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20 Cards in this Set

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What is gene expression?

How the information encoded in your DNA ultimately affects the way you look and how you function.

Describe the term genome:

IT refers to the total genetic material within a cell, and individual or a species.

Is there DNA only in the chromosomes?

No there's also DNA in mitochondria.

What percentage of DNA is involved in coding of biological molecules?


What percentage of DNA codes for the production of the functioning protein molecules?


What are some of the hypothesized functionings of the non-coding regions?

-It could just be junk, serving no purpose but getting copied and passed along with useful DNA.

-It could be a remnant from our past evolution

- It could contain remnants of past infections

- It could provide a benefit to the useful NA by protecting it from mutations.

What are chromosomes?

They contain the hereditary (genetic) information in living cell. All living cells and viruses contain genetic information in chromosomes.

What is the diploid number of chromosomes in humans?


What is the haploid number of chromosomes in a human?


Where are the chromosomes located in the cell?

The nucleus, and in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes. In a virus it is found in the core.

What is a gene?

A gene is the basic unit of heredity. It is a section of a chromosome that controls the production of one biological molecule, usually a protein.

Define the term locus:

The position of a gene on a chromosomes.

How many genes are in the human genome:

30 000

Describe linked genes:

When two genes are linked closely together on a chromosome, they are more likely to be inherited together.

Describe the structure of a gene:

Genes contain coding and non-coding sequences of bases. The upstream region of a gene contains base sequences that regulate the activity of the gene. it contains promoter sequences and sites for the binding of the enzymes necessary for transcription.

What is a coding region comprised?

In eukaryotes, coding regions contain introns and exons.

What is an exon?

Parts of a gene that contain the base sequences that code for the amino acids needed to build a protein molecule.

What is an intron?

Non-coding segments of DNA spliced between the exons.

DNA molecules bear the genetic or herditary information contained in the ceels of organisms. It is the main component of-


What is nucleotide?

An individual unit in a nucleic acid molecule.