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63 Cards in this Set

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T/F There is a 5 study minimum number of RRL

False, no minimum number

The themes or division of literature is based on?

Statement of the problem (so if una namention sa problem ay yung demographics, then dapat una rin sa RRL yung demographics)

Reasons for searching the literature

- Highlights both the strengths and weaknesses of the research

- Gain a critical understanding of your field

- Opportunity to think about what has been done in your field

- Able to think about what has not/needs to be done

- Justification for research

- Answer specific pt case-related (clinical practice)

- To learn more/Education

- Determine current best practice

- Support and answer

Types of informations





Type of info which is either theoretical or conceptual


Theory that is the foundation of variables


Theory that is a foundation of the entire study which involves processes (arrows)


Type of infromation that is in the newspaper (social sciences) and numerical/statistics basis (clinical


Type of information that discusses or explains relationship between variables


Types of literature



Type of literature which uses reference materials written by authorities on the subject which embody experiences, viewpoints, and interpretations of the subject of the research study

Non-empirical/conceptual literature

What type of literature are books?


Type of literature that consists of studies and researches or theses and dissertations, published or unpublished, which have a bearing on the current research

Empirical/research literature

Primary source examples for empirical/research literature

Professional research journals

Research grants index

Scholarly books

World Wide Web

Secondary source for empirical/research literature

● Literature review summaries ● Thesis/ dissertation reviews ● Research abstracts ● Research papers ● Research critiques

Sources for non-empirical/conceptual literature

● Case Reports ● Opinion Articles ● Commentaries ● Clinical Description

Types of professional literature

Primary and seoncdary source

Type of professional literature which is published, and authors are providing the original report of the research they conducted

Primary source

Examples of primary sources

journal articles

researh theses


conference abstracts


Type of professional literature that is unpublished, and authors summarize their work or work of others

Secondary sources

are books primary or secondary sources?


Categories of search tools for focused literature search

Dissertations & theses & conference proceedings

Single article

Single journal contents scanning

multiple journals

people as primary sources

Category of search tools which has access to abstracts

Dissertations & theses & conference proceedings

Category of search tools which a single relevant article citation can be used in several diff wways to identify other sources of information (aka paghahanap sa sources ng isang article)

Single article

Category of search tools which examine book review and abstracts of relevant articles published in other journals

Single journal contents scanning

T/F a book review will indicate whether the reference list is comprehensive


Category of search tools which you cannot go back to unlike books; and is primarily used in qualitative studies like in interviews, focus group discussions

People as primary sources

Before you start: ask yourself the following questions:

What kind of information?

Where would be a likely place to look?

Hierarchy of evidence for articlees about therapy

1A Systemic Review of Randomized

1B individual randomized clinical trial with narrow confidence interval

1C all-or-none study

2A Systemic Review of Cohort studies

2B INdividual cohort study

2C Outcomes research

3C Systematic review

4 Case-series study

5 Expert opinion without explicit crit

Part of the hierarchy of evidence which deals with Clinical trials that do not have statistically significant variation in the direction or degree of results; Usually, done by 2 people (primary researcher and validator).

Systemic Review of Randomized

What does PICO stand for?

Patient, population, problem

intervention or exposure



Good research interface should provide

● Ability to search for a specific item

● Ability to search for related items to a known item

● Ability to search in a specific field or fields

● Ability to combine search Terms using Boolean Logic

● Ability to retrieve search results in a useful way

Three statements according to the Boolean Logic

○ Make your OR statements, one per concept.

○ Put AND between each of the OR statements.

○ Consider any NOT statements you might want to add.

T/F In the Boolean Logic, NOT is used very often


Beyond basic boolean, you must also do

Field Searching

Controlled Vocabulary (Subject vs. Keyword searching)

Specialty Features (Truncation, phrase searching)

T/F Almost all databases will provide you with some ability to search a specific field or fields.


T/F Not all databases may make all fields searchable.


T/F Each search system doesn't require a specific format.


Part of the Hierarchy of evidence which deals with a study in which some or all patients died before treatment became available, and then none die after treatment.

All-or-none study

Part of the hierarchy of evidence which deals with Systematic Review of Cohort Studies that do not have statistically significant variation in the direction or degrees of results.

Systematic Review of Cohort studies

Part of hierarchy of evidence which deals with a prospective research design used to evaluate the relationship bet tx and an outcome.

Individual cohort study

Part of hierarchy of evidence which deals with non-experimental research inat evaluates outcomes of care in "real world" clinical conditions.

outcomes research

Part of the hierarchy of evidence which deals with Systematic Review of Case-control Studies that do not have statistically significant variation in the direction or degrees of results.

Systematic review

Part of hierarchy of evidence which deals with cohort or Case-Control Study that aid not:

- Define comparison groups adequately; or

- Did not measure exposures and outcomes objectively or in a blinded fashion; or

- Control for confounders; or

- Have sufficient follow-up (cohort studies only)

Case-series study

A description of the management of several patients/clients for the same purposes as a case report

Case series

Part of hierarchy of evidence which deals with Expert Opinion without explicit critical appraisal, or based on physiology, bench research, or “first principles”.

Expert Opinion without explicit crit

biologically plausible rationales for management of pathophysiology.

first principle

T/F Field 'tags' OR 'labels' which may follow a period


pubmed field tag for journal name


pubmed field tag for affiliation


if you want to search for the singular and plural ver of a word, this the process you use


If you want to search for therapy, therapeutics, and therapies, you can use truncation to shorten it. How?


T/F If the word stem is too short in truncation, there may be too many possible variations and you might pick up unrelated terms.


This is when you want to force the database to search for a set of words in exact order.

Phrase searching

T/F Field tags or labels cannot be pubmat fiplaced in brackets or parentheses.


pubmat field tag for author


pubmed field tag for title


Pubmed field tag for textword


Pubmed field tag for title and abstract


pubmed field tag for medical heading


pubmed field tagt for date of publication


pubmed field tag for language


pubmed field tag for grant number
