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90 Cards in this Set

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In latin, what does the prefix "trans" mean?
through or across
What does a transitive verb do?
A transitive verb carries action from the subject to the object.
The auditor's criticized the company's accounting methods.

What kind of verb is criticized?
How do you know that a verb is transitive?
When the verb "awnsers" what? or whom? is happening to
Auditors challenged the president to explain the discrepancies.

What type of verb is challenged?
What does the prefix "in" mean?
What is an intransitive verb?
verbs that are NOT transitive. In other words, they convey action as well as location or a state of being.
Company shares fell sharply this morning in heavy trading.

What type of verb is "fell"?
The company will file for bankruptcy protection this morning.

What type of verb is "will file"?
The suspect was in the alley when police surrounded him.

What type of verb is was?
intransitive, is is conveying a location
What is a linking verb?
Links a subject to a modifier, which enhances the meaning or description of a sentence
The company's stock is worthless.

What kind of verb is "is"?
A linking verb
The corpse smells bad.

What kind of verb is "smells"?
a linkning verb
Some common linking verbs:

"I smell a rat here," the mayor told the council.

What type of verb is smell?
The diner told the chef that the pasta smelled like dirty laundry.

What type of verb is smelled?
intransitive-There is no object, just a prepositional phrase following smelled, to answer the question "how"?
The bullet-riddled body smelled bad.

What type of verb is smelled?
linking verb, it connects corpse to bad, noun to adjective. It has no recipient of action, just a description.
Correct or Incorrect:

The cause for the three deadly fires is yet to be discovered.

Correct Sentence: The cause for the three deadly fires have yet to be discovered.
Correct or Incorrect:

Two thousand bushels are a lot of wheat.
Correct. In some cases units of measurement are seen as singular entities.
Correct or Incorrect:

Among the many reasons for these two financial collapses is the growing sense of investor distrust.

Correct Sentence: Among the many reasons for these two financial collapses are the growing sense of investor distrust.
What tense is this in?

The committee reviews the trade legistlation today.
What tense is this in?

The committee reviewed the bill yesterday.
past tense
What tense is this in?

The committee will review the trade bill tomorrow.
future tense
What tense is this in?

The committee is reviewing the bill in conference room 20.
present progressive/present participle
The committee has reviewed the trade legistlation.

What tense is this in?
present perfect/past participle
The team appeared to lose all its confidence.

What tense is this in?
past tense
She has appeared in 200 consecutive performances.

What tense is this in?
has appeared

past participle
The playwright is appearing to make a major breakthrough.

What tense is this in?
present participle
The governor vetoed the budget bill.

What voice is this in?
The budget bill was vetoed this moring.

What voice is this in?
What is a gerund?
words that have the feel of action but serve only as a subject or object
Swimming is a healthy, low-impact exercise.

What type of speech is swimming?
What is a participle?
These verbals have either an "ing" or "ed" ending and are always adjectives. As an adjective, the participle generally will modify a noun or pronoun.
Hositing her protest sign above her head, the demonstrator marched defiantly toward city hall.

What type of word is hoisting?
What is an infinite?
An infinite are verbals that are formed by "to" plus a verb
The candidate needs to win.

What type of speech is win?

to win
"This is the way to win," the candidate told her supporters.

What type of word is "to win"?
to win is a participle
What is the simple predicate of a sentence?
the verb
What is the simple subject of a sentence?
the noun
The computer crashed.

What kind of word is computer?

What kind of word is crahsed?
Computer is a simple subject.

Crahsed is a simple predicate
What is a complete predicate?
includes the verb plus all its complements and modifiers
What is a complete subject?
includes the noun or noun subsititute and all its complements and modifiers
The laptop computer crahsed repeatedly.

What's the complete predicate?
crashed repeatedly
The laptop computer crashed repeatedly.

What's the complete subject?
the laptop computer
The overpriced laptop computer crashed repeatedly, smoking and emitting sparks.

What is the complete subject?
the overpriced laptop computer
The overpriced laptop computer crashed repeatedly, smoking and emitting sparks.

What is the complete predicate?
crashed repeatedly, smoking and emitting sparks.
The computer shredded a diskette.

What is the direct object?
I gave the computer a whack.

What is the indirect and direct objects?
indriect object= computer

direct object: whack
I gave the computer a whack with a 500-page user's manual.

What is the prepositonal phrase?
with a 500-page user's manual.
I placed an emergency call to the technical support guy.

What is the preopostional phrase?
to the technical support guy.
I placed an emergency call to him.

What is the pronoun, and what does it act as?
him. it acts as the pronoun as object of the preposition
The computer was a lemon

What kind of word is "lemon"?
predicate noun
I was enraged.

