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14 Cards in this Set

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What is learning and what are some basic forms of learning?
-Learing is the process of acquiring new and relatively enduring information or behavior.
-Classical, operant, and congitive learning are three basic forms.
What are the basic components of classical conditioning, and what was behaviorism's view of learning?
-Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which one learns to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events.
-Take an uncontrolled stimulus and uncontrolled reaction, add a neutral stimulus with the uncontrolled stimulus take away the uncontrolled stimulus and the neutral stimulus becomes the controlled stimulus.

-Behaviorism viewed psychology as an objective science that studies behavior without reference to mental process.
In classical conditioning, what are the processes of acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination?
-Acquisition is the initial stage when one links a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus begins triggering the conditioned response.
-Extinction-when the conditioned stimulus occurs repeatedly without the uncontrolled stimulus and the conditioned response reduces.
-Spontaneous recovery is the reappearance of the conditioned response after a pause of extinguished conditioned response.
-Generalization-once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar response.
-Discrimination-learned ability to distinguish between conditioned stimulus and stimulus that does not signal an unconditioned stimulus.
Why does Pavlov's work remain so important, and what have been some applications of his work to human health and well-being?
-Pavlov's classical conditioning is agreed to be a basic form of learning. His theories apply to all organisms on earth and how they adapt to their environment.
-Current practices use this method to treat addiction, condition the immune system, and condition people to overcome fears and bad habits.
How is operant behavior reinforced and shaped?
-Operant behavior is reinforced by reinforcing the preceding response with something desired by the subject such as praise, attention, food, etc.
-Operant behavior is shaped by guiding behavior closer and closer to approximations of the desired behavior.
How do positive and negative reinforcement differ, and what are the basic types of reinforcers?
-Positive reinforcement strengthens a response by presenting a pleasurable stimulus after a response.
-Negative reinforcement strengthens a response by reducing or removing something negative.

-Basic types of reinforcers are:"Primary (unlearned) and Conditioned(learned)" reinforcers. and "Immediate and delayed reinforcers.
How do different reinforcement schedules affect behavior?
-Continuous reinforcement rapid learning occurs, but extinction occurs quickly too.
-Partial reinforcement sometimes reinforced, sometimes not; learning is slower but resistance to extinction is greater.
How does punishment differ from negative reinforcement, and how does punish affect behavior?
-Reinforcement increases a behavior, punishment decreases it.

-Punishing suppresses behavior, does not eliminate it, reinforcing parents punishing behavior. Punishment teaches discriminating behavior. Punishment can teach fear. Physical punishment may teach aggression my modeling the behavior.
Why did Skinner's idea provoke controversy, and how might his operant conditioning principles be applied in school, sports, work, or home?
-His idea that external influence shapes behavior and not internal thought. Critics argued that this dehumanized people by neglecting their personal freedom and by seeking to control their actions.

-School would have good instruction that did two things; students told immediately whether they were right or wrong, and when right, directed to the next step to be taken.
-Sports-shaping behavior by reinforcing small success and reinforcing the challenge gradually.
-Work-offering rewards for desired performance that is well defined; immediately.
-Home-reaffirm positive behavior. For negative behavior, dont yell but inform the child what they did wrong and give a time out.
How does operant conditioning differ from classical conditioning?
-Operant conditioning we associate our behavior that act on the environment that produce a positive or negative stimuli. With classical conditioning, we associate different stimuli we do not control.
How do biological constraints affect classical and operant conditioning?
-Natural response can overpower classic conditioning, defense mechanisms preventing animals from becoming ill overpower the ability to elicit classical learning.
How do cognitive processes affect classical and operant conditioning?
-Classical conditioning-organisms develop expectations that CS signals the arrival of US
-Operant conditioning-Organisms develop expectations that a response will be enforced or punished; they alsoe experience latent learning, without reinforcement.
What is observational learning, and how do some scientists believe it is enabled by mirror neurons?
-Observational learning is learning by observing others.
-Mirror neurons-neurons that fire when performing certain actions, and fire when observing others doing so. Enabling us to observe, immitate, and learn.
What is the impact of prosocial modeling and antisocial modeling?
-Prosocial modeling or modeling constructive, helpful behavior can have positive effects such as good morals, good work ethic and orientation, and good parenting.
-Anitsocial modeling or observing and modeling negative behavior can have negative effects; bausive parents raising abusive children, modeling violent television.