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48 Cards in this Set

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acostumar-se a
to get used to
aprender a
to learn how to
atrever-se a
to dare to
começar a
to begin to
decidir-se a
to decide to
forçar a
to force to
levar a
to cause to
meter-se a
to set out to
obrigar a
to oblige to
ocupar-se a
to busy oneself with
pôr-se a
to start
resignar-se a
to resign oneself to
acusar de
to accuse of
arrepender-se de
to repent
deixar de
to stop
dissuadir de
to dissuade from
encarregar-se de
to undertake
esquecer-se de
to forget to
fartar-se de
to get tired of, to do something to excess
gostar de
to like
impedir de
to prevent from
lembrar-se de
to remember to
concordar em
to agree to
consistir em
to consist of
fazer bem em
to do well to
fazer mal em
to do wrong to
insistir em
to insist on
pensar em
to think of
vacilar em
to hesitate to
hesitar em
to hesitate to
acabar por
to end up
começar por
to begin by
esforçar-se por
to make an effort to
lutar por
to fight to
principiar por
to begin by
suspirar por
to long to
terminar por
to end by
contar com
to count on
sonhar com
to dream of
preparar-se para
to prepare to
servir para
to serve to
dirigir (conduzir P)
to drive
to complain
to illustrate, exemplify
to exemplify
um país estrangeiro
foreign country
to move nearer
viajar pelo mundo
to travel the world