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150 Cards in this Set

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amitto amittere, amisi, amissus
lose verb 3
bibo bibere, bibi
drink verb 3
canis canis, m.
dog noun 3
contendo contendere, contendi, contentus
hurry, march, struggle verb 3
ecce! indecl.
see! look! adv
emo emere, emi, emptus
buy verb 3
fabula fabulae, f.
story, play noun 1
faveo favere, favi + dat
favour, support verb 2
hospes hospitis, m.
guest, host noun 3
inspicio inspicere, inspexi, inspectus
look at, inspect, examine verb 3
invito invitare, invitavi, invitatus
invite verb 1
iudex iudicis, m.
judge noun 3
liber libri, m.
book noun 2
mercator mercatoris, m.
merchant noun 3
mirabilis mirabile
strange, amazing adj
portus portus, m.
harbour, port noun 4
satis indecl.
enough adj/adv
senator senatoris, m.
senator noun 3
valde indecl.
very, very much adv
vendo vendere, vendidi, venditus
sell verb 3
aedificium aedificii, n.
building noun 2
consentio consentire, consensi, consensus
agree verb 4
diligenter indecl.
carefully, hard adv
fessus fessa, fessum
tired adj
ita vero indecl.
yes adv
punio punire, punivi, punitus
punish verb 4
sacerdos sacerdotis, m., f.
priest, priestess noun 3
tollo tollere, sustuli, sublatus
raise, lift up verb 3
vulnero vulnerare, vulneravi, vulneratus
wound verb 1
arcesso arcessere, arcessivi, arcessitus
summon, send for verb 3
audeo audere
dare verb 2
benignus benigna, benignum
kind adj
despero desperare, desperavi, desperatus
despair verb 1
gratias ago agere, egi, actus
thank, give thanks verb phrase
hasta hastae, f.
spear noun 1
invitus invita, invitum
reluctant, unwilling adj
oculus oculi, m.
eye noun 2
pervenio pervenire, perveni
reach, arrive verb 4
sicut indecl.
just as, like adv
soleo solere, solitus sum
be accustomed verb 2
vix indecl.
scarcely, hardly, with difficulty adv
autem indecl.
but, however conj
durus dura, durum
hard, harsh adj
efficio efficere, effeci, effectus
carry out, accomplish verb 3
eques equitis, m.
knight, cavalryman noun 3
fides fidei, f.
faith, loyalty, trustworthiness noun 5
insidiae insidiarum, f.pl.
ambush, trap, plot noun 1
nonnulli nonnullae, nonnulla
some, several adj
notus nota, notum
known, well-known, famous adj
pareo parere, parui + dat
obey verb 2
pons pontis, m.
bridge noun 3
pretium pretii, n.
price noun 2
regnum regni, n.
kingdom noun 2
rursus indecl.
again, back again adv
sapiens sapientis
wise adj
suavis suave
sweet adj
talis tale
such adj
tutus tuta, tutum
safe adj
ultimus ultima, ultimum
last, furthest adj
alii … alii
some … others pron
ascendo ascendere, ascendi, ascensus
climb verb 3
captivus captivi, m.
captive, prisoner noun 2
defendo defendere, defendi, defensus
defend verb 3
liberi liberorum, m. pl.
children noun 2
malo malle, malui
prefer verb irreg
odi odisse
hate verb irreg
populus populi, m.
people, nation noun 2
salus salutis, f.
safety, health noun 3
scelus sceleris, n.
crime noun 3
vester vestra, vestrum
your (plural), yours pron
vivus viva, vivum
alive, living adj
adhuc indecl.
up till now, still adv
dives divitis
rich adj
gens gentis, f.
family, tribe, race noun 3
magnopere indecl.
greatly, very much adv
nobilis nobile; nobilis, m.
noble; nobleman adj; noun 3
opus operis, n.
work, construction noun 3
sol solis, m.
sun noun 3
soror sororis, f.
sister noun 3
altus alta, altum
high, deep adj
ante + acc
before, in front of prep
consisto consistere, constiti
halt, stop, stand still verb 3
frumentum frumenti, n.
grain, corn noun 2
idem eadem, idem
the same pron
ne indecl.
that ... not, so that ... not conj
spero sperare, speravi, speratus
hope, expect verb 1
superbus superba, superbum
proud, arrogant adj
veho vehere, vexi, vectus
carry, convey verb 3
adversus adversa, adversum
hostile, unfavourable adj
aequus aequa, aequum
equal, fair, calm adj
ne … quidem indecl.
not even adv
opprimo opprimere, oppressi, oppressus
crush verb 3
pauper pauperis (m.)
poor; poor man adj; noun 3
quidam quaedam, quoddam
one, a certain, some pron
contra + acc
against prep
cras indecl.
tomorrow adv
descendo descendere, descendi, descensus
go down, come down verb 3
eicio eicere, eieci, eiectus
throw out verb 3
et ... et indecl.
both ... and conj
hic indecl.
here adv
moveo movere, movi, motus
move verb 2
nisi indecl.
unless, except conj
numerus numeri, m.
number noun 2
reficio reficere, refeci, refectus
repair verb 3
regina reginae, f.
queen noun 1
verus vera, verum
true, real adj
accuso accusare, accusavi, accusatus
accuse verb 1
conor conari, conatus sum
try verb 1 dep
dum indecl.
while, until conj
egredior egredi, egressus sum
go out verb 3 dep
frango frangere, fregi, fractus
break verb 3
gaudium gaudii, n.
joy, pleasure noun 2
hortor hortari, hortatus sum
encourage, urge verb 1 dep
ingredior ingredi, ingressus sum
enter verb 3 dep
loquor loqui, locutus sum
speak verb 3 dep
morior mori, mortuus sum
die verb 3 dep
patior pati, passus sum
suffer, endure verb 3 dep
priusquam indecl.
before, until conj
procul indecl.
far away adv
proficiscor proficisci, profectus sum
set out verb 3 dep
progredior progredi, progressus sum
advance verb 3 dep
regredior regredi, regressus sum
go back, return verb 3 dep
sequor sequi, secutus sum
follow verb 3 dep
sonitus sonitus, m.
sound, noise noun 4
vestimenta vestimentorum, n.pl.
clothes noun 2
ager agri, m.
field, land noun 2
arma armorum, n.pl.
arms, weapons noun 2
aut … aut indecl.
either … or conj
cado cadere, cecidi, casus
fall verb 3
carmen carminis, n.
song, poem noun 3
causa causae, f.
cause, reason, case noun 1
consul consulis, m.
consul noun 3
copiae copiarum, f.pl.
troops, forces noun 1
exercitus exercitus, m.
army noun 4
ignis ignis, m.
fire noun 3
nusquam indecl.
nowhere adv
rego regere, rexi, rectus
rule verb 3
tempestas tempestatis, f.
storm noun 3
utrum ... an indecl.
whether ... or adv
acer acris, acre
keen, eager, fierce adj
collis collis, m.
hill noun 3
deicio deicere, deieci, deiectus
throw down verb 3
impetus impetus, m.
attack noun 4
ingenium ingenii, n.
character, ability noun 2
inicio inicere, inieci, iniectus
throw in verb 3
numero numerare, numeravi, numeratus
count verb 1
periculosus periculosa, periculosum
dangerous adj
senatus senatus, m.
senate noun 4
sermo sermonis, m.
speech, conversation noun 3
utilis utile
useful adj