no concern of one's need. bad is overly concerned of one's need.
Reality Negative factors
find that talk hel less w/child bearing, feel dirty cant take care of child, babies smile as a result of parents, p
positive factors
felings are too abstract to explain, happy about new life they carried, feel empowered, strong that they handled pain, see the world through child,
romantic relationship-(marriage partner)
warm, kind, sensitive, good sense of humor, physical attractiveness rank high in males.
personal ads
women more physical advertised men talk about what they're looking for.
social role theory
This is the principle that men and women behave differently in social situations and take different roles, due to the expectations that society puts upon them (including gender stereotyping). This includes women taking positions of lower power, meeting ‘glass ceilings’, having home-making roles, etc.
mon sexual behavior mispercieved by men as sexual interest.
can led to aggression rape etc.
women have little eggs and use less time
to carry offspsring sicne they have to carry for 9 months
Men more free to be promiscuous because
they have nuff sperm
mark of beauty, healthy moer symmetrical.
waist to hip ratio
waist measurements /hip measurement. 0.7 and below is the bomb and .7 and up to .1 is boyish aka no curve.
(sterotype)physical attractiveness signifies
health and fertility
evolutionary theory
women have limited number of eggs and their selective of who they mate with and men have plenty of seed so their more likely to fuck around.
countries where men and women are equal, women are more
picky because they have more resources. they are picky in physical attractiveness.
dating script
men do all the work and women just look pretty. too much physical contact is a turn off for girls, too little guys think thats bad
trends in online dating
45 million people
unmarried, live together, have emotional and sexual relationship. 4 million couples live together. 50-60 % breakup before marriage.
correlation and causation of cohabitation
type of cohabitate is type to get divorce. more liberal. not as religious.
Marriage avg. age
25 for women and 27 for men. has gone up because more women are getting educated.
Ethnicity and marriage research
Black=least interest because high unemployment of blk men. Latin=more wanting to get married because of maybe traditional financial roles.
Satisfaction in marriage is because
emotional satisfaction=more satified, period of marriage is of child bearing age satisfaction goes down and goes back up when child leave.
Characteristics of happy marriage
good conflict resolution skills, communication, trust, equal sharing of household tasks, decision-making.
happy vs unhappy marriage
bring flowers"how thoughtful" unhappy- "what do you want from me now that you've brought flowers"
Distribution of Power in marriage
money is power in marriage. more money = more decision making.
3 types of marriage
traditional-man makes money, housewife, man have authority. Modern- wife serve as junior partner, think wife through. should be equal but husband still has authority. attempt to be egalitarian.
Egalitarian - Power shared such as childcare, finances, and decision making.
gay/lesbian relationships
more likely to last longer in marriage. 2/3 of their marriage are women. 75 % of lesbians in a committed relationship. Egalitarian is their base of marriage. met partner through friends and activities.
Boston marriage
Non-sexual relationship between lesbians living together.
dovorce and widowhood
in book