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16 Cards in this Set

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Amino acids

An organic molecule possessing both a carboxyl and an amino group


A sugar or one of its dimers or polymers

Dehydration reaction

A chemical reaction where two molecules become covalently bonded to each other with the removal of a water molecule


A nucleic acid molecule usually in a double stranded helix in which each polynucleotide strand consists of nucleotides monomers with a deoxyribose sugar and the nitrogenous bases adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine.


A macromolecule serving as a catalyst, a chemical agent that increases the rate of reaction without being consumed by the reaction. Most are proteins

Hydrolysis reaction

A chemical reaction that breaks bonds between two molecules by the addition of water; functions in the dissembly of polymers to monomers


Any group of large biological molecules including fats, phospholipids, and steroids that mix poorly if at all with water


The subunit that serves as the building block of polymer

Nucleic acid

A polymer consisting of many nucleotide monomers that serves as a blueprint for proteins and for all cellular activities.

The two types are DNA and RNA


The building block of a nucleic acid consisting of a five-carbon sugar covalently bonded to a nitrogenous base and one to three phosphate groups

Organic molecules

A chemical compound containing carbon

Peptide bonds

The covalent bond between the carboxyl group on one amino acid and the amino group on another, formed by dehydration reaction


A lipid made of glycerol joined to two fatty acids and a phosphate group. The hydrocarbon chains of the fatty acids act as nonpolar, hydrophobic tails while the rest of the molecule acts as a polar hydrophilic head


A long molecule consisting of many similar or identical monomers linked together by covalent bonds


A biologically functional molecule consisting of one or more polypeptides folded and coiled into one specific three dimensional structure


A type of nucleic acid consisting of a polynucleotide made up of nucleotide monomers with a ribose sugar and the nitrogenous bases adenine, cytosine, guanine, and uracil. Usually single stranded