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14 Cards in this Set

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**What are the 2 kingdoms of bacteria and how do they differ


Live in extreme environments

Lack a carbohydrate called peptidoglycan in their cell wall


Most abundant type of bacteria, most are heterotrophs

More complex

**What are the three possible shapes of bacteria cells

Coccus - sphere

Spirilli - spiral

Baccili - rod

**Describe the different ways bacteria obtain or make their food energy

Autotrophs (self feeding)

Using either photosynthesis or by oxidizing molecules such as n, s and Fe

Heterotrophs (must obtain energy from material they ingest)

Obligate aerobes

(respiration) bacteria that use oxygen to release energy

Obligate anaerobe

Bacteria that uses fermentation to produce energy that occurs without oxygen

Facultative anaerobes

Bacteria that can switch between respiration and fermentation. Don't require oxygen but can live within it

**How do bacteria reproduce?

What is conjugation?

They reproduce asexually by binary fission

Spore formation - resistant dormant endospores are made to survive harsh conditions

Conjugation - pilli tubes connect 2 cells and dna is exchanged

**What are methods to control bacterial growth rates

Sterilisation (boiling water)

Disinfectants - chemicals

Food processing (freezing, canning)



**What is nitrogen fixation and why is it important

When nitrogen in the air is converted into a nitrogenous compound. It's important because plants can't use direct nitrogen gas

What are pathogens and how do they harm cells

A bacteria or virus that can cause disease. They can use the cell for nutrients. They invade the cell and trick it into making copies of itself leading to the death of the cell

**What is the difference between a lytic and a lysogenic cycle

Lytic cycle: a bacteriophage attaches to the surface of a host cell and inserts its dna. The host cell then makes more viruses and they burst out of the cell causing it to explode.

Lysogenic cycle: same as lytic cycle but dna is embedded into nucleus and may stay dormant for a period of time before lytic cycle continues

Describe what a virus is made of

A core of dna or RNA surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid

How are bacteria important to the environment

Decomposers break down dead material and release its energy back into the food chain. Oil eating bacteria CNA help clean oil spills. Have a symbiotic relationship with plants

**How are bacteria useful to humans

Found in foods

convert nutrients in our gut to help with digestion

antibiotics come from bacteria

Environmental cleanup