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33 Cards in this Set

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Third Wave Feminism


-Ideas from the second wave were under attack

-Marginalized women pointed to race, class, able-bodiness and sexuality as configurations of oppression;

-Draw upon tools of deconstruction to unravel (decode) constructions of women’s subjectivity;

-Focuses on uncovering silences

-Decolonization, environmental change


Flexible Production Regimes

contract work, women's labor, exploration and cheaper labor

Ex: Joe Fresh

Wangari Maathai

started the Gren belt movement in 1977

-green roots activist

-women's movement throughout the globe


Beijing Platform for Action


3 strategic objectives

1. take integrative measures to eliminate violence

2.study causes and consequences of violence and the effectiveness of programming

3. eliminate trafficking in women and assist victims of violence due to prostitution and trafficking

Sunnah/ haram

Handful of ash

pure and forbidden

Environmentalism/ Environmental Change and Women/ Consequences of Environmental Change
-Women arebelieved to be more vulnerable to climate change and environmental degradation,as they are the primary cultivators and gatherers of food, water, and fuel forfamily consumption;

-Environmentaldegradation = more time spent on tasks;

-Moretime spent working = reduced time for education, literacy, andincome-generating activities

-3rd largest illegal industry in the world, generating $32 billion annually

-20.9 million people in forced labor between 2002-2011

-Sex trafficking: 2-4 million women & girls annually

-poor labor conditions increased human trafficking

-eastern Europe

Gendered Violence
-rape, domestic violence;reinforces men’s power over women;

Example:femicide in Mexico

-domestic violence or intimate partner violence -every 6 days a woman is murdered in Canada

-first 18months are the most dangerous

-sask has the highest rate in Canada for partner killing

in a year more woman would have been killed then soldiers in Iraq


the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture. and to view other cultures as alien like. women's movement. The women in the global north don't understand the needs of the women in the global south.


-gender violence, human trafficking, humanization. the US -Mexican border a strip of women working


fighting for a movement- comes in the third wave.

Practices to control women's sexuality

-human rights approach

-violation of human rights



Gender Mainstreaming

Makes sure that gender equality concerns are taken into account in all developmental activities.

-goal: direct development resources to women and reduce poverty

-objective: increased empowerment and autonomy

-economic theory

-standpoint perspective

-the role of women in the economy- their issues weren't being addressed

Shared Oppression

-context is different

-certain issues that unite us


the killing of women- mass murder of only women....EX: Mexico


The clitoris

Greenbelt Movement

started by Wangarri Maathai.

-severe deforestation and soil erosion

-address poverty and environmental conservation.

-they create income opportunities for rural farmers to grow tree seedings

-movement organised women to plant trees(40million trees, 50000 women)


Female Genital Mutilation

-cutting off of the Clitoris

Sexual tourism

-often part of Tourism packages

-sexual exploitation

-US Army sees “sexual recreation” as vital to the well-being and moral of its troops and, as such, the US military bases in Japan, Korea, and Philippines coordinated with the governments to provide servicemen with trafficked women


Women in development approach:

-Income generating projects

-makes sure that gender equality concerns are taken into account in all developmental activities

Gender and development:

-scholars and policy planners discuss the relationship between development processes and womens inequality.

-they have been ethnocentrism

-job market and education.


ester Boserup -we need to acknowledge women or the program will fail.

-women are being left out.

colonization and the global south

-lack of education

-lack of safe sex teaching

-women didn't always have a political role

-higher rates of HIV

-the environmental change, more work, the double day.

Interlocking forms of domination

-women's roles and social standing

Transnational Feminism

that cuts across geographic bodies women's oppression

themes in global women's studies



-equality of women

UN-Stop Rape Now

the rape in the Kongos

-conflict zones

-rape from the military

-women become victims of rape

-political views, to shame the culture, impregnates, attack on the culture

Culture of machismo

-masculinity:violent, aggressive, acceptable to the culture


-understanding that if you give a woman a 100$ it gives access to resources and benefits the family and the community.

Erving Goffman

codes of gender

-gender binaries

-roles of male and female

-that we have to act in a certain way

-mediated images of femininity and masculinity

Codes of femininity and masculinity

-submissive of women

-men are controlling and dominate

-infantilization, and sexualization

men= strong, dominate, controlling, active, asserted

Women= weak, helpless, severing, open, childlike

Ritualization of subordination

where women are placed submissive in an advertisement

-cultural-femininity as subordinate

the male gaze

the women will always be at the attention, placed in these positions, but they never look at the camera, only the men do.