What kind of word is enraged?
the predicate adjective
What is a phrase?
A phrase is a group of related words that lacks both a subject and a predicate.
What two basic varieties do phrases usually come in?
prepositional phrases
verbal phrases
Despite the efforts of the tech support guy, the computer continued to malfunction.

Where is the phrase, and what kind of phrase is it?
"Despite the efforts of the tech support guy".

This is a prepostional phrase
His goal was to save whatever was on the hard drive.

What type of phrase is "to save"?
infinitive phrase, acts a a predicate noun
Smashing the computer was uppermost in his mind.

What kind of phrase is "smashing the computer"?
gerund phrase
Grabbing a wrench from the drawer, I approached the machine menacingly.

What type of phrase is "grabbing the wrench from the drawer"?
a participial phrase, acts as an adjective modifing I
Disturbed by my actions, the tech support guy grabbed the computer ad hugged it to his chest.

What type of phrase is "disturbed by my actions"?
a past participial phrase
What is a dependent or subordinate clause?
A dependent or subordinate clause does not express a complete thought. It cannot stand alone.
What is this:

After he recovered from his balance
a dependent clause
After he recovered from his balance, he stomped out of the room, muttering to himself.

What type of clause i "After he recovered from his balance"?
dependent clause linked with main clause
What are the three different types of clauses?
noun clause
adjective clause
adverb clause
That I had overreacted to this latest glitch did not surprise me.

What type of clause is "That I had overreacted to this latest glitch"?
a noun clause
The computer, which had been previously eaten an essay, two term papers and a biology project, had to go.

What type of clause is "whcih had been preveiously eaten an essay, two term papers and a biology project"
clauses, modifies the noun computer
After I finished demolishing the machine, I went to a secondhand store and bought a manual typewritter.

What type of clause is "After I finished demolshing the machine"?
adverb, modifies the verb by answering "when"?
What is a simple sentence?
A simple sentence coontains one independent clause. The most common construction is subject-verb-object
What type of sentence is this:

Politicaians dodge issues.
simple sentence
What type of sentence is this:

National politicains often dodge controversial issues during reelection campaigns.
simple sentence
What is a compound sentence?
A compound sentence is a sentence that has two or more independent clauses, each containing a subject and a predicate and each expressing a complete thought.
And, But, Or, Nor, and Yet, are sometimes called what?
coordinating conjunctions, when used in compound sentnece
The issues are divisive, but talking about them is cruical to a healthy society.

How many indpendent clauses are in this sentence?

What type of sentence is this?
There are two independent clauses. This would be a compound sentence.
The issues are divisive; talking about them is crucial to a healthy society.

How many independent clauses are there here?

What type of sentence is this?

The issues are divisive; but one thing is clear: Talking about them is crucial to a healthy society.

How many independent clauses are there here?

What type of sentence is this?
three independent clauses. This is still a compound sentence.
What is a complex sentence?
A complex sentence contains one independent clause and at least one dependent (subordinate) clause.
Why is the subordinate clause important when dealing with complex sentences?
The subordinate clause is importnat because it depends on the meaning for both meaning and gramatical compeltion.
Identify the dependent and independent clauses:

When politicains avoid tough issues, voters avoid casting their ballots.
Dependent clause: When politicains avoid tough issues

Independent clause: Voters avoid casting their ballots.
Identify the dependent and independent clauses:

Voters are apathetic beacuase politicains are spineless.
Independent Clause: Voters are apathetic

Dependent clause: Because politicains are spineless
When is it good to use the following conjunctions:

because, due to, as a result of, if
when talking about cause and effect
when is it good to use the following conjunctions:

after, before, during, while
in relevance to sequence
when is it good to use the following conjunctions:

when, whenever, since, where, until, as long as
in relevance to time and place
Identify the dependent clause:

The one politicain who spoke out on the issues made many enemies.
who spoke out on the issues
Identify the dependent clause:

She also made friends whose support and loytalty won her the race.
whose support and loyalty won her the race.
What is a compound-complex sentence?
A compound-complex sentence contains at least two main clauses and one dependent clause.

2 Indie, 1 Depend
After the politcain went on record against the issue, the meida called her "principled," and campaign contributions poured in.

How many independent clause are there?
How many dependent clauses are there?
What type of sentence is this?
two independent clauses
one dependent clause
a compound-complex sentence
What type of sentence is this:

Like this one.
What is this:

Although they were award-winning movie producers
a dependent clause and a fragment
What is this:

They were award winning movie producers.
A complete thought
Although they were award winning movie-producers, their pictures consistently lost money.

Is this a complete thought?