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64 Cards in this Set

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Appropriate medthod for preparing a site for venipuncture or injection?
Use of an antiseptic.
Advantage of IV drug administration is?
Medication can be easily discontinued, greater control of mdication delivery, & drug levels can be maintained after an initial bolus.
Advantage of a nebulizer or metered dose inhaler?
Less medication is needed, easily discontinue, & supplemental oxygen administered simultaneously can assist a hypoxic patient
Blood from an artery is usually dark red. T or F
Arteries have valves to prevent backflow and to ensure the flow of blood toward the heart. T or F
Blood is administered with which IV solution?
Normal Saline
Skin should be cleansed prior to obtaining blood directly from the vein with an?
What is the correct sequence for the colored tubes used when drawing blood?
Red, blue, green, purple, & gray
You should obtain veous blood when starting an IV on all of patients except?
A patient in Cardiac Arrest
Simplest form of body substance isolation is?
Washing hands
The most appropriately sized cather for cardiac arrest situation is ___ gauge?
14 & 18
The larger the gauge number, the larger the diameter of the shaft? T or F
Which gauge catheter is most appropriate for a neonate?
24 & 28
The longer the catherter, the slower the flow rate? T or F
Which type of catheter is preferred for peripheral venous access?
Over-the-needle catheter
What is a risk posed by catheter shear?
Creation of an embolus
The type of catheter most commonly used in the prehospital setting is the?
The veins utilized in central venous access include?
Femoral veins, subclavian veins, & internal jugular veins
Changing IV bag during infusion is a?
Medically clean process
Colloids do not readily pass through capillary membranes. T or F
Colloids remain in the intravascular space for extended periods of time. T or F
When establishing a peripheral IV, what is the maximum amount of time a constricting band should be left on?
2 minutes
Crystalloid solutions move quickly across cell membranes. T or F
D5W is the preferred solution in a cardiac arrest situation. T or F
The destruction of red blood cells during blood draws is?
What type of patient will benefit from external jugular cannulation?
An unconscious stabbing victim
For cannulation of the external jugular vein, place the patient in the?
Supine and/ or Trendelenburg position
When administering medication through an endotracheal tube, the amount of medication mixed with normal saline should create a soulution equal to?
10 mL
Extravasation of an IV site is indicated by?
Edema at the IV site
A 14 gauge catheter provides much greater fluid flow than does a 22 gauge catheter. T or F
The most desirable fluid for replacement is?
Indications for intravenous access is?
Fluid and blood replacement, drug administration, & obtaining venous blood specimens
An intradermal injection should be given at a?
10-15 degree angle
The preferred site for an intradermal injection is the?
An intramuscular injection is given at a?
90 degree angle
Acceptable sites for intramuscular injection?
What should you do if you suspect that a clot is obstructing an IV?
Aspirate the blood clot in to a syringe
Indication of proper placement of an IV catheter?
Backflow of blood in IV tubing when the IV bag is lowered below the IV site, Aspirating blood from the catheter, & No swelling at the insertion site.
The preferred site for IV cannulation in cardiac arrest is the?
Antecubital fossa
Veins of the lower leg should be used as a last resort in adults. T or F
Cleansing of the skin for intravenous access requires use of?
Medically clean techniques
When choosing a site for routine intravenous access, it is best to start?
In the hand and work towards the antecubital fossa
One kilogram equals?
2.2 pounds
Lactated Ringer's is an ___ solution?
Lactated Ringers is a colloid solution. T or F
Medically clean techniques involve?
The careful handling of sterile equipment to prevent contamination
A medication's concentration refers to its?
Weight per volume
With a microdrip administration set, ___ drops equals 1 mL of IV solution?
Microdrip tubing has how many drops per milliter?
A milliliter equals?
1/1000 of a liter
Under the tongue, between the cheek and gums, the eyes, the nose, and the ear and ear canal are sites where medications can be absorbed into the body through the?
Mucous membranes
In order for a nebulizer to be effective, the patient must be able to?
Maintain adequate tidal volume
Parts of a nebulizer?
Mouthpiece, relief valve, & oxygen port
A needle's gauge describes its?
When filling a blood tube using a syringe, at least a ___ gauge needle should be used?
0.9% sodium chloride solution closely resembles blood plasma?
It is normal to feel a slight pop or give as the needle passes through the wall of the vein during IV cannulation. T or F
A pyrogenic reaction usually occurs within __ minutes of the initiation of IV therapy?
When using an intermittent infusion device, you should inject ___ mL of dilute heparin or saline solution into the lock to prevent occlusion?
TKO rate is equal to approximately ___ to ___ drops/min?
The outer layer of a vein is called the?
Tunica externa
Veins have valves to prevent backflow and to ensure the flow of blood toward the heart. T or F
Smaller veins such as those on the hands should be avoided for venous blood collection because they are more likely to?
collapse during retrieval
When replacing fluid loss from hypovolemia, 3 L of IV crystalloid should be infused for every?
1 L of blood lost