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50 Cards in this Set

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The founders were the
Political leaders of the colonies.
The founders believed that natural rights meant the right to
life, liberty, and property.
An agreement to create a government and follow its laws is known as a
Social Contract.
Citizens who put the common good above their own selfish interests demonstrate
civic virtue.
A constitutional government always includes
limits on the powers of the person or group running the government.
Who is the father of the constitution?
James Madison
Dividing the government into different branches is an example of
segregation of powers.
The system of checks and balances was established to
balance the powers of different branches of government.
Which of the following did NOT limit the power of England's monarch?
Magna Carta
What limits the power of government by making citizens and government officials obey the same laws?
Rule of law
In what city was the constitution written?
To give approval of something or allow it to happen is giving your
The purpose of government as described in Declaration of Independence is to
control the branches, secure natural rights and protect peoples rights.
A ______________ exists when there are no laws or government.
State of nature
Early state constitutions included the principle of popular sovereignty which means that
the people are the highest authority.
The authors of the Articles of Confederation feared a strong national government, so they created a single branch of government, the
Legislative Branch
Where does the U.S legislative branch meet?
Capitol building
The purpose of the Philadelphia Convention was to
revise the articles of confederation.
Giving states with larger populations a greater number of representatives in Congress is called
Proportional representation.
The decision to divide Congress into two houses, with equal representation in one and proportional representation in the other, was called the
Great Compromise.
The framers resolved the conflict between the Northern and Southern states by
Slave Clause, fugitive slave clause, Tariffs, 3/5 compromise.
Powers that are specially granted to Congress by the Constitution are called
enumerated powers.
The general welfare clause of the constitution allows Congress to
Spend money for the general welfare of our nation. Provide for the common defense.
The constitution grants the president the power to
veto, pardon, appoint.
The system the framers created for choosing the president is known as
electoral college.
The anti-federalists were people who
opposed ratification of the constitution.
To get enough support for the ratification of the constitution, the Federalists agreed to
a Bill of rights.
Who can have an idea for a new law?
A system of government in which power is shared by the national government, the state governments, and the people is called a
"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States . . . shall be the supreme Law of the Land" means that
states cannot make laws.
The first 10 amendments to the Constitution are called the
Bill of rights.
In the case Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court established its power of judicial review, which allows the court to
review a law for constitutionality.
The Supreme Court can serve as a check on the power of the legislative by
declaring a law unconstitutional.
What is the Supreme Law of the land?
The 1st amendment gives us five basic rights. They are
Speech, Press, Religion, Petition, Assembly.
Why did the framers base our government on checks and balances, the separation of powers, and constitutional government?
Stop the abuse of power.
What limits the power of government by making citizens and government officials obey the same laws?
Rule of law
Under the Articles of Confederation, America had a _____ federal government.
Which one of America's first two political parties supported a strong national government with a broad view of the meaning of the words in the constitution?
How many amendments are in the Bill of Rights?
What power of the Supreme Court did the case, Marbury vs. Madison establish?
Judicial review
Which amendment gives us protection from unreasonable search and seizure?
4th amendment
What does the 6th amendment give us?
Right to a speedy trial
Which amendment protects us from cruel and unreasonable punishment?
If I owed you $50.00, could you sue me and have a jury trial?
Not all of our rights as citizens are listed in the Constitution but we still have them because the _____ Amendment says so.
The government cannot house soldiers in your home during peace time because of the
3rd amendment
If you are ever accused of a crime, you have the right to remain silent thanks to which amendment?
Who was our first president under the Constitution?
George Washington
Which of the following was not an original cabinet position?
Secretary of education