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50 Cards in this Set

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Susan Faludi

Backlash 1980

argues that woman who desire careers were portrayed in certain ways: unhappy, because they don't have a family

Sex Vs. Gender

sex: biological based category, based on genetics and hormones.

Gender: what you choose; set of behaviours that are learned and performed. what we do not how we are, culture to culture.

Concrete Ceiling

leads to low numbers of minority woman in management positions; dual burden of racism and sexism in organizations.

First wave feminism


environment: urban industrialism, liberal, and socialist politics.

Goals: suffrage( the right to vote) ban on alcohol, open up opportunities.

*Liberal feminism*

Middle class white single woman

Woman as humans not as objects

Radical Feminism

Alternative name: dominance feminism

use the law to help woman take control of their own bodies. sees oppress male dominance the main problem. Bodily anatomy.


male dominance but not about men. it can be bad not just for woman but for men . it is a system

Discuss Wolf's contributions to feminism. What does she argue? how are myths used against woman?

Backlash: the media created the beauty myth to make sure woman are insecure. The unrealistic beauty standards that woman are faced with. (Heroin chic) used to distract woman with body image...to keep them in there place.


there is not just one definition of feminism. everyone has there own definition that they acquire to.

*promotes the full equality of women and men

changing the structures that keep woman in lower power.

IS changeable

Gender oppression is class oppression

Marxism- asserts woman's oppression is based on the sexual division of labor

Social feminism

Focuses on class. stresses relations and responsibilities more than individual rights.

Looking at the group not the individual.

Culture Feminist

Stresses the positive value of woman's different voices and emphasize the importance of adding this in the legal system.

seek to recover and revalue woman's culture, especially maternal values.

*world view*

Liberal Feminism

focus: individual rights, and autonomy. Minimize male/female differences. Equality.

*Knowing what you want for yourself and expressing that*

woman in the workforce.

Marxist feminism

Asserts women’s oppression is based onthe sexual division of labour (produced male labourers/ labour power)

Dominant Narratives

A perspective that is heteronormativity. Social norm.

Biosocial Explanations

male dominance is genetically coded. female exclusivity( masculine and feminine).


the notion that gendered behaviour is inherent and natural. Certain ideas about mean and woman.

Naomi wolf

beauty myth. Author

"female nature" or female "essence"

relates by essentialism


the right to abortion. the concern in the second wave.

it is a procedure that allows women to not have a baby.

Germaine Greer

Author. considered the fourth mother; or sister of second wave feminism.

She says that we are finished with feminism

Second Wave Feminism


anti war and civil rights movement. Acc: taking control of your body

Birth control, abortions.

sexual har. in work place, increased opportunies in law, med, engineering

more women entered univer.

women studies, gay studies, black studies, in s

rape crisis centers, WOMAN SHELTERS

Glass ceiling

Various barriers that prevent qualified women from advancing upward in their organizations into management power positions. Binary

Standpoint Perspective

asserts that your understanding,your viewpoint what you see, what you know is based on your background, your cultural heritage, your history.

nurtures a certain perspective


3rd wave, the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change.

"the beauty myth"

Unrealistic beauty standards to keep women insecure and in their place.

Gay studies

3rd wave; end of second. the study of issues relating to sexual orientation and gender identity.


Gender-fluid, an identity that may change or shift over time between or within the mix of the options available( man woman bi, and straight)

Christine de Pisan

French poet that wrote about the rape of woman. considered a pioneering feminist writer)

she wrote to support herself.

Structural Binaries

Simplification, categorization, gives the impression that there are only 2 categories.

Situated Knowledge

Silimar to standpoint perspective


A poet from ancient Greece. 570 BCE.

Known for her homoerotic poetry. Lesbian sex

took lyrical poetry in a new direction.

writing about sexuality.


Someone who has both male and female qualities. equal energy, understanding of gender.

high regard.

Rape Crisis Shelters

A shelters usually for woman to escape from rape.


social categorization. race, gender, social class.

Gender expression

the external display of one's gender, through a combination of dress, demeanor, social behaviour. gender presentation.

Third Wave feminism


attacking the 2nd wave ideas

looked at race class able-bodiedness and sexuality as configurations of oppression

AGAINST essentialism

focus on uncovering silences


youth oriented, divers


someone whosecombination of chromosomes, gonads, hormones, internal sex organs, and genitalsdiffers from the two expected patterns of male or female.

What barriers still exist in contemporary society for women? how are women positioned in terms of social, political , and economic status?

Rape culture. there is still an economic disparity. still violence on women. women are still getting backlashed for work/ staying at work.

Private/public Sphere

Institutions, anything outside the home


The assumption, in individuals or in institutions, that everyone is heterosexual, and that heterosexuality is superior to all other sexualities. Leads to invisibility and stigmatizing of other sexualities; a

Explain the backlash against feminism in the late 1970s and 1980s. what nurture such backlash?

that if you were a feminist you weren't happy because you weren't starting a family. women were gaining to much power. they were depressed.

Gender stereotypes

Blue and pink, shorts vs skirts.. hetero views of what is what for genders.


An umbrellaterm covering a range of identities that transgress socially defined gendernorms. Trans with an * is often used to indicate that you are referringto the larger group nature of the term. (2) A person who lives as a member of agender other than that expected based on sex assigned at birth

Gender norms

Blue for boy and pink for girls.. someone whosegender presentation, whether by nature or by choice, aligns with society’sgender-based expectations.

Gender non- conforming

Jake ) someonewhose gender presentation, whether by nature or by choice, does not align in apredicted fashion with gender-based expectations.

Jessica Yee

Face of 3rd wave feminism, also an activist


umbrella terms for individuals who have a non-normative (or queer) gender or sexuality; understanding of persons outside the gender norm.

Feminization of Poverty

The cost of being a woman... women have to spend more money to be a woman. they make less money so there are higher numbers of women in poverty.


hatred or dislike of girls and women.


an umbrellaterm for a range of negative attitudes (e.g., fear, anger, intolerance,resentment, erasure, or discomfort) that one may have towards members of LGBTQcommunity.